I was dabbling in and out but once Crixus was introduced as Deathstroke, it got my attention! The bellend that plays Arrow will be Grey in the 50 Shades Of Grey film.
Arrow Scoop: Summer Glau Joins the Cast in Season 2
Jul 10, 2013 03:01 PM ET
by Natalie Abrams
Summer Glau
Summer Glau is on Oliver Queen's list!
Continuing with Arrow's penchant for welcoming geektastic familiar faces, the show has tapped Glau in a recurring role for Season 2, TVGuide.com has learned.
Arrow's second season to feature two villains
The 31-year-old actress will play the enigmatically beautiful and professionally dangerous Isabel Rochev, Vice President of Acquisitions of Stellmoor International, a company looking to take over Queen Consolidated. In the comics,Isabel, also known as The Queen, went on to become the CEO of Queen Industries long after the death of Robert Queen (Jamey Sheridan), whom she believed she loved. And since Isabel's comic book counterpart had it out for both Moira Queen (Susanna Thompson) and Oliver (Stephen Amell), they may need to watch out.
Isabel made a blink-and-you'd-miss-it cameo during the first season, when her name appeared in Robert Queen's book of corrupt people that Oliver had been taking down since he left the island. Could this mean she'sexecutive producer Marc Guggenheim teased would be in Season 2?one of the two villains
Glau, who will make her Arrow debut in the Season 2 premiere, is best known for her roles on Firefly, Dollhouse and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. She joins an impressive list of genre castings on the series, including Torchwood's John Barrowman, X-Men's Kelly Hu, Spartacus' Man Utd Bennett, Fringe's Seth Gabel and Doctor Who's Alex Kingston, among others.
The second season of Arrow premiere Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 8/7c on The CW.
Isabel Rochev is from a small village in Siberia, where she lived a life of servitude ,working in a diamond mine. When the head of Queen Industries, Robert Queen, came to her village, she was inspired by the man, who she saw as a symbol of ones inner power. She fell in love with him and whilst he may or may not have loved her, she found him a great source of inspiration and vowed to make something of herself and rise from her humble status as a slave girl.
She achieved this goal when, many years later, as well as after the death of Robert Queen, she became the new CEO of Queen Industries, having brought large numbers of shares in the company, though many smaller organizations that she owned. Her goal was, and still is to make the name of Queen Industries great again, after the company had continuously lost profit and support for many years. She would soon begin to provide her own personal private security forces to Star City, as the corrupt bureaucrats of the city, who were desperate to try to keep control of the population, after hundreds were left homeless in the wake of the events of Cry For Justice. With much of Star City destroyed, Isabel soon began to increase her influence over the city and become closer to power.
Isabel is a somewhat eccentric individual and often wears a mask to hide her face. She also believes herself to be the true heir to Queen Industries and the true love of Robert Queen’s life. This gives her her single minded nature and she is also know to wear the jewelry of Robert Queens wife, specifically her wedding ring. Now “The Queen” of Queen Industries, she desires nothing more than to make the company’s name great again and see the disgraced son, Oliver Queen killed, by whatever means necessary.
"Arrow" star Stephen Amell commented on the casting to TVLine, saying, "Everything on the show so far, be it Tommy Merlin (Colin Donnell) not becoming the Dark Archer or Thea Queen (Willa Holland) being called Speedy in the pilot, but then the introduction of Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) or even Malcolm Merlin (John Barrowman) really being the Dark Archer, everything on the show is designed to take your expectation and take the comic lore and maybe flip it on its head a little bit.""
I've only watched the first three episodes but I agree this season has been excellent! Its had it's bad moments but mostly dealt with everything to a level I'm very happy withI'll say it again but this season has been very good.
They've dealt with everything quickly and the writing has definitely improved.
Another spoiler for today. Just read it somewhere else.
Brother Cyrus=Cyrus Gold=Solomon Grundy perhaps?