Gaming Apex Legends (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series)

This does look good but the fact it’s an EA publication makes me think they’ll inevitably bugger it with pay2win microtransactions.
I’m so torn. First I was like wow this looks cool, then I realized it’s an EA game and I thought feck that, not touching it. Then I saw that it’s made by the same people who made Modern Warfare 2. I guess I’ll just have to try it.
For some reason the bottom of the screen kind of cuts off on my tv. Anyone know if it's possible to fix that?

Last fps I played was MW2 which I was decent at but I've barely played any games since. I have no clue what I'm doing in this though. Half the time I'm getting killed before I can even get a gun :lol:
I’m so torn. First I was like wow this looks cool, then I realized it’s an EA game and I thought feck that, not touching it. Then I saw that it’s made by the same people who made Modern Warfare 2. I guess I’ll just have to try it.
Well its genuinely free to play so no harm in trying, its actually very good. And yes Respawn are very legit.

Just worried that EA will pull a Black Ops 4 with this and implement all the nasty anti-consumer shit in a few weeks after the good reviews have already come in.
Sweet, I should be about tonight, me and @Hal9000 usually play.
Okay, tag me when online.

Just had my 4th win overall and second game winning kill, and this game one member of my squad disconnected so it was only me amd some other guy the whole time.
Got my second win last night playing with randoms.

What a great surprise this game has been.
Hopefully EA look to Fortnite and realise pay to win is a dead concept. You can make money other ways.
Enjoyed getting wrecked on this last night. I always found fortnite pretty boring but this seems a lot more fun for some reason, despite me apparently being much worse at it
Enjoyed getting wrecked on this last night. I always found fortnite pretty boring but this seems a lot more fun for some reason, despite me apparently being much worse at it

This is more fun because Fortnite with all the building is boring.
And first person is better.
Won two games in a row last night with cousins. Fun game but lots of connectivity issues.
The R-99 sub machine gun with a decent extended mag and stabilizer is bloody brilliant.. Managed to win back to back games and became Kill Leader in the second with that gun.
First time playing with the squeaky fecks. Took them to the plane, we didn't last long. Previous game I was a solo too -.-

'This is my loot'
'How do I delete mrfreshxx off my friendlist.'
Feckers left the lobby after they died too the cnuts.
Oh it put me by myself
JackBauer90 if anyone wants to add me. I'm on PS4.
Bugger, the Mrs just came home so I have to spend time with her. Mind, it's not like I was getting any better. It's quite difficult, seem to need to pump someone with 273772 bullets to kill them.
Was searching for a match and they put me in a squad by myself.. I ended up winning :lol:

25m players in less than a week, incredible.

feck EA though. Wonder how long before they start getting greedy with this. Won’t be long.

Poor BioWare though, I know Anthem is a different game but this game releasing now won’t help it.