Arse FamTV

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Why are all these other losers hanging around in every video, hoping to be on camera? It's not like they get to say anything.


Robbie on the verge of tears here.

Lee Judges is one of the best guys on there. Seems a normal, decent bloke.

@Chipper I think that's what he's saying yeah :lol:
GoonersWorld said:
Wenger is the Paul McCartney of football.

Everyone remembers and loves Hey Jude but have you heard him sing it lately? Gruesome.

And nobody wants to talk about Wings or the Frog Chorus. But that shit happened.

Wenger = Frog Chorus Macca
To which Ty would say - What about Wings though? They're only the band The Beatles could have been.

I've lost interest in Arsefam-tv, it is very repetetive, probably because they always play shite, but it is boring nonetheless.
We shouldn't really be laughing at Arsenal. What's happening there could happen anywhere. It's the fans that get shafted ultimately
We shouldn't really be laughing at Arsenal. What's happening there could happen anywhere. It's the fans that get shafted ultimately

Yep. We shouldnt laugh when other teams lose either.
Or at anything. ever...

We shouldn't really be laughing at Arsenal. What's happening there could happen anywhere. It's the fans that get shafted ultimately

I do agree but I think what kind of annoys me about the whole AFTV thing is, what do they realistically expect? They all talk about how they have this great stadium and over a hundred million just waiting to be spent, but even without Wenger I think they'd find it very difficult to compete for the title. It's all well and good bringing up their financial status and stadium, but in comparison to the likes of us, City and Chelsea they really are still miles behind. Arsenal haven't competed for the EPL seriously since they last won it in 03/04. You could make an argument for 07/08, but their form had started to dip massively by this time that season and they only went on a run once it looked almost impossible for them to turn it around. Basically, when the pressure was off.

I get that they should be closer than they are now, there's no questioning that. Particularly with Liverpool and Spurs, on paper and in theory, there should be a much closer gap between them. But there was always a chance that one of the top 6 would drop away this season, I think most would have had Arsenal down to fill that role. There does need to be change but for so many of their fans the demands and expectations which seem to come with this are completely unrealistic.
I do agree but I think what kind of annoys me about the whole AFTV thing is, what do they realistically expect? They all talk about how they have this great stadium and over a hundred million just waiting to be spent, but even without Wenger I think they'd find it very difficult to compete for the title. It's all well and good bringing up their financial status and stadium, but in comparison to the likes of us, City and Chelsea they really are still miles behind. Arsenal haven't competed for the EPL seriously since they last won it in 03/04. You could make an argument for 07/08, but their form had started to dip massively by this time that season and they only went on a run once it looked almost impossible for them to turn it around. Basically, when the pressure was off.

I get that they should be closer than they are now, there's no questioning that. Particularly with Liverpool and Spurs, on paper and in theory, there should be a much closer gap between them. But there was always a chance that one of the top 6 would drop away this season, I think most would have had Arsenal down to fill that role. There does need to be change but for so many of their fans the demands and expectations which seem to come with this are completely unrealistic.
They aren't even competing though bud. 10 points behind Spuds. they lose like damp squibs. Literally no heart of even effort. there were teams like Wigan who fought harder. They are kind of spineless
Never forget to give it back to those who like giving it out. 4:44

Arsenal fans are loud mouth bellends. it's great to see them crying now.

The players he gives a mention to; Holding, Mustafi,Ramsey says it all:lol:

The other thing he says 'fighting for that top 4,' also show how Arsenal's aspirations have fallen under Wenger.

The whole video should be played back to those fans as an indictment of how embarrassing their team and club is
We shouldn't really be laughing at Arsenal. What's happening there could happen anywhere. It's the fans that get shafted ultimately

But can I raise a smirk at least?....Nah feck it..I'm laughing until I cack myself:lol:
There you go

Cheers, and what does that actually mean? Yute being youth I take it.

Is he saying Welbeck is young and separately that he should walk rather than run so he doesn't fall over?
Is he saying it as some wider lesson to youth of today, paralleling the phrase that one should learn to walk before they can run?
Is he calling Robbie a yute as a term of endearment rather than it being about Welbeck?
Are yute and dawg just more of his verbal ticks like blud and fam that can be ignored while still getting to the essence of what he's saying? I.e. "You see that? Just Walk" Again saying Welbeck should walk because every time he runs he falls over?
Maybe when he says walk he wants Welbeck to walk away from the club?
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Cheers, and what does that actually mean? Yute being youth I take it.

Is he saying Welbeck is young and separately that he should walk rather than run so he doesn't fall over?
Is he saying it as some wider lesson to youth of today, paralleling the phrase that one should learn to walk before they can run?
Is he calling Robbie a yute as a term of endearment rather than it being about Welbeck?
Are yute and dawg just more of his verbal ticks like blud and fam that can be ignored while still getting to the essence of what he's saying? I.e. "You see that? Just Walk" Again saying Welbeck should walk because every time he runs he falls over?
Maybe when he says walk he wants Welbeck to walk away from the club?
Arsenal Mania said:
He should never have stayed at Arsenal all this time. A really poor decision.
Reply said:
It was great decision, for him, the club and the fans. It was great for the world. You only see decisions like that once before in the world and that was Jesus.
GoonersWorld said:
Leaving Arsenal after 46 years

I started my love affair with Arsenal aged 8, I loved their name, their shirts and their game and didn't live to far from Highbury

After 46 years I'm ending my support

Why ?


I have had it with the man, he was a great manager, but he's hurting the club I loved for so many years and I cant do it anymore. As of today I am following a club I have always admired and that will be Liverpool.

46 years I never faltered in my support, but this is too much. and if Wenger sees sense and leaves I will return, but until then, bye bye Gooners

I know the feeling

Was a big Huddersfield fan then supported Arsenal in the 30s. War came and decided to support Germany for a while but went back to the English pashun in mid 40s. Whored myself out to clubs for a while then settled on Liverpool in 70s and 80s.

I sensed their time ending so after a brief flirtation with Leeds, I went full Manc mode.

Got bored and went to Chelsea and then City
We shouldn't really be laughing at Arsenal. What's happening there could happen anywhere. It's the fans that get shafted ultimately
they took as much pleasure from our time with Moyes & LVG at the helm, than fans of The Dippers and City did. F 'em
AM said:
I teared up when Sol scored our goal against Barca.
I kid you not, in the 68th minute of that final, I went to the toilet of my brothers house for a piss that I'd been holding since it started. As I stood there holding my todger, tears came rolling down my face as it hit me what heroics they were performing and how lucky I might be to be alive when Arsenal won their first 'European Cup'. I was so proud of my soldiers... I washed my face and composed myself before walking back to the room just in time for the equaliser.
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