Doesn't make sense though. What happens if somebody now doesn't want more players - nominates shit players nobody wants? Why not just let the people who want to nominate use the nominations?
There were supposed to be 15 nominations per round - for 10 rounds which makes 150 players nominated. 120 players is enough for everybody to have 10 players before the auction round.
So there should be no way that people end up missing out on getting to nominate their own players. There was a 30 player buffet for that. Even if everybody picked up 12 players before the auction draft that amounts to 144 players - leaving room for everybody to get their picks.
You decide the amount of nominations - and the rules of nominations - on the fly, for each round. body can be blamed for not preparing for one round having one nomination - another 2 etc - that is something you decide on the spot.
So I'll just assume we will all get to pick players we nominate ourselves, instead of going this sheep route of "neutrals" nominating players for - which wasn't mentioned anywhere until page 44 of the draft.
You can't play the "You should have known what I would decide in 3 weeks about the nominations - so now you get a neutral/opponent sheep pick". Who knew before hand that the PL round would be allowed to finish without everybody making a nomination, who knew that some rounds would have one nomination - others 2 - others would have neutrals nominating players.