Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
There's no way I'm fecking watching The Happening again to see if that theory is correct.
That's exactly what Tommy Wiseau said after The Room came out. I don't believe him and I don't believe Shyamalan.
That was intentional.
The film is Shyamalan's commentary on a perceived decline of parental responsibility - and its myriad effects - in Western (centered in the USA) culture.
There's a good summary here:
IMDb :: Boards :: The Happening (2008) :: Children on the Run: What's really happ...
I had a similar reaction to the film based on the rude child's fate and also on the same seemingly random shot the above reviewer mentions regarding the skirt billowing in the wind. I'm not saying that means we're right. Just that I think it means something that more than one person has thought the same thing.
And you can understand why MNS couldn't talk about it in public. After all, he's basically saying a fair proportion of Americans are childish fools.
He's so overrated. Twists are aimed at people whose minds are blown by the fact that everything they believed they were seeing was a misdirect.
He's so overrated. Twists are aimed at people whose minds are blown by the fact that everything they believed they were seeing was a misdirect.
It's actually more the case that there are people like you who dont understand it. And then you blame it on the director. But your inability to comprehend has got nothing to do with him, I mean how could he possibly be responsible for your intelectual deficencies?!
Yeah, like I was saying...
I wish you could see what I can see.
I really don't. I stopped believing in fairies a long time ago.
It's actually more the case that there are people like you who dont understand it. And then you blame it on the director. But your inability to comprehend has got nothing to do with him, I mean how could he possibly be responsible for your intelectual deficencies?!
Hehe. Your arrogance is borne out of being able to 'understand' the mindless witterings of that great 'intellectual' Shaymalan.
I've heard it all now.
I wonder how many people actually 'got' this big conclusion whilst watching the film, and not googling it afterwards?
At least two. Me and the person who wrote that review. I'd wager a few more here and there. There's a key shot in the film - a completely and utterly WTF random slow motion shot of a billowing skirt that can only be a POV (point-of-view) shot from John Leguizamo's daughter as Zoe Deschanel for the first time takes adult responsibility and shields the child from harm as you're dead certain they're about to die - that shot sort of causes the chain reaction. It's very very noticeable and jarring (and long) - basically so 'bad' in terms of pacing that there's no way it's in there without a reason. Really it's the length of the shot that does it. It's up there way too long.
So once you think: wait, so did they survive because she was being protective of the child? I guess if you wanted to equate it to something you could call it the mid-film equivalent of the Bruce Willis reveal in Sixth.
And no one's saying the film is genius. But it's not incoherent or crappy. And if anything the whole "Your obsession with immature youth-culture will be your undoing, America. It's a foregone conclusion, a natural (hence the trees) progression," message is right in line with MNS's reputation for being preachy, haughty, and self-righteous. Again: he's a filmmaker with European sensibilities working in the Hollywood studio system.
Hehe. Your arrogance is borne out of being able to 'understand' the mindless witterings of that great 'intellectual' Shaymalan.
I've heard it all now.
Dont take it personally Brophs, I wasn't being serious, I was only responding to that cock Pogue.![]()
Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? -- Douglas Adams
Wait, so you sat there through a film just and at some point thought up all that in the middle of one scene? I mean I tend to have a think about films after viewing them (I pretty much called sixth sense, but then who didn't), but in the middle?
I don't know about that. Besides, I still fail to see how a great 'insight' like that lifts the film. It was terribly acted, rubbish dialogue, no real connection with the characters and just wasn't that good at all. Even after knowing (or maybe not knowing, just reading someone's interpretation) what the film is supposed to be about, it doesn't lift it up at all in my eyes.
This smacks of fans using the "the film was too deep for you to enjoy, go back to your dumb action movies" line, when in actuality, most of what has been said to explain the film after is just an excuse. Much like Signs in that regard.
My wife thought exactly the same thing as you about the movie, in fact she hated it. But I personally suspected straight away that it's all intentional, as many other viewers did. It's still interesting that there were many different interpretations for the movie, one of them Hungrywing explained, another one was, if I remember correctly, based on Shyamalan's intention to make a B-Movie with a stupid twist, stupid acting and silly dialogue, and apparently throughout the movie there are hints which point to this idea, basiclly Shyamalan working contrary to people's typical expectations of what and how his movie ought to be.
Bravo Wibble, you managed to bring religion even into a movie thread. Excellent job! A bit obsessive but nevertheless...
Again, that could all be true. It could also be him trying to cover for a bad film (which I suspect is more likely, after all his stock has definitely dropped).
Either way, and whatever the truth, it is still pretty poor entertainment.
My wife thought exactly the same thing as you about the movie, in fact she hated it. But I personally suspected straight away that it's all intentional, as many other viewers did. It's still interesting that there were many different interpretations for the movie, one of them Hungrywing explained, another one was, if I remember correctly, based on Shyamalan's intention to make a B-Movie with a stupid twist, stupid acting and silly dialogue, and apparently throughout the movie there are hints which point to this idea, basiclly Shyamalan working contrary to people's typical expectations of what and how his movie ought to be.
Surely that's not the universal purpose of every movie?
I haven't seen the Airbender movie, is it good?
The Happening is a work of art. You wouldn't appreciate it.
YouTube - Devil - Trailer
I saw this trailer yesterday and it was funny that as soon as MNS' name came up everybody groaned and started laughing.
How does this guy keep getting produced?