Angel Di Maria | £59.7M fee agreed I Maybe tomorrow...or the day after...

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Man Utd Mrs

We all love our MUM
Oct 12, 2004
M.U.M. knows best.

Why do people actually care about this? They rejected him because of FFP. Mendez has offered Di Maria to most of the richesclubs in the world. So what? This is actually a compliment to united because we are not restricted by FFP due to our income.
Seriously though .. who gives a shit (if even true)?

Hopefully they'll live to regret it :)


Saturday Night Spies
Jan 16, 2012
Under soil heating.

Why do people actually care about this? They rejected him because of FFP. Mendez has offered Di Maria to most of the richesclubs in the world. So what? This is actually a compliment to united because we are not restricted by FFP due to our income.
So the City guy called him? Smacks of them trying to make him look like a city reject. They are obsessed with us.

Mister Ed

New Member
May 29, 2012
Much as it won't happen I'd rather see this, and when one of RvP, or Mata isn't performing, or as often happens is injured get Rooney in quick sharp, but Di Maria one side, and Janujaz the other must be tried at some point.


-------Herrera-------De Jong/Strootman ---------


Di Maria----- -RVP-----------Janujaz
We can very easily switch to that, but as much as we won't see RVP and Rooney playing together all the time, we also can't play Januzaj as a starter all games.

I'll reckon we'll be switching back and forth between 3 central defenders at the back and 2 wing backs and 2 centrebacks with a defensive mid infront of them and 2 fullbacks and upfront between playing a diamond on the midfield and a striker partner ship or triangle on the midfield and 2 wingers.

The flexibility would be fantastic and could be an important weapon for us in games. Opposition not knowing how will lign up exactly and than being able to change it drastically with one or two subs would be a massive advantage.

C'est Moi Cantona

Full Member
Feb 15, 2014
Would you consider Rooney instead of Januzaj in the 4-3-3 as the preferred starting XI?
Sure, but Rooney is better as a striker, or in Mata's position imo, plus the prospect of Di Maria, and Janujaz on the wings would be phenomenal.

Kill 'em all

Pastor of Muppets
Sep 15, 2012
I've been out of the loop all evening until now, but all I see is Ballbag & Sky sources, when were either of these even remotely reliable?
Add BBC to that list who have reported that Manchester United changed their stance from not interested earlier this window to no comment, also add every tabloid, Cadena COPE, Cadena ser and other spanish outlets that are reporting this.

Anyway, SKY after BBC is the most reliable media outlet.


New Member
Aug 3, 2014
Seriously though .. who gives a shit (if even true)?

Hopefully they'll live to regret it :)
You know, those who say "He went to you because we rejected him, you are second fiddle". Yes, they will regret buying two players (Mangala and Fernando) instead of the almighty Di Maria.:devil:


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
I've been out of the loop all evening until now, but all I see is Ballbag & Sky sources, when were either of these even remotely reliable?
The Guardian and Telegraph are reporting it first hand so both will have heard something from the club.

C'est Moi Cantona

Full Member
Feb 15, 2014
We can very easily switch to that, but as much as we won't see RVP and Rooney playing together all the time, we also can't play Januzaj as a starter all games.

I'll reckon we'll be switching back and forth between 3 central defenders at the back and 2 wing backs and 2 centrebacks with a defensive mid infront of them and 2 fullbacks and upfront between playing a diamond on the midfield and a striker partner ship or triangle on the midfield and 2 wingers.

The flexibility would be fantastic and could be an important weapon for us in games. Opposition not knowing how will lign up exactly and than being able to change it drastically with one or two subs would be a massive advantage.
No, no I understand that, I just hope that Di Maria doesn't hinder Janujaz in any way, those two in tandem could be dynamite.

Like you say the options we would suddenly have would be great, and well overdue.


Rest in Peace
Dec 7, 2013
Washington, DC

Why do people actually care about this? They rejected him because of FFP. Mendez has offered Di Maria to most of the richesclubs in the world. So what? This is actually a compliment to united because we are not restricted by FFP due to our income.
Looks like City are trying to get a "Fog in Channel, Continent Cut Off" headline: "United Buy Player City Rejected." Good luck with that City.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013

Why do people actually care about this? They rejected him because of FFP. Mendez has offered Di Maria to most of the richesclubs in the world. So what? This is actually a compliment to united because we are not restricted by FFP due to our income.
Yeah there's no doubt Di Maria will have been offered by Mendes to every big/rich club in the world. City would have had to say no because they prioritised splurging on a defender and couldn't spend any more. If FFP wasn't in effect they'd have tried to get Di Maria in a heartbeat. He'd be a huge upgrade on Jovetic, Nasri, Jesus Navas, even David Silva. Depending on where he played on the pitch.

Unlike our situation last season where Moyes actually rejected the chance to sign Ozil, presumably because he thought he wouldn't be enough of an upgrade on Rooney/Kagawa, and there were murmurings of Mata's unrest as early as August so that could also have been a factor.


likes playing with swords after fantasies
Apr 29, 2014
How much have we spent so far? 72m? With the rumoured 50m, we'd be spending 122m? 50m on a CM?
Fingers crossed but looks unlikely we'll sign Vidal, Khedira's supposedly available but I think he'll have a huge host of clubs to choose from. I have a feeling we'll end up signing Blind and De Jong then go all out for Strootman in January/next Summer.

I'm getting more and more excited at the prospect of the AdM signing by the minute, he's got the pace and penetration we really lacked last season, I didn't even realise it myself till someone mentioned it before but our wings have almost become as bad as our CM options, only difference between the two was a supremely talented teen last year. Di Maria's going to be answering a huge problem, I feel.


likes playing with swords after fantasies
Apr 29, 2014
Sky sports seem to think that the transfer fee could rise to £56m. Good price for a top player like Di Maria.
Especially with players like Rodriguez and Luiz going for fees in excess of £50m.

Mister Ed

New Member
May 29, 2012
Did he play midfield last season?
He played in a midfield 3

----Modric----Di Maria----

Ronaldo often came inside to partner up with Benz and than Di Maria overlapped him on the wing, he basically played two positions in that team, as CAM and a Winger and he was brilliant at it, it brought the best out of him and by far he was one of their most important players last year, many even say the best, altough you need to take with a pinch a salt seeing Ronaldo and Bale obviously also were great, but many Real Madrid followers will tell you Di Maria was probably the biggest force in that team and had a bigger impact than both, he scored so many winning goals for them, he was the standout guy in so many important games like the classico etc and he has assisted so many winning goals for them.

If we spend so much cash on him we'll need to change the system so we can use him in a similar way. As a pure midfielder, I don't know about him, he can do a job but not worth the massive investment and we'd be wasting some his most important attributes, as a Winger he'd be great but I don't know if he'd be £60m great but if he can combine both roles like he did at Madrid than he could be one of the best in the world for us and he'd be a steal for £60m. Hell if he could be half the player for us that he was for Real last season he'll easily be the best player in the PL this year, no doubt about it.


Feb 1, 2012
You know, those who say "He went to you because we rejected him, you are second fiddle". Yes, they will regret buying two players (Mangala and Fernando) instead of the almighty Di Maria.:devil:
Jesus, how ironic can you get? City branding us 2nd fiddle? :lol:

Sooner the better those bluenose nobody's experience their first real transition at the top level. It took them a while to break into the top four despite spending a ridiculous amount of money. Or better yet, get abandoned by the rich owner that's made them relevant.


Full Member
Jan 13, 2012
The Guardian and Telegraph are reporting it first hand so both will have heard something from the club.
BBC is involved too, for that extra, state-sponsored, stamp of approval (that we might sign Angel di Maria).

Let's hope we United can maintain the endorphin rush, by battering Sunderland, signing Di Maria and swiftly moving onto a certain highly sought after midfielder.


Horrible boss
Aug 17, 2010
Seventh Heaven
Urban Combat Preparedness
That's Crazy money for him tbh.

Doubt it is true.
As good as he is 60 million for an attacking player who doesn't score goals? Truth be told we have grossly over paid for all of our players in this transfer window. Shaw, Herrera and Rojo are worth half of what we paid for them, mabe even less. Seems like Woodward has said "feck negotiations, here's the clubs credit card, take what you want and just drop the player outside carrington this morning"
50M pounds for Di Maria! madness...
one of the worst divers on the planet. Solves very little either.
One good season in a team full of stars and for you he is now top 10 in the world?
i guess desperate times calls for desperate measures.

still... bad precedent.
He wasn't brilliant as a winger for Madrid, in my opinion.
Some people will never be happy. Whether we play 3-5-2 or 4-3-3, he is typically going to be taking the place of one of the following: Fletcher, Cleverley or Young. From any of those three to Angel Di Maria, is the most ridiculously preposterous upgrade imaginable. He is as good as a CM as he is as a left winger. He has an UNBELIEVABLE work rate, and so much pace it hurts. He's such an exciting player. One worthy of that number 7 shirt. The fact he is versatile, is a huge plus. No other team in the Premier League wants to see us sign Di Maria. They'll flog us with the "he cost far too much" stick but that's only because they are scared. It doesn't effect us at all how much he cost. He's genuinely world class, and that's what we need. I am certain Woodward will leverage some additional sponsorships out of this, and we'll have some outgoings to help balance the books a little.

Given how insanely well the club is run from a financial perspective, if Woody and the Glazers are ok with us spending 50-60M on a single player, then why the feck would the fans give a shit? You people, always looking for a reason to complain.

In my lifetime we have made a handful of signings that have been truly exciting and made me dream. Veron, who I thought was going to help us dominate Europe for years and came for a massive fee (28.1M) at the time, Van Nistelrooy, who we tracked for seasons and waited to recover from injury and paid big money for (again at the time), Rooney, after his Euro 2004 exploits and just being the next big thing (paying nearly 30M for in 2004) and Ferdinand who we spunked nearly 30M on (for a defender!!!) and whom genuinely looked like the reincarnation of Beckenbaur.

Mata didn't quite get me in the same way (although I was pleased, very pleased) because we had such a helmet at the helm and I doubted he was what we needed to go to the next level.

All the other players we bought who turned out to be epic either came for little money and turned into world stars (Schmeichel, Irwin, Keane, Solksjaer etc) or were bought very yong and developed (Ronaldo being the obvious one). DI Maria is a world class player in his prime. He's just 26. We've bought very few of these types of players over the last 10-15 years.

People have also talked some smack about the fees we've paid for some of the other signings this summer. But I am not sure what people expect. No-one is caring that Madrid paid 27M for their reserve left back (Coentrao). Or 35M on Illaramendi or 36M on Isco. Neither of whom are playing regularly but both of whom are huge talents. Fact is prices are through the roof these days. We can still develop our own talent and take a punt on younger cheaper players, but if there is nothing coming through the academy that meets our needs, what are we supposed to do? Wilt and die as a competing force? Shaw is 19 and a huge talent. 26M ain't shit for him. Herrera is 24 and already looking like one of our better players. At 29M we have someone who is already excellent and has just the right attitude, work ethic and potential to improve considerably. Mata only just turned 26 and is an x-factor type player. Rojo is just 24 and Van Gaal has obviously done his homework on him. At "just" 16M, can't be nervous about this deal.

Not everything has to be absolutes. There is no one player out there who solves all our problems. Di Maria is just another piece of the puzzle. A very, very good piece of the puzzle. Signing him doesn't mean we can't sign other players, and paying a huge fee for him doesn't mean you'll go hungry tonight.
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Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
He's lost a bit of his explosiveness.
Yes but that doesn't mean he can't be effective. Januzaj is an example. He has pace but he is not going to leave his defender behind like Bale or Ronaldo. Another example is Mata when he played for Chelsea. He didn't have great pace but that didn't stop him from being effective. With Di Maria on one wing and Rooney/Mata on the other we will be fine.

Mister Ed

New Member
May 29, 2012
No, no I understand that, I just hope that Di Maria doesn't hinder Janujaz in any way, those two in tandem could be dynamite.

Like you say the options we would suddenly have would be great, and well overdue.
I don't think he'll hinder Januzaj, but it will mean the end for Young and Valencia on the wing and he will hinder Welbeck. Young and Valencia will need to settle for the role of second choice wingbacks/fullbacks and Welbeck might actually leave if we round up this transfer. But Januzaj will get plenty of game time, no doubt.

Mister Ed

New Member
May 29, 2012
I think Di Maria will also leverage our investment in Mata and might help to make Januzaj more effective aswell.


Feb 4, 2013
The Mathews Bridge

Why do people actually care about this? They rejected him because of FFP. Mendez has offered Di Maria to most of the richesclubs in the world. So what? This is actually a compliment to united because we are not restricted by FFP due to our income.
The Mirror are absolute garbage for reliable transfer news anyway, so I'd bet this is made up. I'm sure ADM's agent has been flirting his way around Europe, but why would this nothing-journo from one of the shittiest papers in the country be contacted by a big boy at City to say "Oh, by the way, we turned him down a couple of months ago. You can put that in your little newspaper. Ok bye". It just wouldn't happen. It serves no purpose to anyone. And why would City want such information to be released, admitting that he was out of their price range, despite being a significant upgrade on Nasri, Navas, Jovetic, Milner & Sinclair. Nah, not having it.


Full Member
Sep 3, 2013
He's been more inside forward and been remarkably consistent, in a 4-3-3 he would be perfect for us, energetic, hard working, skilful, unpredictable and will above all give us the pace we lack.
If he can also put in a shift in the center then that's a huge bonus but his season at Madrid last year was him entering a peak, we would be getting him at the perfect time.
What would worry me would be us turning down the opportunity to bring him in.
Not once did I mention I didn't want Di Maria, but his best performances at Madrid has come from a position I don't think Van Gaal will play him in.

In Rainbows

Full Member
Apr 17, 2014
Yes but that doesn't mean he can't be effective. Januzaj is an example. He has pace but he is not going to leave his defender behind like Bale or Ronaldo. Another example is Mata when he played for Chelsea. He didn't have great pace but that didn't stop him from being effective. With Di Maria on one wing and Rooney/Mata on the other we will be fine.
Januzaj isn't Ronaldo or Bale, but he can go past players better than either Rooney or Mata. He's our best dribbler.


Guess who's back?
Feb 24, 2006
Buenos Aires - Argentina
a couple of things i want to say about dimaría

1) if he comes, i want Van Gal and his team mates to tell him that diving is frowned upon, i dont want that shit in my team
2) if he comes, i'm delighted to have a player with his hability
3) it´s always good to have players that won a CL and played a world cup final, it adds to the character
4) i'm an argie,but i'm not him, his brother, his father or his friend, so if he screws up, do not come looking for me to give back the 70 million euros, i repeat DO NOT come looking for me

i'm so happy dimaría is coming, i'm like a teanager wetting his undies over a justin beever poster!!!! :drool:
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