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Adnan Januzaj Belgium flag

2014-15 Performances

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Of all teams to pretend to support to get promoted and WUM, why Spurs?

Obviously not a WUM; obviously a Spurs fan. Got a press pass at Palace and far too much to be getting on with to even want to wind anyone up. 24 year old local paper writers with a hunger to make it in the world and young families, don't feel the need to wind people up they've never met (or met for that matter).

They do however have very strong opinions about certain players that they tend to be a bit of a dog with a bone about. I used to criticise Redknapp (while he was Spurs manager) perhaps a bit to much, though the editor never pulled me up from doing it, in local newspaper articles because of the hype and belief from the press he could do nothing wrong.

300 posts in a month and half and the only ones criticising a United player are the 10-15 in this thread (I haven't even written a post criticising the team as a whole or the manager, beyond the fact he's forced to play long balls by the 5-1-2-2 system).

I don't criticise Carrick or Di Maria, Smalling or Van Persie, Rooney or Blind, Herrera or Rafael, De Gea or Shaw; I'd love all of them at my club. They're really good players who've proven they're top level or close to it; I just hate when hype blinds people's analysis and reasoning and you can't have a reasoned debate without somebody mentioning what club you support or putting players down for not playing for a Champions League club.
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I honestly couldn't care less about his tackling stats too.

I know! It's kinda missing the point isn't it?
Obviously not a WUM; obviously a Spurs fan. Got a press pass at Palace and far too much to be getting on with to even want to wind anyone up. 24 year old local paper writers with a hunger to make it in the world and young families, don't feel the need to wind people up they've never met (or met for that matter).

They do however have very strong opinions about certain players that they tend to be a bit of a dog with a bone about. I used to criticise Redknapp (while he was Spurs manager) perhaps a bit to much, though the editor never pulled me up from doing it, in local newspaper articles because of the hype and belief from the press he could do nothing wrong.

300 posts in a month and half and the only ones criticising a United player are the 10-15 in this thread (I haven't even written a post criticising the team as a whole or the manager, beyond the fact he's forced to play long balls by the 5-1-2-2 system).

I don't criticise Carrick or Di Maria, Smalling or Van Persie, Rooney or Blind, Herrera or Rafael, De Gea or Shaw; I'd love all of them at my club. They're really good players who've proven they're top level or close to it; I just hate when hype blinds people's analysis and reasoning and you can't have a reasoned debate without somebody mentioning what club you support or putting players down for not playing for a Champions League club.

Your editor must earn his Wonga, I can see that much. Just saying.;)
Some of those stats are just useless. You clearly did not watch him play so stop talking about him. You are using stats to paint this picture of how Januzaj performed last season and are failing to take in what could make him a great player.

Lacks composure in front of goal? Most of his shots from last season were from outside the box barely missing the corner of the net. He needs to improve his striking because going for the perfectly aimed goal isn't always the best thing to do. It's not like he was Welbeck who managed to slip in the final third or messed up a 1v1 situation. That's lacking composure. Januzaj needs to work on his shooting from outside the box. If anything, he also needs to improve his ability to make runs to put himself in those positions where one might question if he lacks composure.

Dribbling stats? You fail to include fouls suffered because often he would get past a player and the player would foul him. Those instances don't count as successful dribbles so won't show up in dribbling stats.

How about passing ability or vision? The stats you used don't show how good he is at passing only how much possession he was able to keep. Then again, you have problem with gifs showing his vision as if that is normal for an 18 year old to do at first team level. Crossing stats are also dumb because failed crosses can still be good crosses if they were put in a perfect area. Watching the game is better again. Chances created or key passes is also useless because any pass that leads to a shot counts as a key pass.


Stats are such a poor representation of player ability failing to take into account technique, vision, passing ability, age/phsyicality advantage, etc...
He has some very prized attributes that you can't teach. Excellent field vision and awareness of what his teammates might do, the ability to create dangerous attacking situations quickly.

We haven't seen much of that lately with his ill-suited role, limited minutes, and recent selfish/careless style of play.
It was but there is context given how incredibly poor we were. Not trolling but it wasn't as black and white as 3 player of the month awards for a standard United season.

It was a horrendous season where he was the shining ray of light besides Wayne Rooney and David De Gea. Pretty much everybody else regressed a level or 2 at least. Public opinion was/is still split on Rooney and it was a case of picking the flavour of the month for the fans, De Gea or Januzaj.

I'm not getting at Januzaj, or yourself for that. Just pointing out that the context wasn't nearly as black and white as it seemed.

OK then what about SAF, RVP and Mourinho. All wrong as well? The Italian newspaper naming him best teenager in the world was based on him having a bad season?
He has some very prized attributes that you can't teach. Excellent field vision and awareness of what his teammates might do, the ability to create dangerous attacking situations quickly.

We haven't seen much of that lately with his ill-suited role, limited minutes, and recent selfish/careless style of play.
I think he is trying his best to try and impress in the limited time he gets on the field. Unfortunately he is trying too hard and getting it wrong in the attempt to prove he can score winners.
Cambridge 0:0 Man Utd
Is it just my memory that is bad, or has he grown a lot of muscle since last year?
At least height wise he's grown some, no?
You do fear for the lad atm under LvG, he really should have been loaned to a club like Everton to show if he's up to it.
Pleased with the performance so far, bit rusty at times but him and Rojo have been two of our best players.
That last moment of the half said it all about Adnan for the last while. Complete lack of confidence means wrong decision.
Some neat passes but why doesnt he take on players anymore?
Blind mentioned in his interview that LvG prefers it if the players pass it around looking for space instead of dribbling through a player and creating space.
It'd be my bet that it's simply Januzaj playing as LvG wants (or trying to).
He has great vision - he sees a lot of passes not many in the side do. His distribution and technique doesn't match it though. Bit rusty with a suspect final decision, but he still looks a bit nimble.
Blind mentioned in his interview that LvG prefers it if the players pass it around looking for space instead of dribbling through a player and creating space.
It'd be my bet that it's simply Januzaj playing as LvG wants (or trying to).

It looks to be the same with di Maria. It's a shame because you take so much away from these players.
I thought he was our best player in that half; which perhaps isn't saying much.
Some neat passes but why doesnt he take on players anymore?

He only really started to take on players constantly last season. His game has always been about passing, though he has the ability to dribble. He used to pick his moments when to dribble. He's much better playing in this manner.
Ye should've tried a shot. Pleased with his performance so far though, looks the most likely to make something happen for us.
Played well, should have tried to beat his man and get a shot in there at the end though
He should've shot but otherwise decent. Some nice tidy passes. Should swap positions with di Maria.
Best player after Rojo so far, needs to get his confidence back and start taking chances. Looks like he's playing with fear, like he'd get a mouthful from LvG if he loses the ball trying to be too brave.
He only really started to take on players constantly last season. His game has always been about passing, though he has the ability to dribble. He used to pick his moments when to dribble. He's much better playing in this manner.

Totally disagree - think he's great when taking a man on, that's what caused so many players problems with him last season. Don't know why he doesn't run at them any more.

Underwhelmed with him this season to be honest, although he is mega young and obviously has plenty of time to come good.
Lacking in confidence/match sharpness but has provided us with much needed pace. Just needs to get wide and whip in some crosses/beat the fullback.

Not sure if he was instructed by LVG to come central alongside Di Maria but it just makes us easier to defend because the middle is crowded.
Needs to dribble more but his passing has been the best of our midfield attackers, he's better centrally than Di Maria for me.
He's done well but should have taken that shot on at the end if the half, he has the ability to finish that.
Sorry but I still don't see the hype of him. Looked no more a talent than a couple of the Cambridge players like McGeehan and Donaldson. OK, those two might be a bit older, but they are League 2 players!
Best player after Rojo so far, needs to get his confidence back and start taking chances. Looks like he's playing with fear, like he'd get a mouthful from LvG if he loses the ball trying to be too brave.
Yeah it looks that way to me too, just like he is always thinking I can't lose the ball or I'm going to get a bollocking or taken off. Playing decent though.
Totally disagree - think he's great when taking a man on, that's what caused so many players problems with him last season. Don't know why he doesn't run at them any more.

Underwhelmed with him this season to be honest, although he is mega young and obviously has plenty of time to come good.

He's underwhelmed this season because his dribbling hasn't worked this season in contrast with last season. As a wingback he has less help out wide and has less freedom to go central. That means his game is more restricted to dribbling and crossing.

Januzaj is much more than just dribbling.

Btw, this thread just shows how much of a "what have you done for me lately" mentality this place is. Januzaj has played well all match, but because he had that bad decision to not shoot at the end, now his whole performance is seen as bad by some posters. It's ridiculous.
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He's underwhelmed this season because his dribbling hasn't worked this season in contrast with last season. As a wingback he has less help out wide and has less freedom to go central. That means his game is more restricted to dribbling and crossing.

Januzaj is much more than just dribbling.

Btw, this thread just shows how much of a "what have you done for me lately" mentality this place is. Januzaj has played well all match, but because he had that bad decision to not shoot at the end, now his whole performance is seen as bad. It's ridiculous.

I'm more underwhelmed because he's not trying to go past his man, not that he's not successful. the wingback thing might be true, but he's played in midfield too and had support.

I agree, he's more than dribbling but imo that's his best attribute. He's got great vision too but slightly lacks the decision making and poise to pull it off sometimes. That will come though.

My decision to criticise was in no way based on his decision not to shoot. I genuinely haven't been impressed with him this game or all season which is what has compelled me to write these posts. I hope he picks up for the rest of the season, because he's the type of player that excites me.

As I said, plenty of time to improve. Really hope for him to become an automatic first team pick at some point.
I'm more underwhelmed because he's not trying to go past his man, not that he's not successful. the wingback thing might be true, but he's played in midfield too and had support.

I agree, he's more than dribbling but imo that's his best attribute. He's got great vision too but slightly lacks the decision making and poise to pull it off sometimes. That will come though.

My decision to criticise was in no way based on his decision not to shoot. I genuinely haven't been impressed with him this game or all season which is what has compelled me to write these posts. I hope he picks up for the rest of the season, because he's the type of player that excites me.

As I said, plenty of time to improve. Really hope for him to become an automatic first team pick at some point.

I wasn't saying you were basing your decision on the shot, that was more of a general comment on the others who hinted at him playing bad.

I never thought he was special because of his dribbling. Like I said, he only really started to emphasize dribbling last season. He used to use that portion of his game more sparingly even though he had that ability. I thought he was a special player since Fergie was at the club because of his technique, passing ability, intelligence, and vision.
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