Banks closing accounts!

So they can apologise when it comes to Farage.


At least they didn't photoshop his hat though.

To be fair, I never really got the outrage over that, because just a few seconds prior they had used the same backdrop with Tory defence minister Gavin Williamson


Couldn't give a shite about either Farage or Corbyn, but glad the Beeb set the record straight today.
To be fair, I never really got the outrage over that, because just a few seconds prior they had used the same backdrop with Tory defence minister Gavin Williamson


Couldn't give a shite about either Farage or Corbyn, but glad the Beeb set the record straight today.

He didn't get an image of Putin next to him with titles saying "Does Labour have a Russia problem?" in soviet style font though did he.
Funny how active this thread was until he was proven to be entirely correct on all counts wasn't it, a story laughed off and belittled on these pages has now claimed the head of the CEO, who passed on inaccurate (i.e. lied) confidential information. The reason she lied is because the truth was completely morally unacceptable.
The BBC apologised for its inaccurate report earlier this month which said Mr Farage's account was being closed because he no longer met the wealth threshold for Coutts, citing a source familiar with the matter.

"In doing so, I recognise that I left Mr Jack with the impression that the decision to close Mr Farage's accounts was solely a commercial one," she said.

You know its equal parts hilarious and terrifying how most people treat politics as they would supporting a football team, with opposing sides being like sporting rivals… because people hate someone like Farage they’ll defend anything that happens to him, lawful or not, unjust or not. How are any of you hardcore politicos any different from pledge of allegiance bible thumping red belt Yank types? You’re the same breed, this isn't China ALL of us should be concerned how these banks behaved attempting to be the arbiter of thought and speech.
feck Farage, get him under the jail, if for no other reason than to make his sniveling little fans cry more - make it a complete injustice too just for good measure. Funny how his creepy fans show up with a handful of ignorance the moment their master calls. I hope he has trouble with every single transaction - whether financial, business, social - right up until he's ready to be shovelled into the earth with all the other worms.
Funny how active this thread was until he was proven to be entirely correct on all counts wasn't it, a story laughed off and belittled on these pages has now claimed the head of the CEO, who passed on inaccurate (i.e. lied) confidential information. The reason she lied is because the truth was completely morally unacceptable.

You know its equal parts hilarious and terrifying how most people treat politics as they would supporting a football team, with opposing sides being like sporting rivals… because people hate someone like Farage they’ll defend anything that happens to him, lawful or not, unjust or not. How are any of you hardcore politicos any different from pledge of allegiance bible thumping red belt Yank types? You’re the same breed, this isn't China ALL of us should be concerned how these banks behaved attempting to be the arbiter of thought and speech.
He was part right, someone pointed out the timeline in the leak doesn't fully support Farage's view on the economic part but he is correct that his political views were a factor.
NatWest fallout looks major, Alison Rose gone, Davies speculated to have his stepping down brought forward, share price down.
Funny how active this thread was until he was proven to be entirely correct on all counts wasn't it, a story laughed off and belittled on these pages has now claimed the head of the CEO, who passed on inaccurate (i.e. lied) confidential information. The reason she lied is because the truth was completely morally unacceptable.

You know its equal parts hilarious and terrifying how most people treat politics as they would supporting a football team, with opposing sides being like sporting rivals… because people hate someone like Farage they’ll defend anything that happens to him, lawful or not, unjust or not. How are any of you hardcore politicos any different from pledge of allegiance bible thumping red belt Yank types? You’re the same breed, this isn't China ALL of us should be concerned how these banks behaved attempting to be the arbiter of thought and speech.
I’m so concerned that I’ve just opened a NatWest account.
The instigating factor was he no longer met the financial requirements - the extenuating factor was that he's a well known arsehole. Thing is I don't like the idea that a bank can suddenly close your account the exact moment you fail to meet some metric. The client should be informed and then there should be some amount of time given in order for them to remedy the situation first. This should go for dickheads like Farage just as much as anyone else.

Also, banks owe it to their clients to be fully candid about their motives when making decisions regarding their finances. They also have a duty of care such that the divulging of private financial information to news organisations ought to be forbidden.

NatWest failed at every hurdle and have now turned the odious Farage into a genuine victim while providing a lovely springboard back into the headlines. I now have to see this gloating shitface surf on wave of righteous indignation for at least a week.

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Farage will desperately try to stay in the news as his Brexit moronics and 'mystery' backers unravel over the coming years. These charlatans have all got to play the victim to gain sympathy from the brain-dead. Deep sh!t's around the corner for them.
The reason behind closing his account is almost certainly the mundane, he diodn;t have enough money in it to meet coutts criteria, 3 million in loans or 1 million in cash.

But the idiot CEO who then spoke to the BBC and gave them confidential account information only has herself to blame.

If any cashier at any bank in the country was leaking account details, they's be out of a job the same day and likely being interviewed by the police.

She is lucky she was allowed to resign, and of course the muppet played right into farges hands.
Absolutely ridiculous.

I mean I’m not going to lose any sleep over a bank CEO but the way this absolute non entity of a story has been spun by the usual suspects is truly taking the piss out of the public.

People are getting worked up over Farage rightly losing access to an account he no longer met the requirements for, whilst at the same time people are struggling to make ends meet and utility companies are posting 1000% profit increases.

It’s time to reboot the system.
Farage must have received the list from his employer, Vlad, detailing all the payments made to government officials.

How such a non-entity as Farage can have such an influence is only possible if all the dark secrets are bubbling to the surface.
Farage must have received the list from his employer, Vlad, detailing all the payments made to government officials.

How such a non-entity as Farage can have such an influence is only possible if all the dark secrets are bubbling to the surface.
Quite simple really - CEO is there to fall on the sword when this kind of thing happens. The idiocy lies with Allison Rose who gave the BBC the story.
Quite simple really - CEO is there to fall on the sword when this kind of thing happens. The idiocy lies with Allison Rose who gave the BBC the story.

It was stupid it from Coutts/Natwest to break client confidentiality. But the coverage it has got is ridiculous.
Farage is playing the government and the public yet again.

Little unimportant man with no power turns his private banking affairs into a national story. The truth will out. Eventually.
It was stupid it from Coutts/Natwest to break client confidentiality. But the coverage it has got is ridiculous.
Farage is playing the government and the public yet again.

Little unimportant man with no power turns his private banking affairs into a national story. The truth will out. Eventually.
With next to zero coverage.
It was stupid it from Coutts/Natwest to break client confidentiality. But the coverage it has got is ridiculous.
Farage is playing the government and the public yet again.

Little unimportant man with no power turns his private banking affairs into a national story. The truth will out. Eventually.
I mean it might even be illegal not just stupid. Papers write about anything these days, Farage is a divisive figure and we're in a cost of living crisis so people will gladly read about a private bank having the screw turned a bit. I dislike Farage but am objective enough to see he has a point, as much as he is making a song and dance about it t thrust himself back into the eye of the public.
I mean it might even be illegal not just stupid. Papers write about anything these days, Farage is a divisive figure and we're in a cost of living crisis so people will gladly read about a private bank having the screw turned a bit. I dislike Farage but am objective enough to see he has a point, as much as he is making a song and dance about it t thrust himself back into the eye of the public.

Maybe it is illegal. Being in a cost of living crisis and yet Farage manages to gain sympathy from those with no money because he went below the £3 million /£1 million threshhold to keep that account open in an elite bank for elite customers. You couldn't make it up. Then tries to make out he has no bank facilities at all.The (EU:smirk:) law says a person is entitled to a basic bank account, nothing more.
He needs to be in the limelight but why is the media giving him the limelight. This is the question.
Pretty sure it's the bank that has kept him in the limelight through a series of ill thought out actions after the initial closure of his account, which was entirely fair.

Had they then just made no comment on an individuals account, that would have been the end of the story.

It's even more baffling that a bank of such prestige felt the need to do so, when someone like Farage is unlikely to have caused much, if any reputational damage to them or influence the level of customer they seek.

Obviously a man like Farage will always illicit strong feelings from people but in this, you would have to say the bank has had an absolute nightmare.

This entire story should have been Farage whining for a day and the bank staying silent on the matter.
So what is it, did he lose his bank account because he didn’t have enough money or because of his political opinions?

If it’s the latter, then the difference between Britain and Putin’s Russia is not as big as we think.
So what is it, did he lose his bank account because he didn’t have enough money or because of his political opinions?

If it’s the latter, then the difference between Britain and Putin’s Russia is not as big as we think.

So what is it, did he lose his bank account because he didn’t have enough money or because of his political opinions?

If it’s the latter, then the difference between Britain and Putin’s Russia is not as big as we think.

He wasn't barred from any bank, just that one. It's a private business and, bad business though it seems like it might have been, they are allowed to choose who they do business with except where the law specifies otherwise. I think the law will be changed now but this is a great distraction from the eternal appalling governance of the day in Britain and something I really have no interest in. A story by the rich for the fascists' useful idiots I'm afraid.
So what is it, did he lose his bank account because he didn’t have enough money or because of his political opinions?

If it’s the latter, then the difference between Britain and Putin’s Russia is not as big as we think.

Seems like both. They wanted to get rid because they considered him bad PR, but felt unable to do so until he fell below their minimum financial requirements. I guess if he'd remained above the requirements he'd still have an account. Equally I guess that they might have given him more of a grace period had he gone below their limits but happened to be of a different public character.

As far as I know they did offer him a regular NatWest account though, so it's not like they denied him banking. They just removed his privilege of accessing one of their more illustrious accounts.
I see we have a new user "just asking questions" that have been very accurately answered before in the more than 150 posts in this thread. Asking questions is great, but reading a few messages before posting in a thread is sometimes brilliant too.

As for @Newtonius, suffice it to say he literally wrote this aboul Nigel fecking Farage: "he was proven to be entirely correct on all counts" :lol:
Looks like Gina Miller lost her party account too for political reasons. She was pretty anti-Brexit and the opposite to Farage.

So what is it, did he lose his bank account because he didn’t have enough money or because of his political opinions?

If it’s the latter, then the difference between Britain and Putin’s Russia is not as big as we think.
:lol: :lol:
Seems like both. They wanted to get rid because they considered him bad PR, but felt unable to do so until he fell below their minimum financial requirements. I guess if he'd remained above the requirements he'd still have an account. Equally I guess that they might have given him more of a grace period had he gone below their limits but happened to be of a different public character.

As far as I know they did offer him a regular NatWest account though, so it's not like they denied him banking. They just removed his privilege of accessing one of their more illustrious accounts.
OK that makes sense.

Hyperbole, sure, but closing bank accounts because of political opinions is very Russia-like.

Just because it happened to someone you dislike doesn’t suddenly make it “different”.