Anti Reddit ITKs v2 | Conveniently Receiving The Day Before

Red Cafe when we get stuff wrong: Morons! Idiots! Scam artists!

Red Cafe when we get stuff right: Why didn't you say it sooner! Embarrassing! I can't believe you have the audacity to get a thing right when you previously got a thing wrong!

Yes but when you previously got it wrong you haven’t got it right. This is what you don’t understand.

Saying something is done on numerous occasions doesn’t mean you were right when two months later it happens. It means you’re wrong.

I can’t believe you’re genuinely still trying to peddle the nonsense you have genuine ITKs.
Isn’t there one guy who called the Henderson deal and potentially DVB deal recently? Or did I misread that.

This one was beautiful - it wasn’t one of their ITKs it was a Twitter guy who made a general post. They then deleted his post and publicly tried to discredit him as being unreliable. This was based on him using the same tricks their ITKs use, only better.
Equally flip flopping between no interest in a player to interest in a player conveniently places you in a position to be correct as you just need to go back to one of those claims.
Equally flip flopping between no interest in a player to interest in a player conveniently places you in a position to be correct as you just need to go back to one of those claims.

One of the ITKs had someone in July with paperwork on his desk releasing £70m for Sancho with £35 reserved for later!

I mean where do you begin with that? And he’s still one of their top ITKs!
Greenwood, Laird, Henderson and Mejbri are all signing new deals!

Mark my words, I've heard it on good authority.
I'll see you in a few years to tell you I told you so!
I'm actually curious to see how hold this Uber is.
And I mean his actual age, not what was reported a few months back, or what one of their mates mates leaked.

They're either sub 18 and fair credit to them for the wind up
Or they're above 18 and for some pathetic weird reason, just craves attention.... From mostly kids... Bit weird really
I'm actually curious to see how hold this Uber is.
And I mean his actual age, not what was reported a few months back, or what one of their mates mates leaked.

They're either sub 18 and fair credit to them for the wind up
Or they're above 18 and for some pathetic weird reason, just craves attention.... From mostly kids... Bit weird really
100% above 18 and craving an audience.

Nothing wrong with wanting to have a podcast to discuss United transfers etc but the moment you try to claim inside knowledge and be paid for it is the moment where criticism and analysis absolutely need to be done.
above 18 and enjoyed muppeting on reddevils so much that I wanted to create a space to keep it going when ITKs were outlawed

if I craved an audience, don't you think I'd have been on the podcast?

weirdly, I think we get more intense attention from you lot than any of our users
Red Cafe when we get stuff wrong: Morons! Idiots! Scam artists!

Red Cafe when we get stuff right: Why didn't you say it sooner! Embarrassing! I can't believe you have the audacity to get a thing right when you previously got a thing wrong!

No, no, the caf has been very consistent, unlike you and the rest of your mods who have been making up the rules as you go. You know it, we all know it.
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VDB has been mentioned quite a few times for what it's worth

Also, here's a timestamp for ya
This guy also said vdb is done and coming 2 months ago and only said so after the news broke from Netherlands.

Now just as the itk with spies in every club on the planet says he wants to go to Barcelona, romano retweets a barca journo saying they aren't interested in him, so vdb is supposed to be waiting for a non existent offer and doesn't know barca aren't interested?
So these people have over four individuals spouting and hyping up every possible transfer link to United after it gets highlighted in media, adding random timeline for transfer and quoting random fee everyday, creating a whole bunch of permutations, and then, when one of those random guesses comes out to be slightly closer to the actual thing inevitably, they simply claim that they predicted it months back completely ignoring 90% of other stuff that they get completely and blatantly wrong? How does it even make sense? It is almost child like reasoning to attempt to garner some credibility doing and saying what these ITK lot do and say. Embarassing stuff. Bet if Sancho gets to United, these lot will be out saying we were the ones who always maintained that Sancho is done and they will try and paint it as some big credibility win.
I hope Uber has caught up on his messages over there.

A few of them said about the Thiago stuff a few days ago, but I assume he's late on publishing it
Is it strange that now that there has been very little talk about utd transfers in the press recently, there’s been no updates on the reddit page? It’s almost as if one relies on the other...
Is it strange that now that there has been very little talk about utd transfers in the press recently, there’s been no updates on the reddit page? It’s almost as if one relies on the other...

Don't worry, there will be a vague and obvious "This week will be decisive" type post later on today which will confirm both nothing and everything.

"Man Utd will make a final push for Jadon Sancho this week, if not signed before the end of the week it is unlikely he will be signed with just one week before the Bundesliga restarts"
(almost copy/paste for next weeks update)
"Thiago will make a final decision this week on where his future lies"
(There's no fecking way he is coming here)
"Reguilion has been offered to Man Utd and confirmed exclusively by our ITKs 3 minutes ago. He will be signed if talks with the above two break down"

Add in something stupid, like a link to Umtiti, just to generate some conversation, bam. There's your bullshit stories for the week.
Is it strange that now that there has been very little talk about utd transfers in the press recently, there’s been no updates on the reddit page? It’s almost as if one relies on the other...
It is fairly obvious now that the press rely upon the ITK's
Muppetiers complain about some twitter itk stealing their info and yet seem to have no issues when one of their itk's basically lifts info off another site.
A friend of mine sent me a link to their discord earlier on.

If you want a view into pure, unadulterated stupidity/hivemindedness, it's worth a study. I genuinely think it could be a good psychology project or something, shades of Stockholm syndrome. I could only stick it for two minutes, but witnessed four bannings for people saying Sancho wasnt going to sign, going against the grain of the moderators opinion. That Zack Tofuh Mensah guy, in particular, is a complete and total bellend.

They are honestly the worst representation of Man Utd fans in existence - but I really just wanted to bump this to point out that they have yet to predict a single thing correctly, and all of their predictions have proven verifiably false and complete and total bollocks.

That's all.
They’re all over Twitter too. Really, really, weird people.

Following folk like Indykaila and that Sergio bloke saying I know you’re bullshitting but I choose to believe you.

I genuinely don’t know what goes through the minds of millions of people. It actually scares the shit out of me.
I really got to say they’ve had a wonderful strike rate this summer. They’ve gotten every single thing wrong.
I could be wrong and I have no idea which one but didn't one of them call VDB ?
If we just list everyone United have been linked with heavily in one window under different numbered names.

So ITK1= DVB and Grealish
ITK 2 = Sancho and Reguillon

etc eventually one of them may get someone right. But repeating what a newspaper or journalist has said 24hours earlier whilst vaguely referencing “word in the department” is just laughable.

Ive given up even trying to help people see the light. Anyone still on that sub/discord isn’t worth saving.
Months ago, one of them mentioned VDB. But again, so did the papers back then.
I only recall VDB being mentioned in a “we’ll think about it if priced out of Grealish” kind of way, never anything to actually say we were interested until a day or two before it happened, by which time we all knew about it.
Until they say clearly "we are interested in this person and want to sign them" with confidence before the press get wind with it, you can never be sure it's ITK information.

Not once have I seen that on Muppetiers. Everything is always done after it's talked about in the press or online already.

They embarrased themselves with the Sancho saga and that was the final nail in the coffin for many of them. It was quite beautiful really.
Until they say clearly "we are interested in this person and want to sign them" with confidence before the press get wind with it, you can never be sure it's ITK information.

Not once have I seen that on Muppetiers. Everything is always done after it's talked about in the press or online already.

They embarrased themselves with the Sancho saga and that was the final nail in the coffin for many of them. It was quite beautiful really.
No he definitely signed for us and agreed everything August 6th it’s just the club are being sneaky. :rolleyes:
I only recall VDB being mentioned in a “we’ll think about it if priced out of Grealish” kind of way, never anything to actually say we were interested until a day or two before it happened, by which time we all knew about it.
yeah that's what the news and their ITK's said I think.
:lol::lol: that norwegian journalist comes out with his article today and suddenly all the "Sancho is back on" mupdates come flooding through.
The Muppetiers are a truly embarrassing joke. The fact anyone still sticks up for that guff is actually worrying. Not even trying to hide the fact they're copying journalists anymore.
It is like they are taking the piss and yet want to check who all are gullible enough to still believe them.
They’re all over Twitter too. Really, really, weird people.

Following folk like Indykaila and that Sergio bloke saying I know you’re bullshitting but I choose to believe you.

I genuinely don’t know what goes through the minds of millions of people. It actually scares the shit out of me.

Mate BoJo and Trump run countries. That says it all, and it is indeed terrifying what people think :lol:...:nervous:
Easiest path into fake itk would be to see who United are linked with and just say

"My sources tell me this isn't happening"

You'd have a 99% hit rate doing that
Easiest path into fake itk would be to see who United are linked with and just say

"My sources tell me this isn't happening"

You'd have a 99% hit rate doing that

You don't need 99% when people believe you with 10%. Just create random and fake ITKs from 1 to n and call every half reliable rumour, you'll get one right eventually and then can sell that to the dumb followers. The rest you just brush under the carpet and be creative. You don't need a lot, when people want to believe
Ubergorp hasn't posted since August 29, although he is still lurking... you okay, mate? (I won't tag him as he doesn't like that)