Baseball Playoffs

26 may 1999 said:
I've just got back from my dads house and he's wearing a yankees t shirt...

You'll be pleased to hear.

Can you not get your hand in your pocket and get him a United top ya tight tw@t! After all he's done for you too :rolleyes:


Did your dad have any thought about who he'd prefer the yankees to play in the divisional final? RedSox as there is less distance to travel, or the A's as the rivalry with them is not as intense? Or could he not give two shites either way?

redinsyd said:
Can you not get your hand in your pocket and get him a United top ya tight tw@t! After all he's done for you too :rolleyes:


Did your dad have any thought about who he'd prefer the yankees to play in the divisional final? RedSox as there is less distance to travel, or the A's as the rivalry with them is not as intense? Or could he not give two shites either way?


Hey red,seems kinda right that you being a manc an' all should support the Yankees and me being a kinda high brow sorta guy dyed in the wool Gooner should warm to the Redsox.....says it all really !!
Gillespie said:
Hey red,seems kinda right that you being a manc an' all should support the Yankees and me being a kinda high brow sorta guy dyed in the wool Gooner should warm to the Redsox.....says it all really !!

Well, you Arsenal fans would be equal to A's fans...both clubs have enjoyed quite a bit of success the last 15 odd years and has won at least one title...and the club is always competitive and in the race...despite limited funds and a shit stadium...

Liverpool fans should be associated with Boston...always talkin' about next year...
MrMarcello said:
Well, you Arsenal fans would be equal to A's fans...both clubs have enjoyed quite a bit of success the last 15 odd years and has won at least one title...and the club is always competitive and in the race...despite limited funds and a shit stadium...

Liverpool fans should be associated with Boston...always talkin' about next year...

You'd agree that a fine old stadium like Fenway shares something with a fine old stadium like Highbury ??
Gillespie said:
You'd agree that a fine old stadium like Fenway shares something with a fine old stadium like Highbury ??

Sure they share something - they both have second rate teams playing there.

The Boston Red Sox (aka BloSoxs or Red Sucks) have been to a grand total of 4 Series since 1918, winning none and losing in 1946, 1967, 1975, and 1986. If that's the sort of history you wish to emulate, please consider switching allegience to Tottenham. We deserve better. Only compare Highbury to Fenway if the indoor plumbing has failed in North London and the place smells like a sewer.
If you can't be a Yank fan (due to their tie-in with the evil empire), the least you can do is support either the St. Louis Cardinals (the second most successful franchise in major league baseball) or the Philadelphia/Kansas City/Oakland Athletics, the second best team (historically) in the American League.
FresnoBob said:

The Boston Red Sox (aka BloSoxs or Red Sucks) have been to a grand total of 4 Series since 1918, winning none and losing in 1946, 1967, 1975, and 1986. If that's the sort of history you wish to emulate, please consider switching allegience to Tottenham. We deserve better. Only compare Highbury to Fenway if the indoor plumbing has failed in North London and the place smells like a sewer.
If you can't be a Yank fan (due to their tie-in with the evil empire), the least you can do is support either the St. Louis Cardinals (the second most successful franchise in major league baseball) or the Philadelphia/Kansas City/Oakland Athletics, the second best team (historically) in the American League.

Hey Bob,

I got into baseball having visited Fenway for the first time back in the late 80's.My mother-in-law lives in Cape Cod and each summer we visit. I always try to see them at Fenway (I also see go see the Cotuit Kettleers on Cape Cod in the summer minor league,apparently a good standard for aspiring young players).I'm not too hung up about past glories as far as that's concerned (ffs I'm not a Manc glory hunter !!)
it's just the team i get to see and saw first so i stick with them.They may never win a World series,but Fenway is a special place and is revered by most baseball fans as a great ball park.

I grew up and went to school in Highbury.It was my local team and when I first went Joe Baker (sadly deceased today,RIP) was centre forward and a great hero.

If Arsenal hadn't had the success they have enjoyed whilst I've been watching them,it've made no difference to me.I stick with them,like most real fans, and I do the same for the Redsox.

Just ask yourself why Man Utd sought a commercial deal with the Yankees in the first place....glory hunting directors to match their fans !!
Red Sox finally win!!!!! What a series...the pennant race with the Yankees will hopefully be one to remember. Man, who'd have thought Derek Lowe would have been brought back as closer instead of Byung-Hung Kim (or however it's spelled). Anybody have predictions for Marlins/Cubs and Red Sox/Yankees? I say Cubs in 7 and Yankees in 6.
Imagine a Sox/Cubs final!

One team would still not have won it for umpteen years and more.
redinsyd said:
Can you not get your hand in your pocket and get him a United top ya tight tw@t! After all he's done for you too :rolleyes:


Did your dad have any thought about who he'd prefer the yankees to play in the divisional final? RedSox as there is less distance to travel, or the A's as the rivalry with them is not as intense? Or could he not give two shites either way?


My father is a hod carrier...

He wears it for work.

He believes (rightly) that baseball is a girls game and that anyone who watches it is a poofter.
Gillespie said:
You'd agree that a fine old stadium like Fenway shares something with a fine old stadium like Highbury ??



Yup, they are both shite
The Yankees v's Sux final is going to be a good series, I'd say the Yankees to win it in 6. Boston will be tired after going to Oakland and back in the past few days and their pitchers will be working on short rest which will work in favor of the Yankees


Any news on that RedSox player who got knocked out last night?

And what was that Oakland fan who got kicked out of the stadium shouting at the RedSox players?
Gillespie said:
Hey red,seems kinda right that you being a manc an' all should support the Yankees and me being a kinda high brow sorta guy dyed in the wool Gooner should warm to the Redsox.....says it all really !!

I think that me being born and brought up in Salford and supporting United, then living in New York and supporting the Yankees says more


Do you support Kent in cricket? The only team to have a tree in their outfield - maybe you should suggest that for Cashburden Grove

redinsyd said:
I think that me being born and brought up in Salford and supporting United, then living in New York and supporting the Yankees says more


Do you support Kent in cricket? The only team to have a tree in their outfield - maybe you should suggest that for Cashburden Grove


I do support Kent (although born and bred in Middlesex,I've lived down here for almost 20 years).Pretty knowledgeable of you to know about the tree at for our new stadium,it still appears to be in the balance.
DA Bears... said:
Man, who'd have thought Derek Lowe would have been brought back as closer instead of Byung-Hung Kim (or however it's spelled). Anybody have predictions for Marlins/Cubs and Red Sox/Yankees? I say Cubs in 7 and Yankees in 6.

Kim got booed in Fenway Saturday during intorductions and gave the Boston fans the finger. I think that he was "unavailable" last night.

I like the Cubs in 6; Yankees also in 6.
Gillespie said:
I do support Kent (although born and bred in Middlesex,I've lived down here for almost 20 years).Pretty knowledgeable of you to know about the tree at for our new stadium,it still appears to be in the balance.

Well I am pretty smart :angel: ;)

I think that any plans for a tree in the pitch at Cashburden Grove would be mooted as it would be more mobile than your defense, and monkey man would spend all his time between the branches :p

You want to give up on Kent and start supporting a proper team like Lancs ;)
redinsyd said:
Well I am pretty smart :angel: ;)

I think that any plans for a tree in the pitch at Cashburden Grove would be mooted as it would be more mobile than your defense, and monkey man would spend all his time between the branches :p

You want to give up on Kent and start supporting a proper team like Lancs ;)

We are what we stick to Lancs and I'll stick to Kent.At least the Duke of Kent is a bloke not like that queen who is the Duke of Lancaster ;)
26 may 1999 said:
It's a good job i'm here Redinsyd...



Get a grip man.

I have to write reports at work and I spell half in English, and half in yank-lish. It's gets to the stage where I'm not sure which is which - thank fcuk for spellcheckers

redinsyd said:
I have to write reports at work and I spell half in English, and half in yank-lish. It's gets to the stage where I'm not sure which is which - thank fcuk for spellcheckers


It's easy to tell the difference...

If it looks completely wrong it's wrong.
Yanks in 6.
Marlins in 7.

Yanks will have homefield for every game becuase of all the new yorkers like myself who flock to south florida.

I went to game 3 Marlins v Giants. what a game what drama doesnt get any better except for 95 game 2 yanks and mariners 15 innings and 96 game 1 yanks and orioles. i been lucky to see some great playoff games
MrMarcello said:
Well, you Arsenal fans would be equal to A's fans...both clubs have enjoyed quite a bit of success the last 15 odd years and has won at least one title...and the club is always competitive and in the race...despite limited funds and a shit stadium...

Liverpool fans should be associated with Boston...always talkin' about next year...
Very simple really.Liverpool and the New York Yankees have more in common the United and the yankees.
Both play in cities that had huge seaports.
njred said:
Very simple really.Liverpool and the New York Yankees have more in common the United and the yankees.
Both play in cities that had huge seaports.

But the Yankees have won the title on your lifetime which is more than you can say for the dippers :smirk:

The only thing that New York and Liverpool have in common is that you live in neither
mariano rivera is in top form..all yankees gotta do is 2 keep a lead until the 7th inning and it's game over :D

does the red sox even have a closer??! :lol:
I'm changing my prediction to Yankees in 4. :D

Good job by the forgotten team, the Florida Marlins, last night. If they can beat either Prior or Wood in the next two games, they have a shot.
Go Marlins.

1997 again. This without the Cheque book behind them.
kennyj said:
I'm changing my prediction to Yankees in 4.

That's a bold prediction to make, and it would really make the Sux fans sick if it came true. I can see the Yankees winning the first 2 games and then then winning the first one at Fenway, and then the Yankees winning the rest


I'd like to see the Cubs get to the final as Wrigley Field is a great ball park
Are people in the Uk able to watch the games? Do the games get any coverage across the pond?
kennyj said:
I'm changing my prediction to Yankees in 4. :D

Good job by the forgotten team, the Florida Marlins, last night. If they can beat either Prior or Wood in the next two games, they have a shot.

That's a shame. While I do admire an old club like the Yankees, I must admire more greatly an even older club such as the one that shares a name with my favorite club, the White Sox. I really hope Boston can win this one as well as the Cubs. I hope the White Sox can pick up Nick Johnson next year as that guy is young and is a great hitter and fielder. I also hope that we don't lose Bartolo Colon or Magglio Ordonez.
I expect BOSOX fans to show in the masses after tonight's win...just like Pool and Arse fans show up after their club's wins or a United loss. Good game...SOX looked good tonight...Wakefield had a one off game...Mussina was on location, but left his pitches too hittable...this should be a classic series...
I would love to see a Marlin's - Boston Final. Happened to be awake for the Red Sox game last night, great result. Yankee's sucked.
Watch tonight and you'll see Pettitte give nothing away, he's throwing better than I've seen him throw in a long time and I can see the Yankees getting revenge for last night

kennyj said:
I'm changing my prediction to Yankees in 4. :D

It was a foolish prediction. I forgot the part about how the Yankees let the Sox smell victory before defeating them.
bazalini said:
I would love to see a Marlin's - Boston Final. Happened to be awake for the Red Sox game last night, great result. Yankee's sucked.

Yankees didn't hit at all, but knuckleball pitchers are very unpredictable. Wakefield had good stuff last night. Hope you are studying your football while you're up watching the games. ;)
redinsyd said:
Watch tonight and you'll see Pettitte give nothing away, he's throwing better than I've seen him throw in a long time and I can see the Yankees getting revenge for last night


He's pitched well this year and was great against the Twins. But the Sox have a much more dangerous lineup than the Twins. I hope you are right.
redinsyd said:
Watch tonight and you'll see Pettitte give nothing away, he's throwing better than I've seen him throw in a long time and I can see the Yankees getting revenge for last night


They need to....or else 0-2 down on the road to Fenway is not going to be a stroll....amazing how confident you were last night.....I stayed up and watched some of the game.....hey that Wakefield throws a damn good knuckleball...dontya think !! :D

Let's hope Pettitte chokes !!