Bad boy, Xbox, very bad, very bad boy


New Member
Aug 13, 2007
After 3 years of problem free gaming my XBOX 360 has developed the RROD. I'm pissed off. Its out of warrantee and im going to have to buy a new console.

feck MS, feck XBOX, feck!
Yeah but it will probably just go again. What i was wondering has MS addressed the failure issues with the new 60 gb models and Elites?
Supposedely the new models are less prone to failures, so if you've got the cash then just splash out for one of those new 129.99 arcade ones and just use your existing hard drive. You can also sell your broken console on ebay, sounds weird but trust me alot of people want them for various reasons. So just find yourself a 360 arcade Gears of War II bundle or something, or go second hand and buy an older 360 core with no harddrive (its cheaper but I wouldnt recommend it since failure is inevitable for them)

fecking MS, I sold my old 360 and bought an ELITE because I though it'd be more reliable, though this thing has survived for a shorter time than my old premium :wenger:
Supposedely the new models are less prone to failures, so if you've got the cash then just splash out for one of those new 129.99 arcade ones and just use your existing hard drive. You can also sell your broken console on ebay, sounds weird but trust me alot of people want them for various reasons. So just find yourself a 360 arcade Gears of War II bundle or something, or go second hand and buy an older 360 core with no harddrive (its cheaper but I wouldnt recommend it since failure is inevitable for them)

fecking MS, I sold my old 360 and bought an ELITE because I though it'd be more reliable, though this thing has survived for a shorter time than my old premium :wenger:

Sounds sensible. Cheers Kaos.
Or buy a PS3?

Debating that, but i have loads of Xbox games and parilphinaler. Also prefer the Xbox achievement system and find multi-platform games play better on the 360. Also prefer the gamepad, with the joystick up the top, as opposed to the D-pad. So i think i will be sticking with MS.
I think its only a 3-year warranty from when your console's purchased, could be wrong though.

I think that used to be the case but then due to the massive failure-rate they were forced to offer free repair on this issue.

However any other type of failure, i.e the DVD drive, will only be repaired free under warranty.

I could also be wrong though....:D
Or buy a PS3?

Erm, he'd have to pay £300 more when essentially he's got all the good multiplatform games on his 360. And IMO paying £300 only to play current PS3 exclusives isnt worth it IMO - so far ive only really enjoyed MGS4 and contemplating selling my PS3 if Killzone 2 doesnt deliver, I kinda need the money for a new GFX card and perhaps a new OS.

And before the PS3 lot start jumping on me, the same can be said in a vice versa situation - I dont see why PS3 owners who need to buy a 360 anyway, the fact that they own a PS3 suggest they prefer the console's exclusives and already have access to the best 80% of games (which are multiplatform, so no ones missing out really)
After 3 years of problem free gaming my XBOX 360 has developed the RROD. I'm pissed off. Its out of warrantee and im going to have to buy a new console.

feck MS, feck XBOX, feck!

Debating that, but i have loads of Xbox games and parilphinaler. Also prefer the Xbox achievement system and find multi-platform games play better on the 360. Also prefer the gamepad, with the joystick up the top, as opposed to the D-pad. So i think i will be sticking with MS.

I think that used to be the case but then due to the massive failure-rate they were forced to offer free repair on this issue.

However any other type of failure, i.e the DVD drive, will only be repaired free under warranty.

Ahh, some relief then, was worrying that I would be screwed past the 3 years period.
Apparently GameStation throw in Fable II for free with an arcade version, good deal considering its a great game.
It's a bit off topic, but my missus picked up the Christmas catalogue (124 pages) from Toys R Us yesterday, and as I flicked through looking at things that the little ones might like, I get to page 117 where the console stuff starts. In those last 8 pages, there is DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, and PS3. Nothing on XB360, not a jot. Are TRU not selling anything XB360 or something anymore? :confused:
Erm, he'd have to pay £300 more when essentially he's got all the good multiplatform games on his 360. And IMO paying £300 only to play current PS3 exclusives isnt worth it IMO

£300 more?

80gb Ps3 - £290 -

60gb Xbox - £160 -

Not that huge a difference. Already having the games on Xbox is a fair point but no need to exaggerate cost of Ps3
Pretty much. To be fair, we were under the influence and as soon as we opened it up figured it looked a bit complicated so left it be.
To be fair, since my xbox is out of warranty and already had a RROD repair, i'd kinda like to get mines modded..
Worth a try, but surely the one thing they will check is the seal.

Well, if they do, all they are going to do is phone you up and ask for some money. In that case tell them to feck off and have them send it back to you. Technically it's out of warranty in any case, so it doesn't matter if the seal is broken or not as long as it's clear that its innards have not been fiddled with.
My first box was modded and RROD'd and I chanced sending it in anyway, sure enough they replaced it just fine. Whether I was insanely lucky or they just don't check every box I don't know. If you're buying a new one anyway why not chance your luck?
They probably have so many of the things to deal with that your XBox gets thown on one pile to get fixed and they simply ship you out a different refurbed one. I don't know, did you get your exact machine back?
£300 more?

80gb Ps3 - £290 -

60gb Xbox - £160 -

Not that huge a difference. Already having the games on Xbox is a fair point but no need to exaggerate cost of Ps3

Sorry phrased it wrong, what I meant to say is that the PS3 costs around £300, hence quite abit more expensive than the 360. Apologies over the confusion.
I think that used to be the case but then due to the massive failure-rate they were forced to offer free repair on this issue.

However any other type of failure, i.e the DVD drive, will only be repaired free under warranty.

I could also be wrong though....:D

this is true, due to the RROD being a problem with most of the 360 consoles it will be repaired for free even if the warrenty has expired