ALL Ronaldo's future/comments/speculation

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He's already won damages for an imaginary story about him being unprofessional in training. This story has a big complication though.

The problem with this was that it was published not in their print paper but on their internet blog section.

There are some real questions there. Where is the server located? Is the blog directly under the control of a centralised editor or is it self-uploading? Does the writer carry defamation insurance (he won't if he's a private contractor). Is he an employee or a private contractor?

Internet webblog defamation law is a total bitch and a wildly new area for the UK especially - it is a lot different than suing over a paper - presuming Ronaldo's people ever even get wind of it in the waves and waves of "burn the witch" coverage that I doubt he's going to be scouring just to see his face.

On second thought, he might be looking at the pictures... :nervous:

Are you sure about that?
I love how upset everyone is at the big font. Sometimes you have to shout to get the message over the noise of the baying pitch-fork-carrying crowd.

Generally, what adults do in life is that they give people the benefit of the doubt and they believe in what they actually see. They realise there is more to what is going on in private than they likely know. They also know that if someone is unpopular in the public eye, then they should be skeptical because once that person makes one mistake or acts like a tit then the knives will be out.

Generally, what small children do in life is they scweam and scweam and hold their breath and pwomise to neva neva neva wove you eva eva again at the slightest possible provocation, then forget all about it. This happened in 2006 with Ronaldo and the Kiddie Brigade.

Instead of acting like grown ups, some of the alleged grown ups have been on a crusade to claim that those who tried to give Ronaldo the benefit of the doubt before the more recent comments, or who still think there may be a bit more to this than meets the eye (or who have noticed he's a weak willed prevaricating little ego-machine and he does this after every tournament) are being attacked as teenagers, girls in love, blind, or worse.

Caf witch hunts.

Who is bringing the smores?
I dismiss the 'reported at the time' aspect entirely. It's very common for stories to be known to the media and not printed, or not printed until a later date, for all manner of reasons

Do you seriously suggest at that time, a paper would have had the appetite to print such a story? Because I don't

I can see how you could charge the article as writing in a way that barely resembled what happened. But I come back to the point you simply don't know... although, clearly you're prepared to believe something of the type actually happened if you think its merely sensationalist reporting, in which case why couldn't it have happened in a manner the journalist describes?

A story about Hate Figure Numero Uno amongst the Little Englanders, who happens to be the Best Footballer On The Planet, playing for a team who at the time was tilting for the Treble and the Champions of England during an emotional and historic time?

This with the English Media being involved - it being a seriously sleazy sensationalist culture that will publish anything anytime.

Are you insane?

Papers absolutely dream of that sort of shit.

If a half-arsed Reading player's cock is a "huge" news story, you think the best player on the planet acting like a cock towards the victims of one of the biggest tragedies in English footballing history on the 50th anniversary would be something they'd just tuck away for future reference?

This is ground control to Major Tom...

I love cats.

Just ask Milton.
I love how upset everyone is at the big font. Sometimes you have to shout to get the message over the noise of the baying pitch-fork-carrying crowd.


jasonrh said:
Generally, what small children do in life is they scweam and scweam

People who know their arguement is paricularly unpersuasive have to resort to gimmicks such as increasing the font size. It actually does their credibility no good, because everybody understands this notion

Adults give the benefit of the doubt (unless it's a piece written to make Ronaldo look like a shit, in which case no no, it couldn't possibly be true, no benefit here). Stupid adults give it when the evidence tells us we shoudn't be giving any benefit of the doubt. And there's certainly enough evidence to defend what has been said about Ronaldo within this thread. It's not our faults you blindly choose not to believe it, and keep you head firmly up your own backside so that you can't possibly see it happening

People who know their arguement is paricularly unpersuasive have to resort to gimmicks such as increasing the font size. It actually does their credibility no good, because everybody understands this notion

Adults give the benefit of the doubt (unless it's a piece written to make Ronaldo look like a shit, in which case no no, it couldn't possibly be true, no benefit here). Stupid adults give it when the evidence tells us we shoudn't be giving any benefit of the doubt. And there's certainly of evidence to defend what has been said about Ronaldo within this thread. It's not our faults you blindly choose not to believe it, and keep you head firmly up your own backside so that you can't possibly see it happening

As I said, when the mob has its pitchforks out, there is only one way to try to reach them.

With your being a child, I don't expect you to be able to tell the difference between an adult raising his voice to talk sense and a child threatening to hold his breath forever and ever.

Have we murdered him yet and sold his body parts to Benfica in installments?
Good morning all.

Ronaldo is a fantastic footballer but is acting like a cnut. He wants to leave or in some complicated way is angling for more money, the former is more likely. Both these actions aren't that cnutish themselves. But the way he's gone about doing all of this has been embarassing and disgraceful. These are the facts.

There's no witch hunt. Most people are calling it as it is. If he does stay or even apologises people's mind will change eventually like they did with Rio.
A story about Hate Figure Numero Uno amongst the Little Englanders, who happens to be the Best Footballer On The Planet, playing for a team who at the time was tilting for the Treble and the Champions of England during an emotional and historic time?

This with the English Media being involved - it being a seriously sleazy sensationalist culture that will publish anything anytime.

Are you insane?

Papers absolutely dream of that sort of shit.

If a half-arsed Reading player's cock is a "huge" news story, you think the best player on the planet acting like a cock towards the victims of one of the biggest tragedies in English footballing history on the 50th anniversary would be something they'd just tuck away for future reference?

This is ground control to Major Tom...

It amuses me you take such issue to folk having a pop at you for being an overseas United supporter, when you constantly and consistantly resort to similar negative stereotypes to make your own arguements
Good morning all.

Ronaldo is a fantastic footballer but is acting like a cnut. He wants to leave or in some complicated way is angling for more money, the former is more likely. Both these actions aren't that cnutish themselves. But the way he's gone about doing all of this has been embarassing and disgraceful. These are the facts.

There's no witch hunt. Most people are calling it as it is. If he does stay or even apologises people's mind will change eventually like they did with Rio.

There are very few people denying some of the things he has been verified as having done have been shitfaced and asinine.

But quite a few of the comments and the things people have been willing to automatically believe and twist in here have been amazing.

There is both a witch hunt and he has acted like an arse.
No, but I was the first to post it in here. Came from a Guardian blog.

Most of the articles on their website are published in the paper, so we'll need a copy of Saturday's Guardian to know for sure.

It amuses me you take such issue to folk having a pop at you for being an overseas United supporter, when you constantly and consistantly resort to similar negative stereotypes to make your own arguements

What negative stereotype in there is false about the English press?

Do they not adore digging the knife in when possible about Ronaldo?

Were you on the International Space Station or the Mars Rover during 2006?

'The Portuguese "Winker".'

That crap didn't stop for a year, and all to scapegoat a foreigner because England were rubbish. Again.
Most of the articles on their website are published in the paper, so we'll need a copy of Saturday's Guardian to know for sure.


I thought the blog stuff was only on t'interwebs.
This article appeared in the Guardian on Saturday June 21 2008 on p3 of the Sport news & features section. It was last updated at 01:58 on June 21 2008.

So presuming that it is not true in significant detail, he sees it, he decides it is worth acting on, and he sues, then we might find out the truth to it.

Otherwise, we won't. Even if he sues UK libel laws are so archaic and anti-speech that we won't know the proper truth regardless, really.

So the Ronaldo cnut!!!!111!!! people will carry on and probably stick a horse's head in there somewhere, and those who are defending him too much will totally disregard it, and those who are in the middle will not really know what to think so will end up just sort of having to shrug their shoulders.

As I said, when the mob has its pitchforks out, there is only one way to try to reach them.

With your being a child, I don't expect you to be able to tell the difference between an adult raising his voice to talk sense and a child threatening to hold his breath forever and ever.

Have we murdered him yet and sold his body parts to Benfica in installments?

I might be younger than you, but I defy anyone to think you're the more mature of the two of us with our respective postings in this thread

Given I've been devoted to football for roughly what, 3 to 4 times the length of time you have, you'd have thought you wouldn't resort to such patronising. I put it down to a case of your naivity getting the better of you, you don't know any better

The 'mob' and 'children' you so accuse would have been United fans for life regardless of the clubs fortunes. Like it or not, you're a United fan because we are successful. It's the reason you support United and not Darlington. Which is why people like me care when a player acts with such utter disdane for the club and its supporters, whilst people like you are only bothered about desperately not believing their team will lose its star player
The way it was written, the fact that it wasn't reported at the time suggests to me it's either:

A. Made up.

B. Told in way that it barely resembled what actually happened.

I was just going to make a similar point. It may have happened vaguely like it was told which would make legal action difficult but with the meaning and significance of Ronaldo's actions being significantly different from those stated or implied.

And if he wasn't reporting it then out of respect for the survivors and the anniversary why is he reporting it now?
Liar? I was in error, yes ;)
I guess it's been posted 10 times at least. Know it was 30-40 pages back. The one I saw was from a blog.
Richter was first everybody.

Still makes no sense discussing it though cos it can't be proved. And it makes no difference. He's going. There'll be lots more of that shit coming soon to a theatre near you.
I was just going to make a similar point. It may have happened vaguely like it was told which would make legal action difficult but with the meaning and significance of Ronaldo's actions being significantly different from those stated or implied.

And if he wasn't reporting it then out of respect for the survivors and the anniversary why is he reporting it now?

because it was bollox in the first place??
I might be younger than you, but I defy anyone to think you're the more mature of the two of us with our respective postings in this thread

Given I've been devoted to football for roughly what, 3 to 4 times the length of time you have, you'd have thought you wouldn't resort to such patronising. I put it down to a case of your naivity getting the better of you, you don't know any better

The 'mob' and 'children' you so accuse would have been United fans for life regardless of the clubs fortunes. Like it or not, you're a United fan because we are successful. It's the reason you support United and not Darlington. Which is why people like me care when a player acts with such utter disdane for the club and its supporters, whilst people like you are only bothered about desperately not believing their team will lose its star player

Top Red.

Well bowled.
And if he wasn't reporting it then out of respect for the survivors and the anniversary why is he reporting it now?

Timing Wibble, its not sensative to the occasion, risking overshadowing the occasion itself and causing division at a time when all are coming together to respect those who passed. Something far more important than a crappy Ronaldo story at the time

However lets not pretend this was simply a case of reporting a story when sensativity had passed. The article is written as an agenda piece, it has an additional relevance printed at the current time. In that respect, its propaganda. However, it doesn't mean that the incident didn't happen. I'm fairly sure to print something so obviously libelous, when it isn't a back page spread rather an inner article piece, the paper must believe its sincerity and credibility
Timing Wibble, its not sensative to the occasion, risking overshadowing the occasion itself and causing division at a time when all are coming together to respect those who passed. Something far more important than a crappy Ronaldo story at the time

However lets not pretend this was simply a case of reporting a story when sensativity had passed. The article is written as an agenda piece, it has an additional relevance printed at the current time. In that respect, its propaganda. However, it doesn't mean that the incident didn't happen. I'm fairly sure to print something so obviously libelous, when it isn't a back page spread rather an inner article piece, the paper must believe its sincerity and credibility

Ok, so now it is an agenda piece.

Doesn't that mean that the events might just be massaged a touch?

Just maybe?



[insert synonyms for 'non-zed probability' here]

So why do you want to believe it lock stock and barrel?

Oh, yeah. The winky witch hunt. Silly me.
This article appeared in the Guardian on Saturday June 21 2008 on p3 of the Sport news & features section. It was last updated at 01:58 on June 21 2008.

So presuming that it is not true in significant detail, he sees it, he decides it is worth acting on, and he sues, then we might find out the truth to it.

Otherwise, we won't. Even if he sues UK libel laws are so archaic and anti-speech that we won't know the proper truth regardless, really.

So the Ronaldo cnut!!!!111!!! people will carry on and probably stick a horse's head in there somewhere, and those who are defending him too much will totally disregard it, and those who are in the middle will not really know what to think so will end up just sort of having to shrug their shoulders.


I think it would speak volumes if he doesn't sue.
Yes, that response wasn't predictable in the slightest

Glad to see you responded to the points I made and attempted to 'clear your name'

It seems to me that the sole content of the post was your telling me about how mature you were because you were a tippety top red because you had been supporting United longer than myself.

As I said, Top Red.

Oracle, even.
Ok, so now it is an agenda piece.

Doesn't that mean that the events might just be massaged a touch?

Just maybe?



[insert synonyms for 'non-zed probability' here]

So why do you want to believe it lock stock and barrel?

Oh, yeah. The winky witch hunt. Silly me.

If you weren't on your own childishly proferred agenda Jason, you'll have seen that I've already stated that the events in the story might have been embelished, but that it didn't mean the story was false. Making out I'm changing my story by saying its an agenda piece is a fallacy too
Thats just the chip on your shoulder informing your views then Jason

No, actually, it is what you said.

Take a look at the words you wrote. Actually reading the tripe you type out would help you quite a lot I reckon. Not to mention saving us a great deal of agony.
I think it would speak volumes if he doesn't sue.

Eeeeh, depends on how long he's in the UK for.

If he sticks around until August 30th and swans off with a raspberry to Sir Bobby on the way out, then that will likely speak volumes as to it.

But if he's here for a couple of days for this operationy thingy, then goes off to Portugal, and United send him to Spartak Moscow next Wednesday while his agent and lawyer's bones are recovered (slow grilled, natch) in Nemanja's rubbish bin, then I don't think it would be fair to assume anything.
Jason, I'm not quite sure where you got this idea of a ''witch hunt'' going on.

The vast majority of people were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when these rumours started appearing, however its hardly surprising that people have become less and less willing as the case against him gets bigger and bigger. The case for the defence is getting weaker by the day, one of two more moves and the guilty verdict is in the bag.
No, actually, it is what you said.

Take a look at the words you wrote. Actually reading the tripe you type out would help you quite a lot I reckon. Not to mention saving us a great deal of agony.

Ahh, to practice what you preach Jason, if only

It wasn't tripe, I think you'll find it was pretty accurate stuff

I only raise it because you seem to see fit to patronise folk for not agreeing with your 'superior' view, up on that particularly well built pedestal you must be sitting on, despite the fact they are more knowledgable on this subject, and can actually judge the evidence on its merits rather than constantly pretending it all can't be happening. Not to our wonderful, cat loving, poverty curing, global peace initiating Cristiano. It's all just such a conspiracy you know...
Ahh, to practice what you preach Jason, if only

It wasn't tripe, I think you'll find it was pretty accurate stuff

I only raise it because you seem to see fit to patronise folk for not agreeing with your 'superior' view, up on that particularly well built pedestal you must be sitting on, despite the fact they are more knowledgable on this subject, and can actually judge the evidence on its merits rather than constantly pretending it all can't be happening. Not to our wonderful, cat loving, poverty curing, global peace initiating Cristiano. It's all just such a conspiracy you know...

I have no interest in curing poverty.

On that count Cristiano and I are soul mates.

And time does not make one a better judge or more knowledgeable.

For example, look at yourself compared to the average toddler.
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