American Idol

Had you known the answer to either of my pedestrian questions, I might give you the tiniest bit of credence. However, you fail. feck off once again. You know nothing of music.
If you don't know who Joy Division or New Order are, you shouldn't be arguing up a fence post over music. You can leave that to Tom Waits, who I'm sure you know nothing of. feck off. Bye bye now.

feck sake all he said was he found people's music taste on here a bit strange because he hasnt heard of most of the bans we go on about, which is to be expected as he's in India.

I really don't know what you're getting so argumentative for, not once did he criticise your taste or challenge you to a music quiz which you seem hell bent on having.

What the feck is going on with people on here today, it's fecking Sunday and everyone's grumpy as feck.
Had you known the answer to either of my pedestrian questions, I might give you the tiniest bit of credence. However, you fail. feck off once again. You know nothing of music.
I've just got that bit of class in me not to respond to this childishness. Had you ever learned to communicate with others with some dignity and respect, you may actually have a bit of that thing called class. I'd rather not get into abusing people online. Its well below me. Take care.
I've just got that bit of class in me not to respond to this childishness. Had you ever learned to communicate with others with some dignity and respect, you may actually have a bit of that thing called class. I'd rather not get into abusing people online. Its well below me. Take care.

Rock'n'rock requires not class. In fact, those who garner the greatest acclaim are characters such as Lennon, Jagger and Bowie. So what are you arguing son? This is a not a subject of white gloves.
Rock'n'rock requires not class. In fact, those who garner the greatest acclaim are characters such as Lennon, Jagger and Bowie. So what are you arguing son? This is a not a subject of white gloves.

Who's arguing with you? Feck sake, you remind me of the crazy woman I see at the bus station ranting and raving at the wall.

All he said was that he found peoples music taste on here strange, which is to be expected.. Well, what cw said.

You seem to have a bit of a strange way of arguing, as well. When someone disagrees with you, you appear to challenge them to strange music quizes, as if to say "Your opinion doesn't matter, because I have memorized more songs and bands."
Rock'n'rock requires not class. In fact, those who garner the greatest acclaim are characters such as Lennon, Jagger and Bowie. So what are you arguing son? This is a not a subject of white gloves.
Neither were they regarded so highly for arguing on the internet about knowing as many artists as possible. It was because they were great at what they did. What you've seem to have forgotten is that we arent playing music here, and most people here do something else for a living and stand to be judged by their virtues relating to that field. Yes, what am i arguing on 'son'? Ask yourself that you clown because i dont remember arguing. No one here remembers me arguing. Check the blank space between your ears for an answer. Also, ask yourself why you actually have those girly gloves on when theres noone fighting :) take care.
Who's arguing with you? Feck sake, you remind me of the crazy woman I see at the bus station ranting and raving at the wall.

All he said was that he found peoples music taste on here strange, which is to be expected.. Well, what cw said.

You seem to have a bit of a strange way of arguing, as well. When someone disagrees with you, you appear to challenge them to strange music quizes, as if to say "Your opinion doesn't matter, because I have memorized more songs and bands."

No question of memorization. Who would argue that the Beatles, Bowie and the Stones weren't influential along with The Who and Pink Floyd in terms of rock music? Doesn't matter where you're from.
Yes, but that's not the point. The point is that no-one is arguing anything. I'm sure you know a lot about music, you sure as hell know more than me. But you don't have to prove that by asking people weird musical questions the minute they post in the same thread as you.
feck all of you then. If you're all going to be lassies about it, you can all kiss my arse. Much less harsh than coversation in clubs that host decent music. If you want to exhibit liberal acceptance, piss on it.
feck all of you then. If you're all going to be lassies about it, you can all kiss my arse. Much less harsh than coversation in clubs that host decent music. If you want to exhibit liberal acceptance, piss on it.
feck all of you then. If you're all going to be lassies about it, you can all kiss my arse. Much less harsh than coversation in clubs that host decent music. If you want to exhibit liberal acceptance, piss on it.


Well, at least you managed to post once without attempting to harangue someone on their lack of musical knowledge. Almost.

Well, at least you managed to post once without attempting to harangue someone on their lack of musical knowledge. Almost.

No, I didn't. I was quite upfront about you being a musical retard in my presence. Which you are...

Okay. You got me there! Outed me, as it were. Destroyed my pretense of being a musical genius. Damn.

Okay. You got me there! Outed me, as it were. Destroyed my pretense of being a musical genius. Damn.
Thats it for you in this industry, im afraid. You've just been 'J'Curr'd', or in other words attacked by a lunatic.
All I know is before my next boxing spar I want what J Carr had this morning to get all the anger fueling in me.

Every discussion anything that opposes him has turned into an off-colour argument and discussion.
What were the other 2?
Which one is she? There's a couple of pretty hot MILFs amongst the contestants.

Oh, she's a previous winner I think.


Quite obvious. I'm more knowledgeable than you. Age isn't the main factor. I'm only 27. However if you don't realize that West Coast American 60's cult classic from a lad who thought he would die within months is 'Forever Changes' by Love, you don't know rock music. Sorry. Do some more research.

EDIT: And to the Idol cronies who won't hate this record, you're welcome.

Gross. No, there is right and there is wrong. Just like everything else in life. Can you name me the punk band that gave birth to a prominent New Wave Manchester band? Surely, I have faith in you.

Do you realize that there's more to music than just the bands that you listen to?

I listen to a lot of music -- mostly Indian, but I almost never listen to your western compositions. I find them trite and repetitive, but that's just my opinion. I find Indian music to be on a completely different level to the things you people listen to. Music that connects on a personal level. You should give it a try.
No hot chicks in the final 12.

Au contraire, my friend.


My favorite of the competition, besides the Indian guy. She's a jazzy Duffy-Adele-Winehouse kind of girl (that means Erica will hate her. :D)

The "good" singers in the competition are either OTT screamos like Adam or creepy wife-killers.
Do you realize that there's more to music than just the bands that you listen to?

I listen to a lot of music -- mostly Indian, but I almost never listen to your western compositions. I find them trite and repetitive, but that's just my opinion. I find Indian music to be on a completely different level to the things you people listen to. Music that connects on a personal level. You should give it a try.

You have your culture and I have mine. Everyone's happy. Cheerio.
I once had to sit through an entire evening of Sitar music after my wife carelessly agreed to go to listen to some "guitar" music. I should have been suspicious when she didn't have an answer when I asked her what kind of guitar music and she didn't know. The first 10 minutes were tolerable. The following 2 hours were 2 of the worst hours of my life. And we couldn't even leave because we had shared a car with someone who was (pretending to?) enjoy themselves. I have never forgiven her and we have never been out with those boring bastards again.
Gross. No, there is right and there is wrong. Just like everything else in life. Can you name me the punk band that gave birth to a prominent New Wave Manchester band? Surely, I have faith in you.

Joy Division-New Order

Do I win twice?
I don't get the fuss over the practically blind chap