It was tongue in cheek to fcbforever's post, which was nothing short of ridiculous as Schweinsteiger was playing really well after he took a few games to settle in, and all you have to see are some the post-match reactions on this very thread. He has controlled games for us and has been amongst our best players so far this season. And there you have fcbforever making him out to be a past it Steven Gerrard on the basis of 25 mins against Arsenal

I've never referreed to the Arsenal game. Just about his general situation.
And it's just true that while he is still capable of very good performances, he can't do it on a regular basis anymore as the center of a top team. He is, as someone pointed out, Germanys captain, yes. And he's a leader we probably need on the pitch sometimes.
But as someone else just said, I've seen a tad more minuted of him than you lot have.
I'm not saying he's past it, but that it will be difficult to reliably form a team around him.
I don't think he can offer that anymore and his first few month in Manchester seem to confirm that.
He should be an adition to a top team, not the center of one.
I love him to bits and from the very beginning of this move I feared that it would do him no good.
I can understand he wanted to experience something different, but it was maybe too late.
You know, I love the fact that everywhere outside of Germany Schweinsteiger seems to have gotten the recognition and standing he should've had in Germany from at least 2010 on. A lot of people still doubted him over here, till our Champions League win or even the World Cup win, because of his immaturity and his winger career prior to 2009.
I fear this move will shatter his legacy and reputation internationally, because that's the first time a lot of people really see him on a regular basis, expect him to do something great which he might not be able to deliever anymore. And it would really be a shame if the world at the end of his career would think: "yeah, good player, but couldn't make it at Manchester and in the Prem."
Because he could've done it, but a few years prior to his move.