Television Anyone recommend me any TV Shows?

The plot is just to too unbelievable. Fine with the rest.
Yeah it's very farfetched.

The show does get much better as it goes along though, especially towards the end of season one. Season two and three overall are much better than one, I think.

It never stops being ridiculous though, you have to embrace that to really enjoy it. It's basically high quality/production Road House TV after all.
I'll keep going as a filler between better stuff. After all I pushed through to.the end of Tin Star S2 and I may even finish 12 Monkeys eventually.
I've started Babylon 5 and it seems to have some promise, I'll probably watch more.
I don't usually complain about graphics but these are C-movie stuff :(
Watching in the badlands at the moment. Only 5 eps in. Really good, the fighting is very entertaining. Love the way the world is.
Anybody watched Happy Valley? British crime drama? I'm thinking of starting.
Just binge watched all 5 seasons of Line of Duty over the past month. Really good show and very engaging.
Has anyone tried "The Capture" on the BBC? Think I was scrolling through my internet homepage at work and saw a comment "is this the new body guard" but didnt have time to read it as was really busy what's it like and is it worth watching?

These days the test of is it worth watching seems to be do I fall asleep :lol:
Anybody watched Happy Valley? British crime drama? I'm thinking of starting.
Nice little show that I enjoyed. Quite short so easy to get through, I'd recommend. Charlie Murphy is also :drool:

Just finished weeds and really enjoyed it.

QB1 is quite good for anyone who likes sports docs like Last Chance U.

Just started the Spy which seems good.
Nice little show that I enjoyed. Quite short so easy to get through, I'd recommend. Charlie Murphy is also :drool:

Just finished weeds and really enjoyed it.

QB1 is quite good for anyone who likes sports docs like Last Chance U.

Just started the Spy which seems good.


Vince Gilligan has once said that if he's ever heard of Weeds, he wouldn't have made Breaking Bad, since they both were similar in plot.
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Anybody watched Happy Valley? British crime drama? I'm thinking of starting.
Highly recommend. Think it's very good.

I started "How to get away with murder" a week or so ago and have been smashing through it. It just gets better and better.
Carnival Row

A dark and super slow series that I finally found it too slow to continue past Ep3. My missus who has far far more patience for mediocre series than me made till Ep 5. The world building is rich but ultimately the plots of immigration, jobs, racism (speciesism?) are just too directly parallel to real life and lacked many fantasy elements to set them apart. Don't think I'll finish this.

Same. Got to the second episode.
Finding Banshee a struggle. Every episode is a fight, a feck and an unbelievable plot.
It's ridiculous. There's some great tits on show though.

Have you reached the episode where he beats up the mma fighter yet? That's where I gave up on it. I can live with science fiction or other far fetched action scenes but I don't know why I found this scene so ridiculous.
It's ridiculous. There's some great tits on show though.

Have you reached the episode where he beats up the mma fighter yet? That's where I gave up on it. I can live with science fiction or other far fetched action scenes but I don't know why I found this scene so ridiculous.
come on, you've never beaten up a rapey MMA fighter who visited your town before? Weirdo.
:lol: Not while stealing someone's identity. But yeah, everyone has beaten up an mma fighter at some point.
:lol: to be fair I actually think it is possibly the most ridiculous scene in the four seasons.. I think.. or maybe as the show goes along you embrace how ridiculous it is more and accept it.

I think the show becomes a lot more "fun" as it progresses in contrast to the dreary, serious approach of the first few episodes which makes it much easier to accept the ridiculousness of it.

EDIT: Don't think I said the word ridiculous enough there, ridiculous
Watching into the badlands at the moment. On the second season. Highly recommend it. Great show.
It's ridiculous. There's some great tits on show though.

Have you reached the episode where he beats up the mma fighter yet? That's where I gave up on it. I can live with science fiction or other far fetched action scenes but I don't know why I found this scene so ridiculous.

That was the last one we watched and I agree. The udea that you could start that fight without trying a nirnal arrest given there were 3 officers there and then nobody expected there to be consequences for inflicting such damage was really silly. Then the idea that the manager was severely torturedvand maybe killed for the return of the purse was sillier still.
Just finished Better Than Us. It’s a Russian production on Netflix about super sex bots in the near future. A little scary with the realistic tech. One of the best shows I’ve seen in a while on Netflix. Just better to watch with the subtitles though. Dubbed just doesn’t cut it.
I'm starting "Better call Saul" again to be ready for the Breaking Bad movie. The first time I found it kinda slow and boring (didn't remember much though), but now I find it pretty good fun.

The scene when Saul was talking to Tuco about what would be a fair sentence for the skater boys, had me in stitches. :lol:
The Righteous Gemstones are pretty shit, I expected more from an HBO comedy.
I'm starting "Better call Saul" again to be ready for the Breaking Bad movie. The first time I found it kinda slow and boring (didn't remember much though), but now I find it pretty good fun.

The scene when Saul was talking to Tuco about what would be a fair sentence for the skater boys, had me in stitches. :lol:

I think I'm possibly the only person on the planet who didn't get into Breaking Bad and found it incredibly boring. As a result I'd rather cut my own arm off than watch Better Call Saul.
I think I'm possibly the only person on the planet who didn't get into Breaking Bad and found it incredibly boring. As a result I'd rather cut my own arm off than watch Better Call Saul.

You are not alone. I could only make it through around 3 episodes. Maybe I'll try again one day. Am currently revisiting the first series of Prison Break and it's surprising how much I had forgotten.
You are not alone. I could only make it through around 3 episodes. Maybe I'll try again one day. Am currently revisiting the first series of Prison Break and it's surprising how much I had forgotten.

I've watched both Breaking Bad and Prison Break from start to finish a few times over the years and there's always something you think you haven't seen before.

Sometimes it's just that you left the room for 30 seconds when something important happened so you miss it, but then next time you watch it you see it and don't recall it!

I'm actually going to do Breaking Bad again, will probably start before the weekend so I'm ready for the film which I can't see being anything but fantastic.
Started watching Undercover last night on Netflix, a Belgium version of Narcos if you will.
It's about two undercover cops trying to mole into an organised group of criminals cooking, distributing and handling the sales of ecstasy pills.

It's quite good, nothing bad to say about it really except there's some unnecessary comic relief and minor over the top caricatures. 8/10 so far, and I'm quite picky with tv-series.
I think I'm possibly the only person on the planet who didn't get into Breaking Bad and found it incredibly boring. As a result I'd rather cut my own arm off than watch Better Call Saul.

You are not the only one . I love the wire and people say that was slow but Breaking Bad was just so dull to me
The I-Land on Netflix might be the worst show I've ever watched.
Any Genre.

Never been interested in any Tv series - except LOST, which i didn't even bother watching the ending. But have 2 weeks off soon - so anything that is highly recommended in Comedy, Crime, Thriller, Drama - anything!

P.S - The only recommendation that i have so far is The Wire.
If you want a Tier 1 show
Watch Breaking Bad

If you want Tier 2 or 3 .... watch The Wire

Started watching Undercover last night on Netflix, a Belgium version of Narcos if you will.
It's about two undercover cops trying to mole into an organised group of criminals cooking, distributing and handling the sales of ecstasy pills.

It's quite good, nothing bad to say about it really except there's some unnecessary comic relief and minor over the top caricatures. 8/10 so far, and I'm quite picky with tv-series.

I'm guessing it's even a lot better if you speak Dutch. I don't know if you recognize the difference between the actors playing Flemish and Dutch characters? Not essential to get everything, but you might miss some small nuances. Good show, they are working on season 2.
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The flimsy script is more often hilarious than offensive, though: nobody in 2019 should be given the line “I have a bad feeling about this!”, but to have someone say it right after a character has been eaten by a shark suggests LaBute and his colleagues were not even trying.
Was going through an old HDD and saw Hustle...
Remember loving that.. Any other shows like that?