Adnan Januzaj image 15

Adnan Januzaj Belgium flag

2014-15 Performances

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5.0 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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I think he made some good combination of play with Shaw on that left hand side but overall wasn't convincing but who was? Don!t get why people are all over Januzaj when you see absolutely disgraceful performances from senior players like Rooney or RVP. DiMaría had a poor game also..

And why the hell don't we switch him with diMaría so they could play in their natural positions ffs?
This arrogant genious on the bench needs to get a grip or has to go..

To us it makes sense to play Januzaj as a 10 and di Maria as a lcm, but I think Gaal likes that Adnan is a little less adventurous than di Maria. Pretty much every player is less adventurous than di Maria though. Adnan is clearly a #10. He even plays the lcm like a 10 a lot of the times by being further up the pitch compared to Blind and Rooney. That is why he saw much less of the ball compared to them. He only made 22 passes, where as Rooney and Blind each had 50 passes.

The problem is that this is probably the only way he can get playing time right now. He can't play as a 10 because Mata is better right now.
It's encouraging and good to see LVG is going to give the kid a chance, he just needs to take it. He's still a young player learning his trade some games he is going to be sh!te we have to accept that, the responsibility is on him to learn and improve. Saying that none of the senior players showed anything noteworthy so it's harsh to slate him too much.
He's done well given the shambles around.

The midfield behind is all over the place and the front 2 strikers given zero dynamism. Some decent runs to relieve pressure and couple of good passes.
He needs to really up his game in the 2nd half. Playing like a headless chicken
He's feeding on scaps so obviously he's going to struggle to look like he has loads of time on the ball.

Was one of the only decent things about thst half I thought. And that's not saying much.
Impressed with his holding off of the opposition and ball retention so far.
Working hard and had a couple of good runs, the 2 OAP's up top don't offer much for him to look for.
Not looking very effective today and getting ganged up on that left flank. Without Shaw he is finding it hard today.
The only times I perked up in that half was when the commentators mentioned Januzaj.
I think the lack of in form strikers is killing him right now. no one seems to be making runs or helping out when hes on the ball. Falcao's hold up play is a joke at this moment.
Our best player by a mile. He's the only one actually trying anything for fecks sake, everybody else looks like they can't be bothered.

His defensive play has been very good too.
Weren't people so convinced he wasn't slow? He doesn't look much quicker than Falcao or van Persie.
I'll be honest at the start of the season i was really frustrated whenever i saw him about to come on or start but the boys class.

Still unsure about him as a winger but his ball retention is something special
Looked lively tonight but he used to be able to glide past people with ease. What happened to that? Now he looks like a young frustrating Nani.
My MotM after Smalling (he wasn't that special, but he made the result). Our best attacking player today.
Well he got my MOTM, held the ball up well, ran at their defense and put plenty of defensive work in, pleased with him, the system is dogshit and out strikers are out to lunch, so him and Di Maria had to do everything from out wide.
I thought he played ok. He has no runners up top, so cannot thread any balls through.
I do think he tries a bit to much some times, but at least he tries. He seems the only one who wants to pick up the ball and run forwards with it
Probably his best game of the season?
If that is his best game, then the bar must not be high.

IMO he has been crap again. Running into opposition players, losing the ball every second touch, waaay to selfish, end product absolutely horrible.

It's either he's not ready, or doesn't fit into the system.
I thought he was disappointing. Too often he just run forward like a headless chicken and lost the ball almost every time. Got better as the game went on though
I liked him a lot. I know he didn't do to much, but in the first half him and ADM were the only once able to take the ball forward.

Also, he had no back up, where were the full backs? He was always surrounded with 3 players and had no other choice then to take them on.
He ran a bit and decided to take more touches than anyone else before making a pass but it was hardly great. Did better on the wing than through the middle, though.
Got crowded out so many times but where the feck where his teammates. We don't attack as a team at all, just the odd burst on their own from Di Maria and Januzaj and that's it. The opposition will just put 3-4 on them and the move will fizzle out.
Every time he gets the ball there's about 4 opposition players around him. The lack of wingers is killing him.
This. He was closed down by 3-4 Burnley players every time he got the ball, but due to our lack of movement up front he had no options to play the ball. Often looked like he ran himself into a corner, but a lot of the times he had no other choice as far as I could see.
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