The problem is you literally become invincible the more you progress. 80 hours now, power level 321 and I'm not dying anymore. At the start I felt it was a little bit tough, was dying a lot but now it's just stupid easy. I don't think they balanced how the enemies progress in comparison to your progression at all.
The way the skill tree is designed it's impossible to just excel in one play style over the other. All the trees have skills upgrading stealth, ranged and melee damage regardless of where you're putting skill points, so it's pretty easy to become stupidly overpowered, and this in return makes the game less and less fun to play as you go on. There's no threat or danger anymore. It's just you basically repeating the same activities over and over and over again for about 100 hours.
Stealth while done decently well, stops being of any value and ends up just a waste of time. Why waste a lot of time trying to snipe the enemies from far away or assassinate them, while you can go on all out attacking and slaughter all of them in few minutes and save time ? There's nothing that will make you favor going stealthy over offensive attacking. You're overpowered anyway, just save your time and rush in killing everyone.
Also, it was pretty fun searching for wealth at the start but now it has become a drag searching for a way to get past a barred door. There's a limit for that I believe. They have really overdone the "shooting at barred door from the back to open it" puzzle.
Overall I think the game suffers from lack of balancing the progression of the enemies to compete with your own progression and extending a gameplay loop for more than what it should be. The current gameplay loop of Valhalla should have been 60 hours max I believe.