Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Right, but at this point - not a single member of the media had mentioned we were in for him.. so at this point you thought we were in for him? :angel:

No, it was all in response to Di Marzio tweet, who if I’m not mistaken, is part of the media.
The most beautiful thing about this transfer might just be the muppet potential.

For years and years people have been fantasizing about the most elobarate swap deals. Usually then someone sensible would come in and explain how this is not Football Manager and mention that swap deals hardly ever happen. Well, not any more...

We might also play the fabled "interchangeable, fluid front 3".
I'd do it with dirty Sanchez for free if it gets this deal announced quicker ffs
Woodward to pull off a schimdfield kind of coup with Norwood tweeting the arrival of Mahrez at Carrington 5 minutes after Sanchez's :drool:

Enough of this muppetism
I didn't want to create a new thread but I wonder what the dynamic will be between Pogba and Sanchez? What I mean is that Sanchez has been used to being the undisputed "main man" at Arsenal and seems to revel in that but now he's going to a club where Pogba has this season established himself as the United "main man" - I wonder how each will react to this challenge. Will they relish playing with another world class player (I don't think goalkeeper is quite the same) or will their egos be bruised? It often manifests itself most obviously in things like direct free kicks and penalties.

Winners want other great players in the team with them. Pogba knows it increases our chances of winning big trophies. Plus Pogba has had a free run at free kicks and not been great so if Sanchez comes in and outperforms him on set pieces - so be it. I don't think either of these guys are Cristiano level of ego. No one is.
No, it was all in response to Di Marzio tweet, who if I’m not mistaken, is part of the media.

I think we're getting confused pal.

This was in reply to someone saying before we were linked to him by anyone (Di Marzio) that we would sign Sanchez. DM gets his info from agent anyway, so his info is only as good as the greedy agent wants to let on!

After she agreed Sanchez replied: 'Ok baby see you later? How much would it cost to make love with you?'

When Miss Sobierajska replied it would cost £10,000, Sanchez responded: '£500 each one I can do. Let me know. You can trust us don't worries. We will have fun.

Somehow this part really cracked me up :lol:
I think the revisionism in the media of Mkhitaryan has been incredible. A couple of weeks ago he was a flop and a nobody, now some think Arsenal have got the better deal. He’s even the same age. I can’t believe some of the stuff I’m reading this morning, I can only think that some haven’t seen him play since he was at Dortmund.
Thats nothing.

The Danny Welbeck stuff was much worse. He went from a guy only in the England team because of who he played for then turned to a player United were foolish to let go to a direct rival. .

Ignore them and their bias. Sad thing is that some of our fans are gullible enough to fall for it.

I agree we are getting the better player but it's not really that simple.

Sanchez is almost out of contract and wants to move. I think we will improve due to this significantly but I also think Arsenal have done well to get a very good player in for a player who was leaving in a few months anyway.

I think Mkhitaryan is an Arsenal kind of player and may flourish in a lower pressure environment. I'm still excited to see Sanchez play for United though. Feels very much like when we signed RVP
Thats nothing.

The Danny Welbeck stuff was much worse. He went from a guy only in the England team because of who he played for then turned to a player United were foolish to let go to a direct rival. .

Ignore them and their bias. Sad thing is that some of our fans are gullible enough to fall for it.

According to the media, despite both players being the same age Mikhi has massive potential to turn things around and be a success for Arsenal whereas United have taken on a headache and questionable player in Sanchez.

Couldn’t make this up even if you tried.
If (I'm still saying if - it isn't done until it's done) this does go through, it is a sensational bit of business on our part.

We're getting a player who instantly improves us and offloading a player who (despite playing a big part in us getting into the Champions League this season, something people with short memories have forgotten) has only been good in patches and has lost the trust of the manager.

Arsenal are getting a good deal as well. They wanted Mkhi before he came to us and I think he'll suit their style of play.

A straight swap is pretty rare, but this will work out well for everyone.
So the guy offers to contribute a thousand quid to her next year's tuition and he's a bad guy
Those sorts of stories annoy me. The guy offered you £1000 to have sex and you're telling the papers you thought this was a start of a relationship.
In times like these the bias and the hate for United reels its ugly head. We're signing one of the best if not the best player in the league and its all doom and gloom in the press.
They know United are marching back to the top and the feckers are fuming :lol::lol:
The way the media has acted because this didn't go the way they wanted is both:

a) disgraceful, and
b) hilarious :lol:
£1000 for ten minutes? That girl earns more than Sanchez, I hope they mention this on the Sunday Supplement.

The Sun: 'The real reason for Sanchez' move to United: sordid addiction to romping with £60,000 per hour model'
You guys have put in one hell of an effort into this thread!

Be proud!!

I just can't keep up though.
Just read the whole thing and she isn't exactly self conscious.

Claims Alexis tricked her since he had a girlfriend, and she thought they had something special and real love. the same sentence she admits to taking payment for seeing him.
Some women these days.

I'm tired of reading this stuff it's bollocks.

Sanchez is on a free in 4 months, we could sign him for nothing but instead we're giving them a player worth around the £30m to take him now. Its not like we're swapping like for like, Arsenal will get nothing in 4 months yet they're getting a player Wenger has wanted for a few years.
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