In a well-ordered universe...
The same Sarah Palin that spent six figures on clothing during the 2008 campaign while the rest of America was out there working their (not our) asses off?
I'm on my iPod. Is that just a picture of Obama?
The descent into fascism continues
At least Buchanan doesn't try to hide what he is. Old-school racists are so much easier to work with.
You realize you can morph any two people who ever existed and could make a better job of it than that? There isn't even one physical point that matches in that morph PLUS I have no idea what your point is, some clarity please.
You realize you can morph any two people who ever existed and could make a better job of it than that? There isn't even one physical point that matches in that morph PLUS I have no idea what your point is, some clarity please.
You realize you can morph any two people who ever existed and could make a better job of it than that? There isn't even one physical point that matches in that morph PLUS I have no idea what your point is, some clarity please.
You realize you can morph any two people who ever existed and could make a better job of it than that? There isn't even one physical point that matches in that morph PLUS I have no idea what your point is, some clarity please.
It's been a surreptitious descent into fascism covering 2 different administrations, since 9/11 - all under the guise of the buzzwords 'freedom', 'terror', 'patriotism' etc.
Loss of civil liberties, spying, drones, wars, torture, rendition, coercion, media intimidation, targeted assassinations & IRS harassment are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. But most importantly, they are unapologetically carried out by the 'Hope & Change' man that was touted as the 2nd coming of MLK - the Nobel Peace Prize winner.
A political scientist who studied past fascist regimes (Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, etc.) found 14 principles in common with one another.
1. Powerful & Continuing Nationalism - Check
2. Disdain for the recognition of Human Rights - Check
3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as unifying cause - Check
4. Supremacy of Military - Check
5. Rampant Sexism - Check
6. Controlled Mass media - Check
7. Obsession with National Security - Check
8. Religion & Government intertwined - Check
9. Corporate Power protected - Check check
10. Labor power suppressed - Check
11. Disdain for intellectuals & arts - Check
12. Obsession with crime & punishment - Check
13. Rampant Cronyism & Corruption - Check check
14. Fraudulent elections - Check
Fascist states are war oriented with leaders who are beyond reproach or questioning and see peace as weakness.
I knew he was a fraud before he became President but I never envisioned this, particularly after a nightmare with W. It's truly Orwellian.
You must've been on a remote island somewhere, was the weather nice?
IRS targeting, AP Phone records seizure and Benghazi for starters - take your pick
It's all impeachable and frankly, I find it only scratches the surface of a fascist administration that would make even W's blush
I don't get what's so big about these 'scandals'. I can barely understand the Benghazi thing and the other two don't seem to be anything to do with the White House whatsoever.
Do they really think that Obama is micro-managing the IRS? It's not as if he hasn't got enough shizzle to be getting on with.
The whole fraudulent elections thing is a bit of a stretch too. Fascism would be blatant fraud but what happens here is much more subtle and not always successful.
Of those 14 points none of them have something in common with Obama. Except maybe "supremacy of military" because, well, thats America.
If you're trying to equate this with Obama, you're as delusional as these right wing tea bagger idiots we're seeing popping up all over, especially in local government. He's a liberal democrat, for feck's sake.
Now, if you are equating this with rise of the far right with an anti Obama obsession, epitomized with the religious freaks, the gun freaks, tea bag freaks, military freaks, capitalism at all cost freaks et al, I'd say you're spot on. And I'd say more than any else, I think it is the democrats' job is to keep these fecking freaks from ruining the country. To keep them at bay. Somehow contain them.
Are you a right wing talk show host ? Because you sound like many of them in the US.
I don't get what's so big about these 'scandals'. I can barely understand the Benghazi thing and the other two don't seem to be anything to do with the White House whatsoever.
Do they really think that Obama is micro-managing the IRS? It's not as if he hasn't got enough shizzle to be getting on with.
It'd be amusing if it were at least imaginative to continue along the same tired narrative we've heard in the US for years now. 'If you're not with us, you're with the enemy'. 'If you criticize Dems, you're a right wing nutjob...If you criticize Repubs, you're a liberal treehugger'. It's a failure to actually use critical thinking as we've seen the country sucked into this vortex of 'us vs them' anytime a debate ensues.
And no, I am neither a Repub nor a Dem, I find them equally repulsive - two sides, same coin. If you've been paying attention, you'd notice that the critics of Obama in these outrageous scandals are coming from all corners, including both parties.
aside from the fact that in a fascist state, you wouldn't have a media industry to tell you these things?how this is different than any fascist state, I'd love to know.
aside from the fact that in a fascist state, you wouldn't have a media industry to tell you these things?
So lets break down the accusations you've made. Benghazi is probably more so a debacle than a scandal involving the State Department, which Obama as President had no control over. The IRS issue involves a individuals at the IRS; not Obama - and yet you've somehow tried to patch together some sort of indictment that he's behind it all. Can you explain this ?
So you think the entire media is in collusion with the government in some sort of massive conspiracy, then?
Benghazi is more than a debacle. The administration lied and led the public to believe it was precipitated by an anti-Muslim film rather than US policy, for one. For two, to lie & cover up served multiple purposes ahead of a re-election year. It failed to damage Obama in an election campaign by avoiding him not only look weak for being targeted by a complex & planned act on 9/11 but that the administration's purported success with the stability of Libya couldn't be further from the truth. Moreover, linking it to the anti-Muslim film served to embolden war proponents and their claim that 'Muslims are fundamentally driven to terrorize' rather than the result of policies in the region. This is more than a debacle, it's manipulation & coverup to further political careers and policies.
IRS is under the preview of the Executive branch and targeted Presidential critics, you're living in fantasy land if you fail to see how they are linked. There won't be any Nixon tapes directly implicating O, everyone learned from that - doesn't mean this sort of cronyism doesn't go on. Even the Watergate writers have echoed similar, can you accuse them of partisanship?
Same applies to the DOJ (Also under the purview of the Executive brnach) and their targeting, spying and intimidation of media in the AP.
This sort of systematic coercion is unprecedented in any administration, in any era for the US. It's not conjecture, it's simply fact. And again, they are the hallmarks of fascist regimes, not those purporting democracy nevermind transparency
So fox news (belonging to one of the biggest media tycoons in the world), the "Obama is a Muslim terrorist" channel, is fully in line with the current US government?I think the media is corporatized which is fully in line & protected by the US government. They have been rightly accused of failing to rebuke the Obama administration for repeated lies, 180s and coverups. But, that may not last long as the AP issue will resonate, IMO. When you start intimidating journalism of any kind, you're sending a message that everyone must tow the line. Everyone won't although corporate media, may have no choice
So fox news (belonging to one of the biggest media tycoons in the world), the "Obama is a Muslim terrorist" channel, is fully in line with the current US government?
There are definitely a lot of interests, which lead to mis-representations of facts in the media, but they're not in line with the government, they generally tend to be in the "I want to make more money and pay less tax" group.
1. I take it you mean the information Susan Rice put out on the talk shows just after Benghazi happened. Its already been noted that her information was what was initially given to her by the intelligence reports. Therefore there's a massive difference between Rice being given what was initially bad information than to fabricate a story that Obama somehow lied about what happened. The rest is just your misguided conjecture rather than anything that is grounded in reality.
2. You've failed to link Obama to what happened with the IRS other than to say it happened under the purview of the executive branch. Well, guess what ? The President doesn't micromanage every detail of what happens several layers below him. When someone or a group of people abuse their jobs such as what happened at the IRS, then he is obviously obliged to take action - and he has, by sacking the leadership of the IRS and as the investigation continues, also sacking the specific workers who were involved. Its utterly preposterous to suggest Obama is at fault because Richard Nixon once misbehaved 40 years ago.
Both of your points are extremely weak and seem more politically motivated than anything else.
We know that the State Department knew at the time they disseminated the information, before the re-election, that what they conveyed was false. That's not conjecture, it's fact. We also know that even Libya's intelligence community knew it was organized and long planned in advance of Susan Rice's info.
The White House themselves came out with issuing the same lies along fals reports of demonstrations proceeding the attack due to the film. Couple that with the emails that have since been released that show how the narrative was carefully orchestrated by the White House - but sure, Obama didn't know
There's a massive difference between being naive about how politics works and looking for the smoking gun - this isn't a movie where the President is easily implicated. Plausible deniability.
Guess what, sure they do. Sacking IRS officials is nothing more than scapegoating after the fact, the old 'shut up & move on' ploy politicians in DC love to use. Something but parties have been guilty of throughout history. Iran Contra, October Surprise, September Dossier, WMDs, Watergate, Fast & Furious, Green Engergy loans, etc.
They are the very definition of coverup.
You sound like you've watched too many political chat shows, misusing terminology and failing to understand what much of this means. What sort of political motivation can I have? Am I running for something? Pushing for a different candidate/party?
It's not new really, W supporters were spinning corruption, torture and the erosion of civil liberties much like O supporters have been doing so in this administration. No wonder nothing changes, everyone is content to stay blissfully ignorant.
Yeah yeah I got the IRS and AP stuff after I posted that. As for Nixon people seem to forget how liberal he is compared to todays GOP