Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Tomorrow has to be the day surely. I expect the deal to be wrapped up by the end of the weekend.
Once you sign this guy and he gets his first pay packet, I'm worried that there'll be no money left in the world.
Money? We're gonna drive inflation through the roof so much that the 1920's depression will look like a blip. Total financial meltdown leading to a world akin to mad max.
We're getting one of the best players in the league and the star of a direct rival for a player we don't want nor use plus agent fees. It shows how absolutely fecking crackers it is and how hurt the feelings of the pro-Pep paper pricks are that this is somehow being seen as a terrible, waste-of-money deal.
Once you sign this guy and he gets his first pay packet, I'm worried that there'll be no money left in the world.
I know it is a joke, but it will never be a better joke than....Crouch :lol:
Lazy question...

Can he play in the CL or has Arsenal’s Europa campaign tied him up until next season?
Even Liverpool fans have begun to text me and say the finance guys at United should get the sack.

He’s saying our clubs balance sheet is a mess. He’s an accountant. He’s reading and believing the £180m package for Sanchez and saying we’re ruining football. Can any of the finance boys on here help me out with some counter arguments?! :confused:
Even Liverpool fans have begun to text me and say the finance guys at United should get the sack.

He’s saying our clubs balance sheet is a mess. He’s an accountant. He’s reading and believing the £180m package for Sanchez and saying we’re ruining football. Can any of the finance boys on here help me out with some counter arguments?! :confused:

It really does amaze me fans, regardless of profession, think they’ll have a superior insight to the people running the club. Honestly stuns me. Call him an idiot and move on. Our money, we can spend it how we want.
Even Liverpool fans have begun to text me and say the finance guys at United should get the sack.

He’s saying our clubs balance sheet is a mess. He’s an accountant. He’s reading and believing the £180m package for Sanchez and saying we’re ruining football. Can any of the finance boys on here help me out with some counter arguments?! :confused:
It's 180 million over 4 and a half years, so roughly 40 million per year. Manchester United have the lowest salary to earnings percentage in the league.
Even Liverpool fans have begun to text me and say the finance guys at United should get the sack.

He’s saying our clubs balance sheet is a mess. He’s an accountant. He’s reading and believing the £180m package for Sanchez and saying we’re ruining football. Can any of the finance boys on here help me out with some counter arguments?! :confused:

Just tell him it like it is, that he’s a monumental bellend that doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Even Liverpool fans have begun to text me and say the finance guys at United should get the sack.

He’s saying our clubs balance sheet is a mess. He’s an accountant. He’s reading and believing the £180m package for Sanchez and saying we’re ruining football. Can any of the finance boys on here help me out with some counter arguments?! :confused:
I think your mate is just jealous.
Even Liverpool fans have begun to text me and say the finance guys at United should get the sack.

He’s saying our clubs balance sheet is a mess. He’s an accountant. He’s reading and believing the £180m package for Sanchez and saying we’re ruining football. Can any of the finance boys on here help me out with some counter arguments?! :confused:
Not a very good one if he believes the bollockology the media are reporting.
Its an asset exchange. There is no fee. You can talk about value if you like, but there's no fee. I can't be arsed arguing about this any more.

Correct. There is no market value in this for either player. Since suddenly everyone needs to discuss "book value" (e.g. total cost of ownership), all numbers needs to reflect this. You can't pick and choose the numbers that fits your agenda.

If Mkhitaryan cost us £27m in 2016 on a 4-year contract, this will mean he is valued to approx £17m in our books today. That is what Sanchez will cost us in "transfer fee" given straight swap.

Then we must consider saved wages on HM, compared to wages for AS. Then we will have the total deal cost.

However, not sure where agent fees fit in. Everyone pays them of course, but it is not a player wage. So it will not go against the FFP either.

Anyway, don't care, get him in :)
Hahhaha, thanks guys. Even though he’s a scouser & jealous, I unfortunately can’t call him a bellend...though I would really like to! Lol
Maybe it's the Jose United combo. Jose complained about Chelsea not getting any plaudits and he was correct. Combine those two things with Saint Pep and the points they've amassed in 20 odd games

Can you imagine if we'd signed a Southampton defender for £75 million, we'd be called crackers, and be guilty of putting the game into disrepute but with Liverpool it's crickets.

United had something similar to Sanchez for Martial (who many want now apparently). United were out of the minds and the fee kept rising. Journos were walking the streets of France asking people can you adam and eve it.
Imagine if our defense was made from a 75mi CB, and two fullbacks that amount 80mi and a 40mi goalkeeper.
Even Liverpool fans have begun to text me and say the finance guys at United should get the sack.

He’s saying our clubs balance sheet is a mess. He’s an accountant. He’s reading and believing the £180m package for Sanchez and saying we’re ruining football. Can any of the finance boys on here help me out with some counter arguments?! :confused:
Say someone who is intelligent enough to be an accountant should not be naive enough to believe the ramblings of the gutter press. We are not going to pay him £500k a week.
Not a very good one if he believes the bollockology the media are reporting.

It was an article that Matt Law had written. I did try and explain to him that he wouldn’t have a clue about our signings and finances...but in true scouse style, said I’m delusional because I don’t believe the paper...especially that ML! :wenger:
No you are not. Companies try to get fixed costs off their books all the time. We could quite easily equate removing his wage off the books as more important than gaining a fee from him.

Ok, so say we sold him elsewhere now for £20 m (which we surely could), then used that money to pay for part of Sanchez, then they'd still be no fee?
Why didn’t they factor in the wages and agent fees when city bought a full back for 50 million, or when Liverpool bought a defender for 75 million. Is this a new thing? It’s starting to really irritate me now. We’re not paying a transfer fee so where’s the 35m coming from? We’re getting rid of a player we don’t want and also taking his wages of our books. There was none of this uproar when the media thought he was gonna go to city.
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