But I don't think Ronaldo was whiter then white. Like Michael Schumacher, they had flaws 'serious ones at that' but it gives them character. I still like Ronaldo, but I will never support him while he wears a Madrid shirt. The club stands for everything I hate and more. Selfless low life fecking scum whom lack the balls to make their own talent, and instead, build this "empire" that removes the greatest footballers in the world from their homes, and turns them in to shit, only used to sell fecking shirts ffs.
I respect your opinion on certain things, but you constant reminding of how much a tit he is, is getting rather old. Right now we should be celebrating what he has done with and for us. When he leaves we can slag him, but at this current moment in time, he is a Manchester United player, and deserves atleast in some shape of form a touch of respect.
A prick he may be, but he owes Manchester United and we owe him so much for the past 6 years.
The feck do we owe him?