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That's harsh. He's made more then a few good movies. His last few have been crap.
He has made 1 decent film. The rest have been utter crap.
Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense and Sign are all decent or more than decent. The Village could probably qualify for decent as well(but not more than that).
Its what he's done after these movies (Lady in the Water, The happening and TLAB) that has lead him to be ridiculed on such a large scale.
Ridiculed my most, hailed as an "works of art" by internet gobbledegook-believing weirdos.
How many of his films have ended with a twist?
They don't have to be works of art though do they? I mean, 95% of all movies released worldwide aren't works of art. A "The Thin Red Line" was a work of art, but how many people have you met who think that? How many people have actually even seen it?
I wouldn't say any of Nights films are works of art, not even Sixth sense. It's clear he's heavily influenced by hitchcock and tries to use a lot of his techniques. That makes it difficult to appreciate him as anything more then an immitator. But with the exception of Lady in the Water, and perhaps The Happening, none of his other movies have bombed.
Even Last Airbender which was heavily panned made some 250-300 million, so it'll break even (with DVD sales and rentals).
Even Last Airbender which was heavily panned made some 250-300 million, so it'll break even (with DVD sales and rentals).
Box office is fairly meaningless when it comes to judging the quality of a film anyway.
Quite proud of that. Not easy to discuss Shymalan movies without using the word shit in every post. No idea what you're on about with "fart" though. What a weird thing to say.
Not your first weird contribution to this thread, mind you, with my personal favourite being the bit where you called The Happening a "work of art". Priceless![]()
Box office is fairly meaningless when it comes to judging the quality of a film anyway.
Yeah, but so is calling a movie a piece of art. That's even more subjective. At least the box office offers a metric by which to judge movies. An important one at that. If movies are primarily an entartainment commodity, then how much they make is far more important then its actual artistic merit.
Not saying a box office hit = quality movie, but it does tell us people are willing to go and watch it which in turn tells studios that the director, the crew and the cast aren't as crap as some pretentious farts are making them out to be.
Unbreakable, utter shit The Sixth Sense Good if you don't know the twist and Signs So bad youare all decent or more than decent. The Village very poor and so bloody obvious could probably qualify for decent as well(but not more than that).
Its what he's done after these movies (Lady in the Water, The Happening and TLAB) that has led him to be ridiculed on such a large scale.
That last sentence makes no sense.
Are you trying to claim that a movie which makes a lot of money is, by definition, a good film or not?
If you are, then do you really need me to start listing the dozens of dreadful films that have made a lot of money.
If you're not using box office as a proxy for quality, then why even mention it? Implying that someone is a "pretentious fart" for pointing out that a movie which makes big money might still be a crap film is one of the most stupid comments in this thread (fighting off stiff competion)
Actually, the easiest way of making my point is by asking you a simple question. Do you think it's possible for a crap movie to do well in the box office?
Quite proud of that. Not easy to discuss Shymalan movies without using the word shit in every post. No idea what you're on about with "fart" though. What a weird thing to say.
Not your first weird contribution to this thread, mind you, with my personal favourite being the bit where you called The Happening a "work of art". Priceless![]()
Box office is fairly meaningless when it comes to judging the quality of a film anyway.
I don't doubt you can list a dozen movies that have been dreadful and made money.
You are right. All these made money and were utter shit
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
New Moon
The Da Vinci Code
Superman Returns
The Golden Compass
Spiderman 3
X Men: Last Stand
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Rush Hour 3
Many would also include
Van Helsing
Transformers 2
Sahara (just broke even I think or nearly so)
Terminator Salvation (Terminator 3 was worse if it made money which I doubt)
You are right. All these made money and were utter shit
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
New Moon
The Da Vinci Code
Superman Returns
The Golden Compass
Spiderman 3
X Men: Last Stand
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Rush Hour 3
Many would also include
Van Helsing
Transformers 2
Sahara (just broke even I think or nearly so)
Terminator Salvation (Terminator 3 was worse if it made money which I doubt)
As I said 1 decent film and the rest utter rubbish.
He achieved the impossible task of making a great series like the last airbender one of the worst movies I have ever watched. He could have literally taken 5 minutes out of each of the episodes in the first season and made a movie that is 100x better than the shower of shite he put out. Not paying money to watch any of his films again
There's nothing remotely genius about Happening to be fair - it's not as bad as reviews suggest, at times it's watchable but it's still a very poor movie that wouldn't have made it to cinemas if it hadn't been for director's name. Some of the dialogues in the movie are so bad it's unbelievable and the plot basically makes no sense, even if it's supposed to send an important message to the audience it only ridicules the idea of saving the nature even more - honestly, no one's going to care about plants more after seeing that movie, they'll most likely laugh at it.
Same goes for Lady in the Water, I hoped it'd be good because his previous movies were at least decent but instead he's created a boring storyline and we got a boring one-and-half hour movie. I actually noticed there was something wrong with The Village which at times got boring too but at least it had a decent plot and was filmed well.
I think most people will agree that Shyamalan's best efforts happened early in his hollywood career. I can't defend any of his last few movies. They were quit poor (as far as i'm concerned anyway). I haven't watched Airbender, but i don't think it will change opinion.
But Signs and Unbreakable were decent movies. They work on many different levels, and i'm unconvinced they were 'crap' just because that's one persons opinion. Especially when it becomes clear that person only viewed the movie on the surface level and perhaps didn't appreciate that the movie was actually trying to delve deeper. There are a lot of aspects of both Signs and Unbreakable that didn't work for me, but on the whole I think they were well told stories. I can't take anyone serious if they just pan these movies because both have enough merit to be discussed properly.
Ok, so Wibble has his opinions on which movies are shit. But how about a list of movies you don't think are shit. How about a list of movies you think are excellent. Go on then Wibbles. Give it to us....
No point arguing with Wibble. According to his opinion certain movies are shit because Wibble says they are shit. If you disagree then you might as well be shit because you like a movie that Wibble labels as being shit. Wibble as the universal standard which determines quality of movies.
It's like talking to a five year old.
I think most people will agree that Shyamalan's best efforts happened early in his hollywood career. I can't defend any of his last few movies. They were quit poor (as far as i'm concerned anyway). I haven't watched Airbender, but i don't think it will change opinion.
But Signs and Unbreakable were decent movies. They work on many different levels, and i'm unconvinced they were 'crap' just because that's one persons opinion. Especially when it becomes clear that person only viewed the movie on the surface level and perhaps didn't appreciate that the movie was actually trying to delve deeper. There are a lot of aspects of both Signs and Unbreakable that didn't work for me, but on the whole I think they were well told stories. I can't take anyone serious if they just pan these movies because both have enough merit to be discussed properly.
Both are poor films in that the direction and storyline is very poor indeed.
Unbreakbale is simply a poor comic book plot dressed up as art. The "twist" at the end is especially stupid. If this were submitted to Marvel as a prospective new comic it wouldn't be printed.
Signs is even worse. Aliens invade a rural corn field first and make funny patterns, communicate in a way that can only heard on a baby monitor but not by anything else, terrible special effects and alien bright enough to cross the universe in search of food (us) but dumb enough to invade a planet that it 70% water by surface area and where the food (us) is largely made up of water, when they are fatally poisoned by water. That is before you even get into the fact that, being a carbon based life form, they would be made up of mainly water themselves. This film made War Of The Worlds looks like Godfather 2.
You still don't fool me. I know you can't like The Happening.
But here goes,
Godfather 2
3 Colours Blue
Blade Runner
Apocalypse Now
Pulp Fiction
Once Were Warriors
Good Fellas
Taxi Driver
12 Angry Men
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
More recently really good stuff
A Prophet
Inglorious Basterds
In Bruges
Comedy (that miss being a great film due to the sketch based nature of the screenplay but are hilarious anyway).
Life of Brian
There Is Something About Mary
I'm sure I have forgotten loads.