Boss has now left us. He's...
I can't think of one reason Top would bring this back other than he's a complete wanker to be honest.
I think we all agree that Top's a wanker. But I still don't understand what he hoped to accomplish by editing the OP to some old blog post about Torres.
I mean, the thread's still called Attacking the Space, it's still full of funny posts talking about attacking the space, and his OP is quoted several times throughout it...What could he have possibly thought would happen with this Torres thing? Everyone would be baffled by it and start posting about Torres after 13 pages?
Bit lost on that one really. It's only a silly internet thread mate. My tagline for the first 6 months I was in the mains was "Cockney Liverpool fan who licks the cheese from Jan Molby's sweaty scrote"...A little worse that than "Dizzy Cow"...You just have to roll with it. Once you react OTT, it'll stick with you.
I think you're misunderstanding me Dwayne. I was referring to why Boss has edited his "attacking the space" OP to now be about Fernando Torres. Not why Top has made himself the thread starter, which I completely understand.
You're all wankers to me though.
I think we all agree that Top's a wanker. But I still don't understand what he hoped to accomplish by editing the OP to some old blog post about Torres.
I mean, the thread's still called Attacking the Space, it's still full of funny posts talking about attacking the space, and his OP is quoted several times throughout it...What could he have possibly thought would happen with this Torres thing? Everyone would be baffled by it and start posting about Torres after 13 pages?
Bit lost on that one really. It's only a silly internet thread mate. My tagline for the first 6 months I was in the mains was "Cockney Liverpool fan who licks the cheese from Jan Molby's sweaty scrote"...A little worse that than "Dizzy Cow"...You just have to roll with it. Once you react OTT, it'll stick with you.
He completely turned the thread around on him when it wasn't, I honestly don't understand why he reacted the way he did. Well done, Boss.
We all have our difficult moments. Perhaps Boss' life in the real world was trying and his chose place of refuge, the caf, turning on him was a final straw of sorts.
You should all have a quiet word with yourselves.
Imagine if he had just enjoyed how utterly hilarious this thread became shortly after it was started. Then we'd just basically have a really funny thread without any individual being targeted. Instead he kept frothing at the mouth at what was just harmless fun.
The best thing that can happen for his sake is that he learns a few lessons from this thread and stops taking himself so seriously. We all learn lessons sometimes in ways that we didn't think were right. But it happens all the time.
What also annoyed people was the professorial nature of the OP. 'Look at me, I'm making an incredibly unique point that will revolutionarize how you think of football'. That, in general, will irritate people unless the point actually IS revolutionary.
We all have our difficult moments. Perhaps Boss' life in the real world was trying and his chosen place of refuge, the caf, turning on him was a final straw of sorts.
You should all have a quiet word with yourselves.
Yes...learn lessons, stop taking so seriously. Thanks for biting.
Yes...learn lessons, stop taking so seriously. Thanks for biting.
Lynch Dwayne!
That's incredibly gay, Amol.
I don't think I've ever learnt any lessons on the internet.
Oh, except one.
How to attack the fecking space!
Look at this thread, its mesmeric isn’t it?
Space attackers
And this clown,
had it in for me ever since I called you out on your ronaldo fetish.
I've addressed the top class technique in the op, then again you act retarded on purpose as usual. I know 24/7 shite musicians (not all) aren't always the brightest but I'm not buying this.
Shut up, there's nothing real about you. You're an e-prostitute.
Poor Jay...lots of time and space to attack.