Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Let me know when it's time to get my arse down to sports direct printing press. Wasn't going to have a name/number this season, but I have a £11 voucher, so might as well get this done.
You do know that if and when this transfer goes through that if Mhki has a bang average game for Arsenal the media will say how he controlled the game and that he’s world class and that when Sanchez nets a hatrick for us the press will say he’s not the footballer he was and he’d of played a lot better for Pep.

I've got an easy fix for that...ignore the media :)

I can't remember the last time I paid them any attention in all honesty. The better for it too!
It doesn't work that way. If the player has decided not to extend his contract and leave in summer for free, then it is better to get some money out of the deal. It is a different thing if both the teams are in a title race, in that case probably you would rather keep the player, rather than strengthen the rivals. But that is not the case here.

Well I think it says something that Arsenal get into this situation far more often than a club like us. It's embarrassing if it gets to this point for the club imo
Mkhi pictured leaving Carrington by MEN. Whether he's going home or London, who knows.
Dare I say it, the media detractors are a bit like the 'remainers' in that their perceived power and selfrighteousness has no bounds. I never did like Martin Keown, he was a thug in his playing days so him and Linaker, another, who is too big for his boots should show some maturity and self restraint in their biased hatred piffle.

As opposed to Brexiters who literally just make up numbers to suit their agenda?
well i wouldnt put Sanchez in the same bracket as ronaldo messi and neymar.

but no the premier league isnt the begging or end all, but where still talking about giving some one a wage that seems to be vastly above any one else in the league in what is easly the richest league in the world.

Id say that is significant and worth at least pause for thought

he's a world class player being brought in "on the cheap". in normal circumstances buying a sanchez in this market would run us up £100M+ fee. do you not think that was taken into consideration by both his agent and United during negotiations?
Can we just sign him already?

We need him in the team against Burnley to make our inevitable draw all the more disappointing...
seems odd that everyone is quoting the same numbers, but yeah they could all be wrong.
You may remember (you should, it was only Friday; if you don’t, see a doctor) that Mediawatch was amused by the Daily Mirror describing Manchester United’s move for Alexis Sanchez as a ‘£124m hijack’ after they had added together the money owed to Arsenal, the wages promised to Sanchez and a signing-on fee. It was both an ‘exclusive’ and quite clearly a ‘guess’; the two things are far from mutually exclusive in the world of football journalism.

Today it's £182 million. They are literally making it up as they go.
He'll suit the Italian league better than here.

Damian was good when he plays for Italy in the Internationals. He was one of their better players. He would probably become of the best full backs in Italy when he goes back.
I'm a fecker with the report button, but this one has me both laughing and scratching my head.
Claim wrong thread? :lol:
I was really angry for five seconds and then I had to laugh a bit. A fecking tractor, how silly. And the aggressive way it was put forward in this thread :lol: I'm picturing @pseudo_canadian shouting as loud as he can that we've signed a tractor deal.
But we're not signing him on a free. Arsenal are getting Mkhi who's worth 25m.

Giving the agent 10m is even more insane. Why do the clubs or Sanchez go along with that? That's money that could have gone to them.

If you're going to add an arbitrary value to Mkhitaryan to make the deal seem larger then objectively, you need to deduct Mkhitaryans wage from the cost of the deal.

As for your agents comment, welcome to 2018. Look at the fees agents took for the Van Dyjk, Neymar, Coutinho and Pogba deals - this is just the way things are now. Don't for a second believe this fantastical idea that the agent would've been shipping him off to City pro bono.
That is hands down the best line up we have currently. Maybe you could argue Young getting ahead of Shaw but the rest is spot on.

Pogba needs a mid 3. Against even decent opposition it just turns into Matic vs 3 midfielders.

We've seen it time and time again.

I'd much rather see this...

I was really angry for five seconds and then I had to laugh a bit. A fecking tractor, how silly. And the aggressive way it was put forward in this thread :lol: I'm picturing @pseudo_canadian shouting as loud as he can that we've signed a tractor deal.


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