Adnan Januzaj image 15

Adnan Januzaj Belgium flag

2014-15 Performances

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5.0 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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Nearly got through after that Mazy run.

Still and will always have faith in the lad.
Played well, didn't have much support or movement to work with though.

That's the good thing about having young players in your team.They always look like they have some hunger in them regardless of the circumstances.
I can't believe he's only rated .2 higher than Wilson at the moment.
Talents always there. A tough second season. Does anyone know if he's involved for Belgium in the summer at all? Did there u21s qualify?
Looked pretty good today, hopefully he can have a good pre season and come back full of confidence next season and hopefully recover his form.
Lots of talent and you have to wonder how true LVG's instructions of "no creativity/dribbling" are? Janujaz needs to be developed and given more playing time next season. Whether this is sending him on loan or dropping Fellaini/Mata/Young to accommodate him is another matter.
Unfulfilled talent. Hard to judge him not having a run of games. Young and learning.

He has felt absolutely toothless the last 30 times I've seen him play. No threat whatsoever.
He has felt absolutely toothless the last 30 times I've seen him play. No threat whatsoever.

Not true today though. Initiated two really good attacking opportunities with two great long range passes aswell as a few driving runs almost going through on goal. The lad's got all the tools to be an awesome player, great passing/vision aswell as pace and dribbling makes him a threat in any sort of scenario. Its just a matter of belief.

Showed promise but didn't provide one cross today.

That's probably because he was almost only attacking from a central position. Played some really good passes to set up chances.
Hes'a class talent. Wish this sort of game had come a bit earlier in the season for him. He would have gained a bit of confidence from it.
Not true today though. Initiated two really good attacking opportunities with two great long range passes aswell as a few driving runs almost going through on goal. The lad's got all the tools to be an awesome player, great passing/vision aswell as pace and dribbling makes him a threat in any sort of scenario. Its just a matter of belief.

That's probably because he was almost only attacking from a central position. Played some really good passes to set up chances.

Agreed, he's a good young talent. I'd hate for him to go on loan next season.
Showed promise but didn't provide one cross today.

Well he's not a natural winger so not sure why you would highlight a lack of crossing.

Januzaj will be back to his best when he starts playing centrally and is able to better find pockets of space. He has good speed for a #10, a great first touch, and can pass. He also has more empty space to dribble in the middle of the pitch when the opportunity arises.
Yeah made a few bursting runs and then looked around to find no one was anywhere near him. Most of the team looked like they just cba today.

Not really a surprise with absolutely nothing to play for.

Was never gonna be a good game to play in against a side fighting for relegation either.

Plus they had to go to Hull and nobody ever wants to visit Hull.
I would like to see him develop into the left sided CM, he definitely has that in him to play a di Maria esque game, just with more composure and can play at a lower tempo.
It's not his forte. But the fact that he showed promise is in itself a good step forward given his confidence levels.
Yeah, I noticed this as well. Kid hasn't played for ages but showed up with good spirit and a will to make things happen in a dead rubber match. That's not for nothing.
Yeah, I noticed this as well. Kid hasn't played for ages but showed up with good spirit and a will to make things happen in a dead rubber match. That's not for nothing.
He played this nice flicked lob pass to (I think) fellaini which was reminder of his eye and weight of pass when he's confident. It was one of the things that stood out about his last year. Despite his low confidence this season and hence over eagerness to dribble dribble dribble, the kid has got potentially got an excellent passing ability.
He played this nice flicked lob pass to (I think) fellaini which was reminder of his eye and weight of pass when he's confident. It was one of the things that stood out about his last year. Despite his low confidence this season and hence over eagerness to dribble dribble dribble, the kid has got potentially got an excellent passing ability.
Funnily I was going give him stick for naively trying to dribble past 8 defenders which usually ends up in a soft free kick claim or a dive but deleted it. I hope he grows out of that habit, it might have worked in U18 but in the PL.
Well he's not a natural winger so not sure why you would highlight a lack of crossing.

Januzaj will be back to his best when he starts playing centrally and is able to better find pockets of space. He has good speed for a #10, a great first touch, and can pass. He also has more empty space to dribble in the middle of the pitch when the opportunity arises.

This. #10
I thought he was very quiet when he came on, I don't remember him doing anything at all.
Loaning him out would be the best option for us but I don't think he wants that given that PSG have already been sniffing. Not sure LVG will play him enough next season though. The boy needs to pick it up too though, he doesn't want to be another Macheda
Funny how he's gone from the next Ronaldo to Luke Chadwick circa 2001. Best not to hype the kids up next time ehh.
On the one hand, with CL games next year he would probably get more gametime, but he needs to be playing regularly and consistently, so a loan may be best.

Its a shame because if he had a good season this year, he could potentially have been our first choice #10 going into next season, which would be an ideal situation.
Funny how he's gone from the next Ronaldo to Luke Chadwick circa 2001. Best not to hype the kids up next time ehh.

The hype surrounding Januzaj was and is justified, and comparisons with Luke Chadwick are inherently silly.

Injuring permitting, Januzaj will develop into one of the best forwards in the game over the coming years. Whether that is at United remains to be seen, but he's still as sure a thing you will see. He needs regular game time to do this, though. A good loan next season is of paramount importance.

His skill set is brilliantly unique, and I don't think there's a young player (20 and under) that is as well rounded, with as many strings to the bow, in the game today. Big calls, but I'm somewhat unshakeable in my belief on this one.
The hype surrounding Januzaj was and is justified, and comparisons with Luke Chadwick are inherently silly.

Injuring permitting, Januzaj will develop into one of the best forwards in the game over the coming years. Whether that is at United remains to be seen, but he's still as sure a thing you will see. He needs regular game time to do this, though. A good loan next season is of paramount importance.

His skill set is brilliantly unique, and I don't think there's a young player (20 and under) that is as well rounded, with as many strings to the bow, in the game today. Big calls, but I'm somewhat unshakeable in my belief on this one.

The key will be whether he has a football brain and an aptitude towards continuous self improvement. Personally I'm not yet sold on either.
The key will be whether he has a football brain and an aptitude towards continuous self improvement. Personally I'm not yet sold on either.

He's already demonstrated a variety of passing and as a result, clever vision, which dictates that he does have a football brain capable of being aware of what is around him. Knowing when to shoot and when to pass has been lacking in his small amount of game time this season, but decision making was noticeably mature for such a young age the season prior, so I think confidence may be the bigger issue here.

As for the latter, his attitude, I have no idea. He appears to be fairly driven fella' to me, but that's just guesswork, I suppose.
He's already demonstrated a variety of passing and as a result, clever vision, which dictates that he does have a football brain capable of being aware of what is around him. Knowing when to shoot and when to pass has been lacking in his small amount of game time this season, but decision making was noticeably mature for such a young age the season prior, so I think confidence may be the bigger issue here.

As for the latter, his attitude, I have no idea. He appears to be fairly driven fella' to me, but that's just guesswork, I suppose.

He demonstrated it last year, but has struggled to this year. In fact, we have scarcely even seen glimpses of last year's glimpses, which is quite troubling in the football brain department. No one is questioning his talent, it's all about his desire and aptitude to improve at this point.
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