ALL Ronaldo's future/comments/speculation

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Wow, have to say mate, that's some expert clinging you're doing right there! Still going with the 'I stay' thing as proof he's staying and doesn't want to leave huh? Tell me, when he says he's going to make a decision in a few days (which he's said several times now, and its not just media crap cos I've watched the words come from his mouth), just what is he deciding if indeed 'I stay'?

Ronaldo is best mates with Heinze, we frankly all should have known better

You got it right a couple of posts later with the serial abuser analogy.

He's obviously up to something, and for some people to even deny that at this juncture surprises even me (and I give every player every possible benefit of the doubt until he gets on tv from Rafael Benitez' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hideaway and claims to have a binding pizza box).

Why did Balague renege on his promise to upload the live recording of the interview with ronnie?

Since Balague is an expert on Spanish affairs, can he tell us if United are really going for Fabiano and Alves?

Because he's a liar, and because his "transcript" already changed twice from when it was told to Sky to when it first went on his site to thirty minutes later when it was spiced up.

He's a serial liar and scum of the earth. He makes Neil Custis and Harold Shipman look like Mother Teresa's nice sisters.
I wonder if Scolari's signing fee includes a little bonus if he turned Ronaldo's head enough. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Course he'd be expected to. When the Russian first took over he tried to recruit both Fergie and Kenyon. Don't think he tried to recruit Scolari and Calderon, or Wenger or Benitez, either. We robbed him of his 'dream' as well, in front of his 'home' crowd, too. We're certainly not on his xmas card list. Anything to cripple us will be his aim because we stand in the way of his ego.

Scolari and Calderon have both got the wind up, now. Their comments and behaviour indicate that they're far from convinced on Ronaldo. It's Fergie's turn and if he thinks he wants him for another 2 years, he'll stay with little argument from Ronaldo.
Because he's a liar, and because his "transcript" already changed twice from when it was told to Sky to when it first went on his site to thirty minutes later when it was spiced up.

He's a serial liar and scum of the earth. He makes Neil Custis and Harold Shipman look like Mother Teresa's nice sisters.


I don't think you can complain people about being OTT.
:lol: arse kisser™ That was so good that you've got a trademark!

Better a ™ for that than for somehow managing to post with a full frontal lobotomy.

It's complex. If I was Sir Alex I would say absolutely not, but then I'd know what Ronaldo's like and I would think. How big is this desire? So i'd want to talk to him and knowing how influential I could be I'd think, ok i'll try to convince him

And I think if he does stay he will be the same as he ever was. I also think it would be great to prove him wrong if he thinks that you can't win the top awards here, or get the recognition.

I just think it's beneficial for us because 1) he'll be hard to replace, especially at a time we weren't even considering it and 2) a years a long time. I think it's possible we could get another year out of him if we should him that we are ready to do something sustained in europe

It probably won't help but additionally it makes fools of Madrid and Calderon looks silly and is pushed ;)...

Ronaldo is a consummate professional on the pitch and in training.

Plus, the last thing he would want to do would be to go to hell in the year or so before we let him go - then the train might REALLY go by.

Had it on a lot. Not heard it. Heard plenty of comments on it, though.

Bollocks.SSN is about as reliable as there sister paper The Sun.

Agree about the more "damning" and Ballague crap. It just isn't out there.

There is some asinine crap out there, but not that. Spoons was stoned again.

I don't think you can complain people about being OTT.

I've just woken up after four hours of sleep with the Mrs. waking me up to tell me she's going into work to prepare for trials for a few hours.

Why wake me up to tell me I'm going to now be awake, in pain, and bored off of my arse for the next four hours?

She's bloody worse than Harold Shipman as well.

feck it. Where's that phone...surely you can get a pizza at's America, we're all the size of houses except my damned Mrs. at work preparing for trials like bloody Harold Shipman.
For those who are still unsure of the Balague interview, here is a segment of it. It starts at 0.28:

My attempted transcription:

"Es una cosa que yo quiero, una cosa que soño [sic] y todos los otros saben lo que quiero pero no depende de mi."

"Quieres salir de Manchester, ¿crees que va a ser muy dificil?"

"Es siempre dificil porque no es una persona que decide, es muchas personas pero vamos a ver. Yo pienso que puede ser bien para los dos, vamos a ver. Es un soño [sic], un paso adelante, como quieres decir. Para mi, es una oportunidad muy buena y como dice Scolari, o coimbroio [sic] solo pasa una vez y por eso tenemos que aprovechar algunas cosas. Las personas tienen que agarrar las oportunidades que surgen a su vida, por eso vamos a ver que va a pasar."

"¿Es un sueño que vas a poder cumplir o no?"

"Espero bien que si. Vamos a ver".

My attempted translation:

"It's something that I want, something that I dream of and everyone knows what I want but it doesn't depend on me."

"You want to leave Manchester, do you think it will be very difficult?"

"It's always difficult because it's not one person who decides, it's many people but we'll see. I think it could be good for both parties, we'll see. It's a dream, a step forward, whatever you want to call it. For me, it's a very good opportunity and as Scolari says, the train only passes by once so we have to take advantage of certain things. People have to grab hold of the opportunities that arise in life, so we'll see what happens."

"Will you be able to carry out this dream?

"I really hope so. We'll see."

They have edited it to include different parts of the interview so it isn't the same as what appears on Balague's website. What appears on Balague's website is the following and the bits in bold are from the above interview:

Ronaldo: It is a personal thing. It is something I want, something I dream of.

Guillem: And that your family dreams of too

Ronaldo: That is true. You all know what I want. I cannot say anything else. In two days you will hear from me

Guillem: Do you think it is going to be very difficult to get out of United?

Ronaldo: It is always difficult. It is not only one person deciding, it is many people, but it can be a very good thing for everybody

Guillem: Do you feel what you are about to decide is a step forward in your career, a dream?

Ronaldo: It is a dream, a step forward, you can call it what you want. For me it is a great opportunity, and as Scolari says, that train passes by only once, and we have to take advantage of it

Guillem: Ah, but thats not fair, Scolari is going to be the new Chelsea manager and wants you away from him!

Ronaldo: That is why, he took advantage of his change, that opportunity, and other people have to take advantage of opportunities too.

Guillem: You know that when you return to Manchester people will be upset with you

Ronaldo: But that will pass, a couple of good goals and people will be happy

Guillem: Will the key be to talk to Ferguson?

Ronaldo: I will do a public note and we will then see what will happen

Guillem: Do you think your dream will come true?

Ronaldo: I really hope so, lets see

Guillem: What about the operation?

Ronaldo: I will be seen by the doctors of United in a couple of days

Guillem: You will talk to your club first

Ronaldo: Yes, I will talk to them first, and then in 3 or 4 days I will be operated and then i will start the recuperation to get better soon

Guillem: Is it true that you never took a call from Ferguson?

Ronaldo: It is not true

Guillem: But have you spoken to him?

Ronaldo: No. I was in a very important competition and we had nothing to say to each other

Guillem: Are you convinced that in three or four days everything can be sorted?

Ronaldo: Yes, lets see, in the next few days we will have more details

Just thought I'd put it on a plate for those in denial (with whom I sympathise because it's taken me a while to accept the truth..I'm still not 100% he'll leave though).
Ronaldo row sparked by Man Utd's contract refusal - June 22, 2008

Cristiano Ronaldo's desire to move to Real Madrid all stemmed from Manchester United's reluctance to offer him new terms, it has been revealed.

A source close to Ronaldo's agent, Jorge Mendes, told the News of the World: "Initially, the only thought was for a new deal, nobody was even contemplating Cristiano leaving because he'd been so accepted at United and was playing so well.

"When it became obvious United were reluctant to even discuss an improvement, the situation changed.

"There was a little bit of anger and disappointment among Ronaldo's people.

"Inevitably, Madrid got to hear about it and that's when the whole thing snowballed."

The Mendes source added: "It wasn't just the £300,000 a week wages that turned Cristiano's head.

"Real sold him the whole story. They talked about history, about Real being the most glamorous club in the world and how he would be the man to lead them back to Champions League glory.

"His mother Dolores was behind the move from the start and she is a very influential voice in his life.

"It took a little while, but Cristiano bought into the idea and from then there was no turning back."

I know its from the News of the world but If there is truth in this then Gill should be ashamed. Whats an extra 30,000 a week onto Ronaldo's salary seem as he will be named the world player of the year in December mkaing the club a fortune on shirt sales in the process. Offlaoding Pique surely freed up a few extra quid to pay Ronaldo extra. Still hope he stays one more season even after everything that has been said though it aint looking too good.
I agree with everything you say and cant believe myself that some people just choose to downplay the authenticity of anything negative that comes out. Ronaldo is responsible for his own actions.

However, this analogy is probably a tad over the top :smirk:

Exactly what 'authenticity' would that be, then? no, don't tell me! more 'he said, she said'
Guillem: You know that when you return to Manchester people will be upset with you

Ronaldo: But that will pass, a couple of good goals and people will be happy

What's this bit meant to mean? Is he saying that if he stays we'll forgive him for this whole saga?

If so it don't sound like he's completely against playing for us again next season which is what most of the media are suggesting.
And what the feck is: this train only comes once? :lol:

I can´t believe Ronaldo would eat that from Scolari.

I think a lot of could change* when Ronaldo actually speaks to Sir Alex.

*this means he could be given another perspective from SAF why he should stay and it will be his own decision to stay then or SAF simply decides to sell

Until then we could fill this thread with another 10 000 meaningless posts.
What's this bit meant to mean? Is he saying that if he stays we'll forgive him for this whole saga?

If so it don't sound like he's completely against playing for us again next season which is what most of the media are suggesting.

Hedging his bets. He's arrogant if he believes that.
For those who are still unsure of the Balague interview, here is a segment of it. It starts at 0.28:

My attempted transcription:

"Es una cosa que yo quiero, una cosa que soño [sic] y todos los otros saben lo que quiero pero no depende de mi."

"Quieres salir de Manchester, ¿crees que va a ser muy dificil?"

"Es siempre dificil porque no es una persona que decide, es muchas personas pero vamos a ver. Yo pienso que puede ser bien para los dos, vamos a ver. Es un soño [sic], un paso adelante, como quieres decir. Para mi, es una oportunidad muy buena y como dice Scolari, o coimbroio [sic] solo pasa una vez y por eso tenemos que aprovechar algunas cosas. Las personas tienen que agarrar las oportunidades que surgen a su vida, por eso vamos a ver que va a pasar."

"¿Es un sueño que vas a poder cumplir o no?"

"Espero bien que si. Vamos a ver".

My attempted translation:

"It's something that I want, something that I dream of and everyone knows what I want but it doesn't depend on me."

"You want to leave Manchester, do you think it will be very difficult?"

"It's always difficult because it's not one person who decides, it's many people but we'll see. I think it could be good for both parties, we'll see. It's a dream, a step forward, whatever you want to call it. For me, it's a very good opportunity and as Scolari says, the train only passes by once so we have to take advantage of certain things. People have to grab hold of the opportunities that arise in life, so we'll see what happens."

"Will you be able to carry out this dream?

"I really hope so. We'll see."

They have edited it to include different parts of the interview so it isn't the same as what appears on Balague's website. What appears on Balague's website is the following and the bits in bold are from the above interview:

Ronaldo: It is a personal thing. It is something I want, something I dream of.

Guillem: And that your family dreams of too

Ronaldo: That is true. You all know what I want. I cannot say anything else. In two days you will hear from me

Guillem: Do you think it is going to be very difficult to get out of United?

Ronaldo: It is always difficult. It is not only one person deciding, it is many people, but it can be a very good thing for everybody

Guillem: Do you feel what you are about to decide is a step forward in your career, a dream?

Ronaldo: It is a dream, a step forward, you can call it what you want. For me it is a great opportunity, and as Scolari says, that train passes by only once, and we have to take advantage of it

Guillem: Ah, but thats not fair, Scolari is going to be the new Chelsea manager and wants you away from him!

Ronaldo: That is why, he took advantage of his change, that opportunity, and other people have to take advantage of opportunities too.

Guillem: You know that when you return to Manchester people will be upset with you

Ronaldo: But that will pass, a couple of good goals and people will be happy

Guillem: Will the key be to talk to Ferguson?

Ronaldo: I will do a public note and we will then see what will happen

Guillem: Do you think your dream will come true?

Ronaldo: I really hope so, lets see

Guillem: What about the operation?

Ronaldo: I will be seen by the doctors of United in a couple of days

Guillem: You will talk to your club first

Ronaldo: Yes, I will talk to them first, and then in 3 or 4 days I will be operated and then i will start the recuperation to get better soon

Guillem: Is it true that you never took a call from Ferguson?

Ronaldo: It is not true

Guillem: But have you spoken to him?

Ronaldo: No. I was in a very important competition and we had nothing to say to each other

Guillem: Are you convinced that in three or four days everything can be sorted?

Ronaldo: Yes, lets see, in the next few days we will have more details

Just thought I'd put it on a plate for those in denial (with whom I sympathise because it's taken me a while to accept the truth..I'm still not 100% he'll leave though).

Now, that's better, many thanks. But why hasn't it been more universally shown?
Y'all need to get some sleep you know.


Anyone see the Balague interview last night on SSN where he explains in detail about the interview? This was him being interviewewd about the interview and he came across very well. It's obvious it was the truth. Went on for about 5 minutes discussing every aspect of his Ronnie interview.
He also said that he thought that the "two or three days" part was a bit premature as he couldn't see Ronnie being able to come out with a comment in that short period as he had to travel to Mancheter for the doctors and that Gill and Fergie weren't back at OT yet so nothing could be discussed. He thought that maybe sometime next week was a more realistic time for a statement and that it could even be after he gets back from his hollies.
by Francisco Ballaginho

Jasonrh (right) as a boy, alongside footballer Frank Lampard.

In a shock move in the ongoing saga of Jason being a grumpy git who is particularly prone to being irritable and hungry when awoken after a very short period of sleep, Pizza Hut has been approached to deliver what has been described as "some little potato jalepeno bite thingies and some pasta, as well as a cheese pizza for the missus when she gets home".

This final item will come as a particular shock considering the ill will between the parties spurred on by Mrs. Rh's not-particularly-shock-but-rather-stupid announcement (via waking Mr. Rh up for no reason whatsoever) that she was off to work, leaving Mr. Rh with four hours sleep.

As the rain falls on the Tampa plain, pizza delivery boy Nando Totinos was quoted as saying "is always my dream to deliver large quantities of food to fat feck...but I never walk alone - they may eat me - whadda mistakeah ta makeah!".

Sources close to said grumpy git are told he commented that "I am happy here (in front of my computer), but the possibilities are high (that I will hobble over to the door and grab some food then return to throw about a bit of not-particularly witty banter). It is a delivery van that only comes once. In the future you never know".

Jasonrh's club(bed foot) could not be reached for comment.
Ronaldo row sparked by Man Utd's contract refusal - June 22, 2008

Cristiano Ronaldo's desire to move to Real Madrid all stemmed from Manchester United's reluctance to offer him new terms, it has been revealed.

A source close to Ronaldo's agent, Jorge Mendes, told the News of the World: "Initially, the only thought was for a new deal, nobody was even contemplating Cristiano leaving because he'd been so accepted at United and was playing so well.

"When it became obvious United were reluctant to even discuss an improvement, the situation changed.

"There was a little bit of anger and disappointment among Ronaldo's people.

"Inevitably, Madrid got to hear about it and that's when the whole thing snowballed."

The Mendes source added: "It wasn't just the £300,000 a week wages that turned Cristiano's head.

"Real sold him the whole story. They talked about history, about Real being the most glamorous club in the world and how he would be the man to lead them back to Champions League glory.

"His mother Dolores was behind the move from the start and she is a very influential voice in his life.

"It took a little while, but Cristiano bought into the idea and from then there was no turning back."

I know its from the News of the world but If there is truth in this then Gill should be ashamed. Whats an extra 30,000 a week onto Ronaldo's salary seem as he will be named the world player of the year in December mkaing the club a fortune on shirt sales in the process. Offlaoding Pique surely freed up a few extra quid to pay Ronaldo extra. Still hope he stays one more season even after everything that has been said though it aint looking too good.

Absolute Bollocks. Just when will you lot put your club before this cocksucker? Dont come out with all this 'David Gill did not do this' crap. David Gill had sanctioned a new contract that Ronaldo happily accepted a few months ago. The poor lamb should have negotiated harder.

As far as Im concerned, Gill has done an amazing job after that other cnut Kenyan jumped ship... he was very cool and collected during the takeover and has led the club brilliantly since, including his very astute dealing last summer when we signed 4 amazing players.

This is a closed case: Ronaldo is a cnut. His United days are over. And good riddence too.
I think Scolari's been instrumental in swaying Ronnie and that's just not right.

PFA blast Man Utd's Ronaldo, Scolari - June 22, 2008

PFA chief Gordon Taylor has blasted Manchester United winger Cristiano Ronaldo.

Taylor also hit out at the role new Chelsea boss Luiz Felipe Scolari is believed to have played in unsettling Ronaldo.
After Ronaldo publicly stated he wants a move to Real, Taylor has advised the Portuguese star to stay put.
The union chief said: "This is a messy situation being played out in public and that is not what we want to see.
"No player can just decide he wants to go when he is under contract and I don't see why United should be expected to let Cristiano go. "It's a bit ironic that Scolari seems to have advised Cristiano to join Madrid, knowing that he is going to be manager of Chelsea - the plot thickens."
I think Scolari's been instrumental in swaying Ronnie and that's just not right.

PFA blast Man Utd's Ronaldo, Scolari - June 22, 2008

PFA chief Gordon Taylor has blasted Manchester United winger Cristiano Ronaldo.

Taylor also hit out at the role new Chelsea boss Luiz Felipe Scolari is believed to have played in unsettling Ronaldo.
After Ronaldo publicly stated he wants a move to Real, Taylor has advised the Portuguese star to stay put.
The union chief said: "This is a messy situation being played out in public and that is not what we want to see.
"No player can just decide he wants to go when he is under contract and I don't see why United should be expected to let Cristiano go. "It's a bit ironic that Scolari seems to have advised Cristiano to join Madrid, knowing that he is going to be manager of Chelsea - the plot thickens."

This is nice to hear! Frankly, I wouldn't have fathomed this from the FA...
The only thing I don't understand, is why all of this was made so publicly. Very strange.
Beckham isn't a cnut. beckham himslef told that he cried when SAF told him to feck off to real madrid.

Beckham is a big time charlie cnut of the highest proportions. Thought he was bigger than SAF .... trying to make me choose him over SAF. Poor lamb, started crying cos he got found out. He can feck off. And I could not care less for his whining ever since. The torment is has endured was self inflicted.

Its a shame as he's a London Red like me, grew up not far from me and I admired him alot ... he gave us London reds real onwnership of United as he was one of ours doing the business for our beloved team.

But I support Manchester United ... and after United there is only one way to go.

KING SIZE cnut only slipping into No 2 position by Ronaldo.
I think Scolari's been instrumental in swaying Ronnie and that's just not right.

PFA blast Man Utd's Ronaldo, Scolari - June 22, 2008

PFA chief Gordon Taylor has blasted Manchester United winger Cristiano Ronaldo.

Taylor also hit out at the role new Chelsea boss Luiz Felipe Scolari is believed to have played in unsettling Ronaldo.
After Ronaldo publicly stated he wants a move to Real, Taylor has advised the Portuguese star to stay put.
The union chief said: "This is a messy situation being played out in public and that is not what we want to see.
"No player can just decide he wants to go when he is under contract and I don't see why United should be expected to let Cristiano go. "It's a bit ironic that Scolari seems to have advised Cristiano to join Madrid, knowing that he is going to be manager of Chelsea - the plot thickens."

99% tribal bollox but if it is true it's nice to see the PFA on our side. Other clubs should be on our side too, even the dippers because if they ever get a star player that Madrid comes in for they'll be in the same situation as we are now. They should all be hoping Ronaldo stays to avoid setting a precedent that those Madrid bastards can get whoever they want.
I sincerely hope we draw Madrid in the Champions League.
United have to find a way to stop this Madrid bollox. Even if its just putting up an almighty fight, including sitting Ronnie out, fining him massive amounts......going to the courts.....just to stop Madrid doing this again. Madrid are famous for this and its about time someone fought it. For the sake of football.
Show your spurs United!
Ronaldo could have spared us all this bollocks for at least one more year so we can enjoy the feckin double and defending it.
United have to find a way to stop this Madrid bollox. Even if its just putting up an almighty fight, including sitting Ronnie out, fining him massive amounts......going to the courts.....just to stop Madrid doing this again. Madrid are famous for this and its about time someone fought it. For the sake of football.
Show your spurs United!

dont worry BR...the fight has not yet begun....Gill and Fergie will do what is right for United....and if we find out when this Calderon whoreson is coming to Manchester perhaps some of our lads can give him a 'warm' welcome.
United have to find a way to stop this Madrid bollox. Even if its just putting up an almighty fight, including sitting Ronnie out, fining him massive amounts......going to the courts.....just to stop Madrid doing this again. Madrid are famous for this and its about time someone fought it. For the sake of football.
Show your spurs United!

Nothing we can do in relation to courts, etc, i'm afraid. We've been guilty of this ourselves before by signing other teams stars even when their clubs didn't want to sell. Difference is we didn't resort to underhand tactics through the media, but then again our mere interest has resulted in the players wanting to join us no matter what, so the end result is the same.

We've been bullies before i'm afraid. Madrid's just bullying the bully. We'll just have to live with the fact that we're not universally recognised as the ultimate club team to play for.
dont worry BR...the fight has not yet begun....Gill and Fergie will do what is right for United....and if we find out when this Calderon whoreson is coming to Manchester perhaps some of our lads can give him a 'warm' welcome.
;) It'll be Mendes...and he should already be there, the slimy git. Think SAF gets back this weekend. And Gill.
I'd like to be in the boardroom at OT on Monday!
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