I see, so aggression is the key. In life and in football the space is my enemy. Wait isn't Brwned the enemy of football...? Is Brwned the space?
I need another free upload site. Tinypic blocked by Attack the block image, and imageshack won't let me upload it as it's too large!
Try imgur.com.I need another free upload site. Tinypic blocked by Attack the block image, and imageshack won't let me upload it as it's too large!
Let's be honest we need a poll here, who won...it's obviously Boss. Boss deserves a poll to show he won this.
Brwned got Bossed.
I need another free upload site. Tinypic blocked by Attack the block image, and imageshack won't let me upload it as it's too large!
Space comes in many forms. Sometimes it stares you in the face but you may be completely unaware of it's existence. It's important to keep your eyes open and watch out for it. And when you do see it, you have to pounce on it and beat it senseless. It may not actually respond to your attack because well, it's just space. But remember, one swallow does not make a summer. Everytime you attack one space, another is just around the corner.
Wait, he's left?
feck you, pricks. Only thing he won was drama queen of the year. Someone needed to replace Brad. And for anyone sticking up for Boss...he was the one who went mental and (tried to) get personal, all I did was tease him to keep it coming.
Is this war against The Space really winnable? No matter, attack it I shall.
feck you, pricks. Only thing he won was drama queen of the year. Someone needed to replace Brad. And for anyone sticking up for Boss...he was the one who went mental and (tried to) get personal, all I did was tease him to keep it coming. He does seem a nice bloke, just wasn't very fond of me. Nothing else I could've done.
Its about parking the car - utilising the space & get into it. Attackin the shitr out of it. Take this for example:
This is classic parking, its pure text book for the natural & the way the space has been entered is total all out attacking of the space..
Attacking the space at pace is almost mythical space attackness, only accustomed to those with forces of the darkspace. Here's rare footage of these forces at work.. sadly the film-maker died filmin this.. he came face to face with the darklord Spattack & was never seen again.
I'm having trouble with the concept, bear with me guys. Should I be invading the space?
I'm having trouble with the concept, bear with me guys. Should I be invading the space?
imgur is much better!