The way you said, it, you shouldnt really have expected people to say "Oh, you've played TT to a good level, you must be right.". Thats not how it works anywhere. As i said, playing a sport to a good level makes you no better to comment on a sport or its mental challenges than anyone out here. Had that been the case, we wouldnt see so many poor pundits out there. They've all played the sport to a much higher level than anyone here.
I do agree that murray tapered off towards the end. It had as much to do with him not being used to being in such situations than anything imo. His errors were typical of someone feeling the pressure of being in such a crunch situation. The whole physicality of the sport and what it takes out of you after 5 gruelling sets and 5hrs mentally is a huge factor too. It'd be the same for djokovic too but he's been there before, murray hasnt.