Are Utd Making You Depressed?

I never expected United to do anything in the CL this season. And, in actual fact, I thought it would be a hindrance to our league campaign because of how much weaker our squad players are and the pressure to play the first XI. So although I'm disappointed, I can't say I'm gutted. We'll always have Paris. And the match against Leipzig.

I think fatigue is going to be the most important issue to overcome for every team in Europe this season. If we can focus solely on the league, it'll probably be for the best.

If we lose against City, I'll feel a lot worse.
Yesterday's loss left me disgusted and sick. I could sleep well even after the 6-1 ass whopping against Spurs as the team was thoroughly outplayed tactically and on the pitch but I can't stomach throwing away games like yesterday. The manner in which the third goal was conceded and that being decisive really kills it for me.
United have been making me depressed for many years now. Last night was one of the worst though, fed up of this team not turning up for games. Ole takes a lot of blame but this has been going on for years, under the two previous managers. Even with different players you get the same thing, it’s like a symptom of the club. Most of the players aren’t winners, Bruno aside, they’re just like a nice group of lads who turn up to kick a football around for a bit and then go home without a care in the world. And I’m sure they do care, Maguire looked like he was about to start crying in his interview after the game last night. But it’s not translating in to anything on the pitch.
Depressed is too strong a word. It is getting annoying. What really pisses me off is not when we get beat by superior teams or if were unlucky or if we lose despite giving it all but games like yesterday or that night in istanbul where we keep on committing the same juvenile mistakes and losing games which we could have easily won had we bothered to turn up from the start. This is not about tactics but about the mindset, no amount of tactics or strategy or some new formation can account for shoddy defensive feck ups that we have committed recently.

It was all easily avoidable, its not like prime ronaldinho, messi, ronaldo etc ripped through our defense through sheer brilliance.
Depressed is too strong a word. It is getting annoying. What really pisses me off is not when we get beat by superior teams or if were unlucky or if we lose despite giving it all but games like yesterday or that night in istanbul where we keep on committing the same juvenile mistakes and losing games which we could have easily won had we bothered to turn up from the start. This is not about tactics but about the mindset, no amount of tactics or strategy or some new formation can account for shoddy defensive feck ups that we have committed recently.

It was all easily avoidable, its not like prime ronaldinho, messi, ronaldo etc beat the defender through sheer brilliance.

Angry is a more apt word particularly with games like you say where they are making basic errors and it's costing us important points like the game last night and that utterly diabolical farce in Istanbul
In recent years, I have found my emotional ties to the club being stretched for the first time. I put this down to a feeling that the ordinary fans no longer count for a great deal.
The facilities at OT are at best adequate, apart from the Superstore, which is all about taking money from you. Where’s the expenditure on making the stadium a better environment for supporter?
Players receive huge wages but don’t show a commensurate level of desire to make the fans proud of them through their performance and commitment. Often, on the pitch, several of them look like it’s all a bit of an inconvenience when actually they’d rather be sorting their social media or their latest bit on the side.
The manager delivers platitudes about lost matches which frankly are an insult to the fans’ intelligence. We know what we have just watched and we know when it falls far short of what we deserve.
These days, there’s a definite disengagement between politicians and the public. I think the club is going the same way with the fans, whether it’s at the level of the owners, the board, the manager, coaches or players.
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Yesterday's loss left me disgusted and sick. I could sleep well even after the 6-1 ass whopping against Spurs as the team was thoroughly outplayed tactically and on the pitch but I can't stomach throwing away games like yesterday. The manner in which the third goal was conceded and that being decisive really kills it for me.
Me too. Feels like I'll be thinking about this loss until we smash a team 4-0 or worse. Even then I'll be sitting at home like, yeah, you better win like that you useless sacks of shit. Football isn't that healthy when you take it too seriously, but if you're a fan how can you not be emotionally invested in a CL game like that.
I can accept loss if we made an effort and played football but the shit and cowardly performances we shell out every time is driving me mad. I can accept when a team quality is above and we lost, fair enough but this, agrr.
Me too. Feels like I'll be thinking about this loss until we smash a team 4-0 or worse. Even then I'll be sitting at home like, yeah, you better win like that you useless sacks of shit. Football isn't that healthy when you take it too seriously, but if you're a fan how can you not be emotionally invested in a CL game like that.

Might happen against Sheff Utd but wouldn't hold your breath on us putting 4 past City on Saturday
All those games that we came back from behind drained me nearly empty. Last night I just switched off the TV after the 3rd goal and told myself - 'why bother depressing myself because of 11 guys who don't want to step up?'
Me too. Feels like I'll be thinking about this loss until we smash a team 4-0 or worse. Even then I'll be sitting at home like, yeah, you better win like that you useless sacks of shit. Football isn't that healthy when you take it too seriously, but if you're a fan how can you not be emotionally invested in a CL game like that.

Couldn't agree more. I've been a United fan for 30 years and never have I been through so many false dawns. I've often wondered if I should stop following the sport but it is pretty much in my blood.

I do wish that I had appreciated more (at the time) just how much of a genius Sir Alex was in making us one of the best sides in the world. There was an almost magical aura about his in-game management skills and an assurance that things will be ok even after a loss. I don't get any of that now.
No, same thing happened to us (Aberdeen) when Fergie left. Similar that a few good cup wins and such. Took a few years to the rot really kicked in with miss management and transfers that didn‘t live up.
doing a bit better the past few years but the glory days under Sir Alex still brought up all these years later by fans
Came to terms a few years ago not to get too emotional where United are involved. Being numb for me personally is the best way to go. OK I don't get the super highs like the first PSG/Leipzig games but then again I don't get the super lows like the Istanbul/second leipzig games.

It's not even not winning that bothers me but watching all the hard work done by SAF being destroyed systemically by imbeciles really is a hard punch to take.
The fans are making me more depressed than the club or it’s players. We have a toxic fanbase.
This. The game in of itself was out of my thoughts within 5 minutes. But the toxic shit coming from the sad cnuts online has made it much worse.

At the end of the day, it's 11 men kicking a ball on the pitch. It really shouldn't impact your life beyond the 95+ mins that they are on the pitch for. And I say this is as a ST holder who actually took his time out to support the team home and away.
This. The game in of itself was out of my thoughts within 5 minutes. But the toxic shit coming from the sad cnuts online has made it much worse.

At the end of the day, it's 11 men kicking a ball on the pitch. It really shouldn't impact your life beyond the 95+ mins that they are on the pitch for. And I say this is as a ST holder who actually took his time out to support the team home and away.

Not just eleven men, but eleven women, kicking a ball around a pitch.

With the women's team doing as well as they currently are, to answer the OP, nope Manchester United are not making me depressed, I feel really happy watching our women's first team play, and despite how hard a game we have away to Reading this weekend, I am looking forward to seeing how we do.
Not depressed, it is however making me more and more difficult to watch the games as how awful we can be sometimes, it's almost like flippping a coin and pray that goes heads.
I used to be very sad ,but not anymore.Clubs like United and Arsenal are first of all a business, then a club.i don't think they give a hoot about the fan's feelings.

There has been unforced errors from the management down to the players.After every mistake the management, coaches and or players come out with a well rehearsed 'statement',only to make the same mistake again.

What is making me said the most is the politicisation of our fanbase.My country is a hybrid 'democracy 'and our politicians hire alot of social media 'influencers' to distort public opinions, or debates on national issues. I believe that there are people who genuinely care for the club and still hold contrasting opinions on some issues. But ,there are few handles that look like pure PR handles.
First half vs West Ham was the maddest I have been for a while.

Leipzig just depressed me

Not even looking forward to the derby. We may win but what does that change?

Where are we going? Nowhere as far as I can see. But as a true addict I'll be there come Saturday.

Think we need a new perspective on Utd to start enjoying matches.

Think we need a new perspective on Utd to start enjoying matches.

If Ole would let Amad play in u23’s rather than waste his time on the bench with no chance of playing (Shoretire too) then I can go back to watching them and enjoying it.
Depressed is a big word, I mean, it’s not the be all and end all. I think there are bigger things going on in peoples lives. However, it’s a shame to see the direction the club is headed. We’re a sleeping giant, I see us a little like ac milan. Not like it once was, falling behind other clubs but with great history and a good name. We’re not the top dog anymore though and we won’t be for a long time.

it won’t change while these people are at the top. Needs to be bought out with someone with a lot of money who’s willing to spend it.
As long as I don't watch or listen to United play I should be ok.
The thread should probably not have the word depressed in it but possibly sad.
If it is bringing on depression then better off finding another interest.
United were bumming me out for a while, but not now, even though I wish we were more consistent.

This forum makes me sad, though.
It’s not making me depressed, but I’m finding myself more affected by poor results as there’s not a lot else to look forward to during the pandemic.
Having said that I actually think it’s a good sign that people are reacting poorly to bad results, even the likes of a 0-0 against Liverpool at Anfield. Shows we are slowly getting back up there, even if it might take more time to win a title again.
Being a Utd fan makes me sad/angry on a regular basis. Strange really because I thought it was supposed to be aboit entertainment.

I wish I didn't care so much.
If a football team has such an impact in your life that your mentally ill from it, its time to find a different way of occupying your time.

I get angry, annoyed, happy, elated etc etc watching united. If things go wrong I have a good moan about it, if things went well I'd be buzzing.

BUT it's not going to effect my mental health, if I felt it was going to I'll walk away from it.

Right now my dog isn't in a good way and hope the vet can make him well. My dogs wellbeing is more important than united dropping points to palace.

I hope anyone that has mental issues ate able to turn things round mentally, if united or any sports team are contributing to your mental issues, take a break from it.
This, being a fan is pretty fecking stupid if we're honest. It should never effect your mental health.

The problem with that statement, especially during a pandemic, is that some people watch football for entertainment (shocker), now if said person already suffers with depression, then watching United (football is supposed to be entertaining) will only make things worse.

Is your suggestion for all depressed people to stop watching the club they support? Perhaps United should do what it's supposed to do and entertain people (not talking about winning).
Not depressed. Sad? When you look at where we were and how the club have dropped off. When you look at how City have been transformed. The amount of money that has been wasted we should have been 2nd and challenging every year since Fergie. No planning in anything. As long as the glazers can keep raking off as much as they can, it doesnt matter how the club is run on the pitch. I bet other owners laugh their bollocks off the way we make money and waste it.
The problem with that statement, especially during a pandemic, is that some people watch football for entertainment (shocker), now if said person already suffers with depression, then watching United (football is supposed to be entertaining) will only make things worse.

Is your suggestion for all depressed people to stop watching the club they support? Perhaps United should do what it's supposed to do and entertain people (not talking about winning).

Game-changing suggestion there! :rolleyes:
The problem with that statement, especially during a pandemic, is that some people watch football for entertainment (shocker), now if said person already suffers with depression, then watching United (football is supposed to be entertaining) will only make things worse.

Is your suggestion for all depressed people to stop watching the club they support?

feck yes if it depresses them. If your entire state of mind is controlled by something you have absolutely zero control over, that’s a very unhealthy place to be. Seek help.
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Should change thread title or, if anyone actually suspects they are depressed because of the club, they should speak to someone.

Football is there for our entertainment but is slowly becoming big business and our early success made us ripe for the taking. Look at the most successful PL clubs of the early era - Glazers ownership, Kroenke, Ashley - there’s a common theme here. It’s frustrating to see other clubs doing well and United have made some big mistakes but I’d say broadly disappointed, sometimes very angry and, less so these days, elated.
Ole and his approach has made me dislike football. Just hate to watch a team that cost 600m play counter attacking football lying deep every single game because he can't set up a defense to defend. Fecking hate it.

I just want to have occasions that our team goes out and plays quick passing, high tempo style and kills off a team in the first half in 30 minutes. This two deep lying cm who can't pass the ball and CB pair that always looks like it's their first game together in England.

For example why didn't Ole make two subs at half time Vs Palace? Everybody had seen this game to many times before. Feck me this is getting me down. So yes officially depressed .
Ole and his approach has made me dislike football. Just hate to watch a team that cost 600m play counter attacking football lying deep every single game because he can't set up a defense to defend. Fecking hate it.

I just want to have occasions that our team goes out and plays quick passing, high tempo style and kills off a team in the first half in 30 minutes. This two deep lying cm who can't pass the ball and CB pair that always looks like it's their first game together in England.

For example why didn't Ole make two subs at half time Vs Palace? Everybody had seen this game to many times before. Feck me this is getting me down. So yes officially depressed .

It’s been a while since we’ve been regularly lying deep, mate.
No. However a few years ago it made me sad, angry when we lost, I blamed refs, luck and whatever else but still I couldn't wait for the next game as especially with SAF I knew we are gonna bounce back. Ever since LVG's infamous 2nd season, all of it gradually disappeared. I came into terms that we are shite and not gonna win anything important in a long long time so it's not worth wasting energy everytime we lose or play shit as it happens way too often. So now it barely makes me feel anything anymore, I can't be bothered to even watch some games as I know it's gonna be the usual shite. All in all it makes me sad seeing the state of the club, our current coaching staff basically confirms we are done trying to win big things and are just happy to be somewhere around CL spots.
I wouldn't say it's making me depressed, but I do wake up feeling like sh!t after a bad result. I just crack on with my day and it goes after a while.

It's a great question though, I have often wondered about people who based a lot of their happiness around United winning in the past and how they cope now.
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The thread should probably not have the word depressed in it but possibly sad.
If it is bringing on depression then better off finding another interest.
It’s not that simple though. Could you just stop watching United? That’s not an easy choice when you’ve followed them religiously throughout your life, travelling home and away.

Then factor in if you already have some form of depression, as MANY people do, including myself. Then it becomes an issue.

I’ve posted before that it doesn’t entirely set the bar for my mood or outlook at the time of a bad result however it does certainly add weight to whichever way your mood is leaning at the time.

If I’m in a low place part of me dreads games like the derby on Sunday becuase I know it will only make me feel worse if we have a negative result. I used to let it really influence my mood far more than I should have, I’ve learned to limit its impact but like any negative in life when your depressed it just adds to it.

Football is far more important to some than others, everybody is different. In isolation football or any sport shouldn't trigger actual depression, but as mentioned above it certainly adds to it for somebody who is already suffering depression.

It’s actually rather insulting (not to me personally) to suggest United’s poor performances are making people clinically depressed. It’s a bit like when people say they are OCD just because they clean their desk at work, it’s nothing like the true condition.