Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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Don't Just Fly…Soar!
Jan 6, 2008
Thucydides nuts
Bangladesh mostly. I dont see any of such sweatshops in in
Probably true and I actually think further east is the main source these days. But the population of India is what works in favour of the joke. If I had said "all the kids in Myanmar" then it's slightly harder to imagine, not least because most have little idea of the population of the country, whereas everyone knows that India and China have the largest populations. The humour scales with the number of imagined child slaves, in dire conditions, stitching our seasonal garb.

This has been Comedy Masterclass, next time I'll be explaining the brilliance of It Ain't Half Hot Mum.


Feb 4, 2013
The Mathews Bridge

"Betraying" :lol:

I love this narrative that has appeared in the last few days. Somehow City and United have switched places. The self-sufficient football club that is among the biggest in the world and has been for a few decades now has somehow become the "money", and the middle-eastern oil bank-rolled club who have only been any good for about 8 years (and have only been really good for about 5 months) are now the "honour".

The old cliche of football not existing before 1992 seems to have been shortened to football not existing prior to August last year, with some vague and hazy flashbacks of Pep being at Barcelona now and again, but that was pre-football; the blueprint for what would become football, established 2017.


Full Member
Sep 22, 2012
Don't get me wrong people but i would be still surprised if we get him. He wants to leave Arsenal for the lack of trophies and being brutally honest City are and will be (at least for the foreseeable future) the best place to win titles in English and European football.
But if City aren't willing to pay the asking price, United are currently looking like the next best bet for trophies in the league. Won two last season, second in the league and still in the FA Cup and CL. He can wait around with Arsenal for another six months (not an insignificant amount of time for a 29-year-old footballer) but with City under Guardiola currently looking capable of attracting and paying for almost any player they fancy, who knows whether they'll still be interested in the summer, or what new mega-signings he'd be competing with.


New Member
Dec 19, 2017
Don't get me wrong people but i would be still surprised if we get him. He wants to leave Arsenal for the lack of trophies and being brutally honest City are and will be (at least for the foreseeable future) the best place to win titles in English and European football.

I want him, class player who will elevate us.
I remember during the 2014/15 season when everyone in the media used to think that it was the start of the Chelsea dynasty under Jose. Then the following season happened.

No team has won back to back titles in the last 8 seasons. City are in a good patch. It would be near impossible to replicate this seasons form again. We seem to be on the up and won two trophies last season. We have added a 60+m player to the squad every season for the last three and have shown that are ready to do whatever to go back to the top. Foreseeable future is one season in the premier league these days.


Full Member
Sep 22, 2012

"Betraying" :lol:

I love this narrative that has appeared in the last few days. Somehow City and United have switched places. The self-sufficient football club that is among the biggest in the world and has been for a few decades now has somehow become the "money", and the middle-eastern oil bank-rolled club who have only been any good for about 8 years (and have only been really good for about 5 months) are now the "honour".

The old cliche of football not existing before 1992 seems to have been shortened to football not existing prior to August last year, with some vague and hazy flashbacks of Pep being at Barcelona now and again, but that was pre-football; the blueprint for what would become football, established 2017.
I also love this idea that moving for a guaranteed trophy is somehow a laudable choice. As if Sanchez will have had anything to do with the PL trophy he'd be lifting in the summer if he went to City.

Going to United he'd be taking on a similar sort of responsibility and challenge that he did when he went to Arsenal - to be a key attacker, a star player and leader, for a team pushing for trophies but with a real job on their hands getting there. Moving to City means he can basically coast along and collect the free trophy at the end of the season regardless of how well he does or how hard he works.


Full Member
Dec 23, 2013
I think this is the crux of the dynamic. They are so desperate for United to fade into obscurity it hurts the when they see signs that won't happen.
Agree. Im glad they've embarrassed us as it's made some realise the gap in quality of the Utd players. Mediocrity isn't good enough anymore....


Open to offers
Jun 28, 2010
Where the grass is greener.
People speaking like its a given that City will dominate for the next few years....have they not watched the PL since Fergie left? Pretty much every team has collapsed the year after winning it, I doubt it'll be that much of a decline next season, but City will not match this form.

Sunny Jim

Full Member
May 8, 2007
Warsaw...that's too far away from Edinburgh...
Is there any glory though in joining city mid season when they've more or less got it sewn up?

Imagine if they go on a shit run now they've lost and we make a race of it!

Those 3 damn draws over Xmas likely to prove costly though.
I dont know, don't know if he would consider winning the title as his own achievement. For every Roy Keane there is one John Terry.


Full Member
Jan 22, 2009
Carlo Carganese and Ballague are embarrasing themselves really - Their placing of us as the "evil money" is so immature and just plain wrong.

Alexis would get way more game-time here at United and be the focal point. We don't even know how much he will start if he chooses City.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
To try present this as some sort of money grabbing is downright pathetic :lol: city won't pay up.

Also, when did turning down a plastic club fuelled by money alone become the wrong thing to do. (Even though he isn't turning them down , they won't meet the fee)

Man City being portrayed as some symbol of virtue may be the end


Full Member
Mar 11, 2015
I also love this idea that moving for a guaranteed trophy is somehow a laudable choice. As if Sanchez will have had anything to do with the PL trophy he'd be lifting in the summer if he went to City.

Going to United he'd be taking on a similar sort of responsibility and challenge that he did when he went to Arsenal - to be a key attacker, a star player and leader, for a team pushing for trophies but with a real job on their hands getting there. Moving to City means he can basically coast along and collect the free trophy at the end of the season regardless of how well he does or how hard he works.
Yeah I can't stand the narrative, I know the press have their agenda but this is too much. As if it's such a bad thing for a player to go for a challenge rather than a gimme title. I don't recall this Pep vs whatever bullshit when VVD turned City down.


New Member
Oct 22, 2017
The dog without the crown surely represents the Champions League trophy.
Next year is too far, I doubt City will replicate their form of the first part of this season. They’re going to start juggling three serious competitions and if they drop more points in the next month then pressure is going to affect their form


New Member
Mar 9, 2013
Give it a year or two and Pep will need another sepatical, leaving the likes of ballbag and this Carlo bloke no ties to City and will just disappear. The English media will struggle with the loss of Pep as well, how will they cope? Maybe then they’d start writing more level headed articles but I doubt it.

Sunny Jim

Full Member
May 8, 2007
Warsaw...that's too far away from Edinburgh...

"Betraying" :lol:

I love this narrative that has appeared in the last few days. Somehow City and United have switched places. The self-sufficient football club that is among the biggest in the world and has been for a few decades now has somehow become the "money", and the middle-eastern oil bank-rolled club who have only been any good for about 8 years (and have only been really good for about 5 months) are now the "honour".

The old cliche of football not existing before 1992 seems to have been shortened to football not existing prior to August last year, with some vague and hazy flashbacks of Pep being at Barcelona now and again, but that was pre-football; the blueprint for what would become football, established 2017.
At times i feel like watching scenes happening in dark ages in a small village. There, there is a girl making up her mind whether to join a convent of Saint Pep or a brothel of Jose the PEG. The outrage is there, the stake is prepared, pitchforks are being sharpened.


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010

Look at that headline? :lol:

£10 million in agent fees is only £3 million more than the £7 million Chelsea paid to get Ross Barclay. Alexis>Barclay. That £3 million is more than justified in that sense. So why no outrage over the monies paid to get Barclay?

The ABUs really can't handle the idea that we might be getting Alexis, eh? :p


New Member
Jul 6, 2017
Chennai, India
This narrative about us being the money demon and City being purity incarnate is quite hilarious.

Also, they are all talking as though Sanchez has only one good season left in him and so would opt for City as they can win trophies this season. Well, firstly, if Sanchez was only going downhill after one season, we wouldn't be paying for him -- I expect 2-3 years of top performances from him at the least. Secondly, Sanchez, being a competitive player, would also perhaps consider the fact that even if he won a league medal at City, it really wouldn't feel his, and he has 2-3 years to win things with us while being our main man in that time.


New Member
Oct 27, 2014
We should not bother ourselves with what ABU mediat says, they have termed us as Evil and Sanchez as money grabber because they know they will get a lot of clicks due to this and rival fans will join hem against us. We should just stop caring about sports Journalists such as ballauge. They are not not worth it


Full Member
Jan 22, 2009

Look at that headline? :lol:

£10 million in agent fees is only £3 million more than the £7 million Chelsea paid to get Ross Barclay. Alexis>Barclay. That £3 million is more than justified in that sense. So why no outrage over the monies paid to get Barclay?

The ABUs really can't handle the idea that we might be getting Alexis, eh? :p
I know it's about numbers but Ross Barkley is not the bank Barclays :wenger:


Full Member
Aug 10, 2011
LVG's notebook
HOW have City turned into some moral-high ground, holy football club that journalists are lapping up? They seem to have short memories if they can't remember they were practically founded 10 years ago. During the barren years (2008-2012) throwing money at players is all they did.

They will never earn my respect no matter how much they win. They are everything wrong with football in this day and age. A hollow shell of a football club, Barcelona wannabes with zero identity. Noel fecking Gallagher is their best representative FFS :lol:

Rant aside, it's music to my ears that Sanchez is turning down those twats who think they're some kind of irresistible force that no footballer can turn down. It'll be even sweeter when he scores the winner against them in the derby.
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