Best Schwarzenegger film

Commando might be one of my favorites as well...You're very funny Sully, that's why I will kill you last
They're all amazing, apart from the shit comedies that don't actually exist. Yes, I'm talking about Jingle All The Way and that Pregnancy one!
Doctor Dolittle 2, which even though it's the sequel I think is actually the stronger of the two films. It's a shame his role in it was uncredited.

Always liked that film, there's just something about it.

Story...It was compelling enough to overlook Arnie's shortcomings as an actor...that and it had a strong supporting cast

True Lies might be his best work as an actor
I taped Running Man last night coz I havent seen it in yonks, but I would have to pick Predator or one of the Terminators.
Being a huge Arnie fan boy means that I'll pretty much watch anything he's in.

Even shite like Raw deal and Red Sonja.
I don't think there is any such thing as an unwatchable Arnie film.


Comedy : Twins
Action : Terminator
Corny : Jingle All the Way
T2. I must've watched the film about 50 times.
Predator, True Lies, Eraser, The Last Action Hero.
Terminator 1 and 2.

Jingle All The Way is the best christmas movie ever. I dont understand why the networks insist on sending the Home Alone movies every christmas while that Arnie gem is ignored.

I think you'll find Die Hard is the best Christmas film ever.
I thought so myself but then I tried to watch Hercules in New York.

You win. Forgot that one. His accent was so strong back then that they dubbed his voice.