ALL Ronaldo's future/comments/speculation

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I want Germany to win for 2 reasons

1. Scolari thinks he's the dogs bollocks, and

2. Ronaldo thinks he's the dogs bollocks

the pair of them need to be brought down a peg or 2
This is just like the Tevez thread, except without the wanking of an arrival, instead the doom over a departure, oh and there are no boobies. If this thread hits 10k, it has to be tits only from there on.
Trying to spice it up with some pics but the thread moves so fast nobody sees them! Everyone's so involved in what they're saying.

With this thread i have seen the most pathetic and stupid opinions ever.

Ohh the caftards and their minds.
Trying to spice it up with some pics...

An excellent idea. Next time might I suggest more girlfriend-of-the-month, less Ronaldo. And his, erm, bulge. I didn't mean to see it, honestly, but there it was.
The Express has become insane, a lack of genuine transfer news is believed to be the cause. The remedy: Can't beat them, join them. Sexy pictures, it's time for the posters to start a thread with their sexy pictures in it.
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not bad

o and
But a senior source close to the American family told SunSport: “There is no way Ronaldo is for sale at all, even if he puts in a transfer request.”

The Glazers insist they will back United boss Alex Ferguson all the way in his bid to keep Portuguese winger Ronaldo, 23.

The source said: “Anyone thinking the debt comes into this is totally ignorant of the facts.

“The debt is covered comfortably by the interest payments.

“In the three years the family have owned the club, they have shown a clear track record of investment which will continue.

“The Glazers have never meddled in anything the manager has done and never will interfere.

“All decisions on buying and selling are down to him and if he wants new players the money is there.

“There is no truth in any insinuation we would be willing to talk to Real Madrid about selling Cristiano. That is nonsense.”

sun+ a source .. but atleast its good news
Right just got back from a refreshing Ronaldo-speculation-free holiday in Bali.

So what's happened then? Any concrete quotes from Ronaldo himself?
Right just got back from a refreshing Ronaldo-speculation-free holiday in Bali.

So what's happened then? Any concrete quotes from Ronaldo himself?

The good news is everything is the same as it was at the start of the EURO's
The bad news is everything is the same as it was at the start of the EURO's
Although it would have been nice for him to say something to the fans during the Press Conference, he did say he loved us all afterwards :D

I am so confident of Ronaldo staying, that I suggest we focus on our summer targets.


If we sign half of them, we might have a chance of pipping of dippers
What exactly has he done that is so surprising and unexpected? Anyone could see that this is exactly how this summer was going to pan out. And if he stays here and has another great season, this is exactly what will happen next summer.

He has stated multiple times that he wants to play in Spain. So every summer he is going to be open to a move. But at this time, it seems, that Fergie and United are determined to keep hold of him. Its just a question of when we decide to cash in. That will happen now or in the next couple of seasons.

He wants to play in Spain one day. If, in his own words, Real put in an offer like what the media are speculating, and Man Utd agree to it, he will happily join them now. If Man Utd don't agree to it, Ronaldo will happily stay here for another season or two, or three, before making the move. If he gets to 26 or so and we're still refusing to sell him, then he might start trying to force the move. But for now, there's not a chance in hell he'll put in a transfer request. He's happy here and knows he has a long time ahead of him.

I know I, and most people on this board would do the same if the situations reversed. If I were playing for Real or Barca and everything was golden, but Man Utd were trying to sign me, I'd be interested in a move. But if it didn't happen I wouldn't exactly be upset. Once I started getting into the late 20's however and time was running out, then I'd start getting forceful about it. And I won't be too upset with Ronaldo when his time comes.

It's just like after 06 WC. So much over-reaction because of how the media portrays it.
The tide has definately turned. I'd say the majority of United fans are now feeling deeply let down by Ronaldo now. This tactic of drawing the whole thing out just isn't right. He's treating us with disdane. Even if he does want to leave for Madrid this summer, there are far more dignified ways of going about it.

If anything its SAF and United who are taking Ronaldo for granted. He is the best player in the world but he isnt the best paid player either at the club or even among the top 5 wage earners in Europe.

There are far more dignified ways of making Ronaldo stay than announcing to the press that he will be made to "rot in the reserves". Ridiculous comment from Fergie.
If anything its SAF and United who are taking Ronaldo for granted. He is the best player in the world but he isnt the best paid player either at the club or even among the top 5 wage earners in Europe.

There are far more dignified ways of making Ronaldo stay than announcing to the press that he will be made to "rot in the reserves". Ridiculous comment from Fergie.

you really think his indifference should be rewarded every time he flutters his eyelids at Real? He agreed to his contract, which makes him one of the highest paid players in the world. It has taken Rio a good few years of service to earn the wage he is on now, IF Ronaldo is BPITW, he has been that for one season. There isn't exactly a swarm of other contenders. Lets see if he can become a great player if not great club man. It would be absolute lunacy for the club to give him a pay rise knowing full well he'll be off like a shot at the end of this contract. If he agrees to a longer contract....well, that's a different matter
you really think his indifference should be rewarded every time he flutters his eyelids at Real? He agreed to his contract, which makes him one of the highest paid players in the world. It has taken Rio a good few years of service to earn the wage he is on now, IF Ronaldo is BPITW, he has been that for one season. There isn't exactly a swarm of other contenders. Lets see if he can become a great player if not great club man. It would be absolute lunacy for the club to give him a pay rise knowing full well he'll be off like a shot at the end of this contract. If he agrees to a longer contract....well, that's a different matter

Well said.
you really think his indifference should be rewarded every time he flutters his eyelids at Real? He agreed to his contract, which makes him one of the highest paid players in the world. It has taken Rio a good few years of service to earn the wage he is on now, IF Ronaldo is BPITW, he has been that for one season. There isn't exactly a swarm of other contenders. Lets see if he can become a great player if not great club man. It would be absolute lunacy for the club to give him a pay rise knowing full well he'll be off like a shot at the end of this contract. If he agrees to a longer contract....well, that's a different matter

exactly an extension would be nice.
If anything its SAF and United who are taking Ronaldo for granted. He is the best player in the world but he isnt the best paid player either at the club or even among the top 5 wage earners in Europe.

There are far more dignified ways of making Ronaldo stay than announcing to the press that he will be made to "rot in the reserves". Ridiculous comment from Fergie.

No it wasn't. We need to be acting strongly. This is bigger than Ronaldo, this is is a corporate pissing contest with Madrid, and they need to know we won't sell our main assets to our main rival.
He's probably gutted to earn a measly £155k a week.

when he could be earning £300k a week plus half off of the shirt sales in spain and all external revenue out side of spain..i too would be gutted unless i was playing for man utd, but then again i have been a man utd supporter all my life, so i would take such a loss for the love of my club and their supportive fans on the caf..
IF Ronaldo is BPITW, he has been that for one season. There isn't exactly a swarm of other contenders. Lets see if he can become a great player if not great club man

Not a swarm of contenders? 42 goals, Premiership and CL double....there is not a swarm of contenders in the entire league's history to match that kind of performance.

Ronaldo's marketability is far superior to that of Rio's and he makes millions more for us. Real are not just ready to make him the best paid player on the planet but also give him half the money from merchandise sales (about 15 million a year).
The cnut wants a pay rise. It is others around him who are talking shit. He is trying to get salary hike by not going one way or the other.

If he goes, we will still be world club champions through Rooney and Tevez and co. He will never get his chance to have a go at world championship.

I personally think all our summer is wasted wondering whether he leaves or stays. And that in a way is affecting us pursuing other transfer targets.
The good news is everything is the same as it was at the start of the EURO's
The bad news is everything is the same as it was at the start of the EURO's

Exactly my feeling. I feel very annoyed that the club hasn't moved in any direction in the transfer. Apart from selling a promising youngster we haven't made any movement because of the special one taking everyone's time. Geez Ronaldo how much attention do you need.

Van der Saar will be the Fifa player of the year over Ronaldo... :devil:
Right just got back from a refreshing Ronaldo-speculation-free holiday in Bali.

So what's happened then? Any concrete quotes from Ronaldo himself?

well he said he will not speak about it until after the euro 2008 finals, and after much badgering by the press, he has not said anything for some unknown reason?
it would seem that the more you ask him, he wont crumble, he still refuses to comment?
cant understand why he wont comment even though he said he wouldnt until after the tournament? it seem quite bizzarre really..

so the press have decided to speculate without word from ronaldo, which again seems quite unusual for the press.

so i will demonstrate, what it has been like here, for you, with my unsupported goes.

A close friend of ronaldo's sister-in-laws, farthers, cousins, uncle, has stated that " ronaldo doesnt wish to comment until after the tournament because he doesnt want to offend either party at this moment. he is happy to stay with man united in the short term but expresses his desire to play for the galacticos in the future, he feels it would be impertinent to some of the real players and man utd players to discuss his future during the tournament.
he wishes to remain focused on the current tournament and after it is over and he is in a different environmemnt, he will happily discuss the issues raised in a press conferance".

see you only have to know who to ask...;)
The cnut wants a pay rise. It is others around him who are talking shit. He is trying to get salary hike by not going one way or the other.

If he goes, we will still be world club champions through Rooney and Tevez and co. He will never get his chance to have a go at world championship.

I personally think all our summer is wasted wondering whether he leaves or stays. And that in a way is affecting us pursuing other transfer targets.

or it could be the best smoke screen we could wish for..
if we come out and openly name our targets, you know the russian cnut will stop fingering slippery pete, to hand him his cheque book!
That's rubbish, you know.
Ah! you know better. What have you seen happen in the last month.

The fact that this thread is growing and growing tells me I am not alone in thinking this way. Subconsciously it is hitting you as well because you are quite involved in this. I am sure if you were truly not affected by the Ronaldo situation you wouldn't contribute to this particular thread after first few visits.

All the senior players of the club voiced their opinions through the press. Everyone is dreading the day Ronaldo makes decision specially if he decides against staying. What part is rubbish.
I think I've changed my mind about the whole thing now, I hate to see somebody take the piss out of the club and the fans like this.

To top it off, it's completely taken the shine off a fantastic season for us.

feck sake Ronnie, be a fecking man and tell us whether you want to stay or go.
I think I've changed my mind about the whole thing now, I hate to see somebody take the piss out of the club and the fans like this.

To top it off, it's completely taken the shine off a fantastic season for us.

feck sake Ronnie, be a fecking man and tell us whether you want to stay or go.

In an ideal world, that's what he would do, but essentially that is asking him to put the interests of the supporters and/or the club ahead of his own. In his mind if the choice is between earning less(regardless of where he plays) by losing the leverage he holds over both clubs, or upsetting the fans, then there really is no choice to be made.
The way he was smiling on that interview is a real dissapointment. Big ups to the reporter, he has finally asked what we all wanted a reporter to. Answer was dissapointing and selfish, like we come to expect.

Its not about whether he is leaving or not, he's not leaving. Its about whether he shows us respect or not.
Here's the 27th of May John O'Shea interview... Does seem confident doesn't he?

1. That interview is a few weeks old.
2. Would Ronaldo really tell JO'S if he did want to leave? If I was leaving a job would I start running my mouth off to my co-workers? Especially to one who seems fiercely loyal to the club.
3. Seems to me that JO'S is trying to quell the media circus that is surrounding us at the moment. If he actually knew anything, then others would too, and we would see similar quotes coming from other players.
1. That interview is a few weeks old.
2. Would Ronaldo really tell JO'S if he did want to leave? If I was leaving a job would I start running my mouth off to my co-workers? Especially to one who seems fiercely loyal to the club.
3. Seems to me that JO'S is trying to quell the media circus that is surrounding us at the moment. If he actually knew anything, then others would too, and we would see similar quotes coming from other players.
Probably Ronnie and Sheasy had a passionate night together and Ronaldo managed to give himself away. "Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh Stay! I Stay!". That would explain the smirking, and he obviously would keep quiet about their affair or the words being shouted in the heat of the moment, in the locker room.
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