Antonio Conte Sack Watch (Napoli)

Sack the man. He's basically begging for it at this point. Stop torturing the poor soul.
Spurs are penny-pinching misers. Conte won't be sacked until his contract runs out at the end of this season.
And to be honest they probably won't find anyone better with 10 matches remaining in the season, unless they can get Tuchel somehow.
Absolute prick. Can’t believe any Spurs fan would still want to keep him
Spurs are penny-pinching misers. Conte won't be sacked until his contract runs out at the end of this season.

That is also true. Maybe they’ll find his comments as inappropriate & unacceptable behaviour and terminate his contract or something.
That is also true. Maybe they’ll find his comments as inappropriate & unacceptable behaviour and terminate his contract or something.

Well, they haven't done so far and he says something similar every week.
That is also true. Maybe they’ll find his comments as inappropriate & unacceptable behaviour and terminate his contract or something.

It’s selfish from Conte as Spurs are still in the mix for top 4. He doesn’t care though as he won’t be there next season.
Well, they haven't done so far and he says something similar every week.

He’s such a negative & uninspiring figure, st least publicly. But I haven’t heard anything close to this bad and disparaging before.
Absolute prick. Can’t believe any Spurs fan would still want to keep him

Some fans will agree with him, much like they did with Mourinho. There’s a hint of truth in what they say, and it’s aimed squarely at a sore point. It’s just that hint of truth is surrounded by many more destructive words and selfish motivations.
He’s a scapegoating incompetent piece of shit. The man is a thunder cnut of the highest order. Utterly useless in Europe. Unable to develop players and only knows 5-3-2, feck off you useless sack of shit cnut. Thoroughly unpleasant vermin, looking for a pay off after he’s failed as a manager.
How has Levy got any dignity letting him say all this and keeping him in the job. :lol: :lol:

The man is clearly not well. He has had his health problems. He has lost three people very close to his heart this year. I feel bad for him on a human level.
He lost the dressing room a while ago, not sure why Levy is twiddling his thumbs. Put the guy out of his misery.

Poch or Tuchel next for Spurs you would think.
Is there not plenty of pressure for him in the Top 4 race? Strange, strange comments.
The man is clearly not well. He has had his health problems. He has lost three people very close to his heart this year. I feel bad for him on a human level.

Very well said, must’ve been a horrible year for him personally.
Jesus it’s even worse when you listen to it all. He’s gone in hard on the club here and the players. I don’t see how you come back from that?

@balaks this is shocking. Is he gone??
I think this is brilliant, genuinely. He has called out the owner, the club and some of the players for just being happy to do ok and don't want the pressure that comes with really challenging. He is 100% right and I'm delighted to hear him say it. He is probably gone now unfortunately though but I'm glad he is going out swinging because this needs to be said .
Jesus christ, imagine this clown at United. For all his faults, I don't think Jose was ever this bad.
Jesus it’s even worse when you listen to it all. He’s gone in hard on the club here and the players. I don’t see how you come back from that?

@balaks this is shocking. Is he gone??

TBF, he hasn't gone in that hard on the club, just the players. He is saying for 20 years the club and manager have shouldered the hate but the players behave like victims. He isn't wrong, they do underachieve on the pitch year after year.

Reminds me of Rangnick towards the end, he doesn't give a crap now.
Everything he has said is true
Similar to when Jose was managing Utd. Some fans believed everything he said and refused to accept he was a big part of the problem
He’s a scapegoating incompetent piece of shit. The man is a thunder cnut of the highest order. Utterly useless in Europe. Unable to develop players and only knows 5-3-2, feck off you useless sack of shit cnut. Thoroughly unpleasant vermin, looking for a pay off after he’s failed as a manager.

Why are you so angry? :lol:

Surely it's a good thing if he's incompetent. A point behind us having played two games more. If he was good they'd be ahead of us.