ACTUAL POLL thread - how do you feel about potential Qatari ownership?

How do you feel about Qatari ownership

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Without explaining why my post is idiotic?

There is nothing wrong the way we treat our women. We treat them with respect, love and affection. We marry them, not make them our girlfriends. They are modest and no one talks about how hot or sexy they are and the harassment they face is almost zero.

Homosexuality is prohibited not only in Islam but other religions as well. When the same sex have a relationship they can’t have kids so they have to adopt other people’s children and make them to have to dads or mothers instead of a mom and dad. They call themselves husband and husband or wife and wife which doesn’t make sense. Men walk different and always want to act like a woman or sound like a girl even though they say they are men. The most problematic and argumentative relationship is the same sex relationship.

Without explaining why my post is idiotic?

There is nothing wrong the way we treat our women. We treat them with respect, love and affection. We marry them, not make them our girlfriends. They are modest and no one talks about how hot or sexy they are and the harassment they face is almost zero.

Homosexuality is prohibited not only in Islam but other religions as well. When the same sex have a relationship they can’t have kids so they have to adopt other people’s children and make them to have to dads or mothers instead of a mom and dad. They call themselves husband and husband or wife and wife which doesn’t make sense. Men walk different and always want to act like a woman or sound like a girl even though they say they are men. The most problematic and argumentative relationship is the same sex relationship.
Surely has to be a parody
Without explaining why my post is idiotic?

There is nothing wrong the way we treat our women. We treat them with respect, love and affection. We marry them, not make them our girlfriends. They are modest and no one talks about how hot or sexy they are and the harassment they face is almost zero.

Homosexuality is prohibited not only in Islam but other religions as well. When the same sex have a relationship they can’t have kids so they have to adopt other people’s children and make them to have to dads or mothers instead of a mom and dad. They call themselves husband and husband or wife and wife which doesn’t make sense. Men walk different and always want to act like a woman or sound like a girl even though they say they are men. The most problematic and argumentative relationship is the same sex relationship.

wow. Just, wow.
Obvious troll account

He has been posting pro Qatar posts since the World Cup and you think this is a troll account? This is what people against the bid

Isn’t this just… the prevailing viewpoint in Qatar? Why do you think gay fans are boycotting the team if this goes through?

I guess that it’s easy to say it’s a troll account. So maybe you’re right. Maybe a month old account that has regularly posted pro Qatar sentiments is just a troll account and not a representative of the viewpoints we’re encouraging.
He has been posting pro Qatar posts since the World Cup and you think this is a troll account? This is what people against the bid

Isn’t this just… the prevailing viewpoint in Qatar? Why do you think gay fans are boycotting the team if this goes through?

I guess that it’s easy to say it’s a troll account. So maybe you’re right. Maybe a month old account that has regularly posted pro Qatar sentiments is just a troll account and not a representative of the viewpoints we’re encouraging.
It’s too full on without any understanding of why negative comments are coming back at them. There’s plenty of ME posters who stand by their views but are sympathetic in their arguments.
Maybe they’re not but it’s blatantly obvious to me what they’re doing
It’s too full on without any understanding of why negative comments are coming back at them. There’s plenty of ME posters who stand by their views but are sympathetic in their arguments.
Maybe they’re not but it’s blatantly obvious to me what they’re doing

You think someone set up this account for months before a Qatar bid and before the WC to mock ME posters?
It is literally someone from the area talking about the ruling beliefs of the land?

I actually cringed reading that post and the “we” all the way through. I hope he does not think he speaks for all Islamic viewpoints and can we make certain that before another poster is warned that the Caf does not want any people stereotyping based of those horrible quotations.

I cringed too and that's the reason for the Newbie system, but you and others have posted a lot of hysterical stuff which I guess brings this kind of view to the fore and I dont think its a troll or parody either, unfortunately there is people in the world with that kind of view.

Even now you talk in lazy stereotypes about 'someone from the area'

There was a lot of this kind of debate in the World Cup forum last year when it was relevant since the WC was in Qatar. I got involved in at the time and gave my viewpoint so I cant be arsed to get into the same thing again, plus I dont find it as relevant to a discussion about who the owner of Manchester United might be.
As a lot of people get excited about summer transfer war chests, we see the future we are about to embrace and it… doesn’t feel good does it?
Your statement is flawed. You, yourself stated you’re Muslim and have different principles.
We already have people with varied beliefs supporting the club. A Qatari owning the club and what mindset individuals have are not connected. It’s actually insulting to other Muslim with a varied opinion to tar them to such lunacy.
Your statement is flawed. You, yourself stated you’re Muslim and have different principles.
We already have people with varied beliefs supporting the club. A Qatari owning the club and what mindset individuals have are not connected. It’s actually insulting to other Muslim with a varied opinion to tar them to such lunacy.

I am not Muslim.
The viewports that poster has is nothing to do with Islam.

It is the legal viewpoint of Qatar though. That is bidding for us.
I am not Muslim.
The viewports that poster has is nothing to do with Islam.

It is the legal viewpoint of Qatar though. That is bidding for us.

It may be the legal viewpoint of Qatar but it will change nothing at Manchester United. United will not become more bigoted because their owners are. And it would probably be illegal by UK law if they tried to impose bigoted views/acts on the club.
Without explaining why my post is idiotic?

There is nothing wrong the way we treat our women. We treat them with respect, love and affection. We marry them, not make them our girlfriends. They are modest and no one talks about how hot or sexy they are and the harassment they face is almost zero.

Homosexuality is prohibited not only in Islam but other religions as well. When the same sex have a relationship they can’t have kids so they have to adopt other people’s children and make them to have to dads or mothers instead of a mom and dad. They call themselves husband and husband or wife and wife which doesn’t make sense. Men walk different and always want to act like a woman or sound like a girl even though they say they are men. The most problematic and argumentative relationship is the same sex relationship.
Wow that last paragraph is some serious backwards way of thinking these days. I knew people with these views existed still, but seeing it written down like
I am not Muslim.
The viewports that poster has is nothing to do with Islam.

It is the legal viewpoint of Qatar though. That is bidding for us.
Apologies read your “imagine” as “I am”.

That legal viewpoint is the bedrock of all Abrahamic faiths.

So that specific critic will always look like an attack on their beliefs or who they are.
It may be the legal viewpoint of Qatar but it will change nothing at Manchester United. United will not become more bigoted because their owners are. And it would probably be illegal by UK law if they tried to impose bigoted views/acts on the club.

Honestly this type of thinking you have reflected on is the rationale exmpliary of a child. Manchester United doesn't all of a sudden become indoctrinated to the (exaggerated online) beliefs of a particular system, country or region.

There must be countless middle eastern ventures with investments in british based businesses or banking systems with 99% of people having no idea unless they individually researched the companies financial shareholder / hierarchical information. I think the over simplification of these ridiculous views is because of the sentimentality revolved around supporting a club.

The emotive position many have become infatuated with, have invented this reality that is paradoxical because if the requirement for a particular business is that their countries have to have zero moral issues there wouldn't be one owner from any country who's credible enough to purchase any investment If it was the standard required for an acquisition.
You’re replying to other posts but ignoring mine. Can you explain why the Qatari bid being referenced as ‘private’ means it is not linked to the state? You said it was basic, it won’t take long to explain.
Honestly this type of thinking you have reflected on is the rationale exmpliary of a child. Manchester United doesn't all of a sudden become indoctrinated to the (exaggerated online) beliefs of a particular system, country or region.

There must be countless middle eastern ventures with investments in british based businesses or banking systems with 99% of people having no idea unless they individually researched the companies financial shareholder / hierarchical information. I think the over simplification of these ridiculous views is because of the sentimentality revolved around supporting a club.

The emotive position many have become infatuated with, have invented this reality that is paradoxical because if the requirement for a particular business is that their countries have to have zero moral issues there wouldn't be one owner from any country who's credible enough to purchase any investment If it was the standard required for an acquisition.

of course it is to do with the sentimentality of the football club. I literally support United. I don’t spend my weekends chanting for NatWest.

And of course there doesn’t need a requirement for an individual to come from a country without moral issues. Individuals can be flawed or not. But I Just don’t want a country to buy United.
Ok I read the thread and this is my view:

1)I really don’t understand why so many fans of man utd want the qatari. For nufc, man city and even psg to be owned by this kind of ownership is game changing, a difference between world class club to a yo yo club. For you even with the glazers youare spending the most in the market and your wage bill is the highest so not a real effect.
2)unlike the club i mentioned, man utd is probably the top brand in england, it will feel not right that the top brand will be owned by qatar.
3)while a lot of people here kept calling city plastic oil club and now they beg qatar to purchase, some members here have very strong principles, nice to see.

me as nufc fan just wanted to ashley to leave and as long as our owners keep doing what they are doing right now without spending crazy amount of money- i am happy
Ok I read the thread and this is my view:

1)I really don’t understand why so many fans of man utd want the qatari. For nufc, man city and even psg to be owned by this kind of ownership is game changing, a difference between world class club to a yo yo club. For you even with the glazers youare spending the most in the market and your wage bill is the highest so not a real effect.
2)unlike the club i mentioned, man utd is probably the top brand in england, it will feel not right that the top brand will be owned by qatar.
3)while a lot of people here kept calling city plastic oil club and now they beg qatar to purchase, some members here have very strong principles, nice to see.

me as nufc fan just wanted to ashley to leave and as long as our owners keep doing what they are doing right now without spending crazy amount of money- i am happy

What on Earth is happening.
What are you on about?
Of course he has connections to the state, who on earth said anything different?!

I guess you don't understand plain English

Easy, Tiger.

People are suggesting that he is independently wealthy from the state and that’s plainly false.

There are no Qatari billionaires that are not linked to the state.
You’re replying to other posts but ignoring mine. Can you explain why the Qatari bid being referenced as ‘private’ means it is not linked to the state? You said it was basic, it won’t take long to explain.

Easy, Tiger.

People are suggesting that he is independently wealthy from the state and that’s plainly false.

There are no Qatari billionaires that are not linked to the state.

Why is it false? The Sunday Times puts his personal fortune at £2bn and my research shows this is a massive underestimate

But obviously he is 'linked' to the state, he managed the Qatari sovereign wealth fund for several years. I have no doubt that he would have to discuss this bid with the Emir of Qatar and get approval before going ahead

That's doesn't mean it can't be a private bid though
Homosexuality is prohibited not only in Islam but other religions as well. When the same sex have a relationship they can’t have kids so they have to adopt other people’s children and make them to have to dads or mothers instead of a mom and dad. They call themselves husband and husband or wife and wife which doesn’t make sense. Men walk different and always want to act like a woman or sound like a girl even though they say they are men. The most problematic and argumentative relationship is the same sex relationship.
Ark at Buju Banton here :wenger:
Why is it false? The Sunday Times puts his personal fortune at £2bn and my research shows this is a massive underestimate

But obviously he is 'linked' to the state, he managed the Qatari sovereign wealth fund for several years. I have no doubt that he would have to discuss this bid with the Emir of Qatar and get approval before going ahead

That's doesn't mean it can't be a private bid though

Are you just playing devil's advocate at this stage?

Obviously, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it's a private bid, but come on, how bloody likely is it?
Are you just playing devil's advocate at this stage?

Obviously, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that it's a private bid, but come on, how bloody likely is it?

Partly, but I saw a lot of people going on about this Forbes estimate of the Al Thani family wealth and saying it shows that they can't possibly afford to buy the club without state money

So I looked into this and realised pretty quickly that the Forbes estimate is total nonsense

how much has he got then?

I reckon £10 to £20bn but it's a guess
Why is it false? The Sunday Times puts his personal fortune at £2bn and my research shows this is a massive underestimate

But obviously he is 'linked' to the state, he managed the Qatari sovereign wealth fund for several years. I have no doubt that he would have to discuss this bid with the Emir of Qatar and get approval before going ahead

That's doesn't mean it can't be a private bid though

Two problems here.

1. You think your research is better than that of The Sunday Times.

2. There are no independently wealthy billionaires in Qatar. It’s all tied to the rulers. He didn’t start a tech company in his garage. He didn’t design something. He’s absolutely a part of the countries governance.

Go and research the source of his wealth. You suggest that you’re good at it. Should be easy.
Two problems here.

1. You think your research is better than that of The Sunday Times.

2. There are no independently wealthy billionaires in Qatar. It’s all tied to the rulers. He didn’t start a tech company in his garage. He didn’t design something. He’s absolutely a part of the countries governance.

Go and research the source of his wealth. You suggest that you’re good at it. Should be easy.

1. Yes I do

2. That still doesn't mean it's not a private bid
I reckon £10 to £20bn but it's a guess

lets say its 20, then he'd have to spend nearly half his net worth on United

and isn't he just buying it for one of his many kids? if he's worth that much seems unlikely the state isn't involved financially
1. Yes I do

2. That still doesn't mean it's not a private bid

Jesus man, you sound like Boris Johnson dying on the hill that is ‘it wasn’t a party’.

Yes you’re possibly correct that it could meet the definition of ‘Private bid’

But where do you think the money was generated? How does he have it?
I have been waiting for new owners for an eternity. Please let them be the least worst option.
lets say its 20, then he'd have to spend nearly half his net worth on United

and isn't he just buying it for one of his many kids? if he's worth that much seems unlikely the state isn't involved financially

Obviously no one makes this kind of purchase for cash - we know there are financial institutions involved since BoA were part of the Nine Two delegation at Old Trafford.

Probably there is some kind of consortium with other investors we don't know about too - that's the way these things are done

Jesus man, you sound like Boris Johnson dying on the hill that is ‘it wasn’t a party’.

Yes you’re possibly correct that it could meet the definition of ‘Private bid’

But where do you think the money was generated? How does he have it?

I already answered that upthread

But that's great that we are agreed that this could be a private bid
Manchester United are currently owned by a family from the most corrupted country in the world. A country that created all terrorist groups in the world ( biggest one being Alqaida). But you don’t see it like that because the media doesn’t show you their shenanigans or you don’t just wanna see it and blame counties like Qatar. America destroyed millions of people’s lives, they killed kids man, women, people in wedding ceremonies. Let’s talk about what they did to Iraq and Afghanistan. The difference between USA and all those wealth Muslim countries combined is like A to Z in terms of human rights. You only want the glazers out just because the way the run the club and you will hate the Qataris for being Qadari no matter how successful they will make the team. Some of you don’t even feel shame when you talk about human rights like there is no Muslim members in this Forum.
:lol: Christ.
Obviously no one makes this kind of purchase for cash - we know there are financial institutions involved since BoA were part of the Nine Two delegation at Old Trafford.

who said they would? But they've already said it's debt free
Honestly this type of thinking you have reflected on is the rationale exmpliary of a child. Manchester United doesn't all of a sudden become indoctrinated to the (exaggerated online) beliefs of a particular system, country or region.

There must be countless middle eastern ventures with investments in british based businesses or banking systems with 99% of people having no idea unless they individually researched the companies financial shareholder / hierarchical information. I think the over simplification of these ridiculous views is because of the sentimentality revolved around supporting a club.

The emotive position many have become infatuated with, have invented this reality that is paradoxical because if the requirement for a particular business is that their countries have to have zero moral issues there wouldn't be one owner from any country who's credible enough to purchase any investment If it was the standard required for an acquisition.
Er, what? This was a struggle to read. You've wrongly applied the use of paradox because you've invented a scenario which isn't happening. People aren't saying the party that wants to own the club have to come from countries with zero moral issues - where did you get that from? The issue is that they don't want to be state backed, by any state anywhere. It's anti competitive and inherently wrong on a sporting level. They don't see Jassim as being completely separate from Qatar which is reasonable given the opaqueness of the bidding process thus far. If the Qatari bid has absolutely zero connection to the state of Qatar then I'd get behind it.
Er, what? This was a struggle to read. You've wrongly applied the use of paradox because you've invented a scenario which isn't happening. People aren't saying the party that wants to own the club have to come from countries with zero moral issues - where did you get that from? The issue is that they don't want to be state backed, by any state anywhere. It's anti competitive and inherently wrong on a sporting level. They don't see Jassim as being completely separate from Qatar which is reasonable given the opaqueness of the bidding process thus far. If the Qatari bid has absolutely zero connection to the state of Qatar then I'd get behind it.

I do get the notion of questioning state backing. Saying it is anti competitive is weird given sports need capital and state sponsorship (e.g. CIVID19) and/or it already exists. Jim moves to wherever to increase his tax efficiencies or reduce the out flow of capital to suppliers of money capital. Smart move, I see that in theoretical terms as state backing. Professor Cliff Bowman and Professor veronique ambrosini wrote an article where they looked in general terms at value, it's definitely worth a read 372713 479..495 ( . At the core is the resource based value (RBV or as some call it RBT resource based theory). Antecedents of the theory can be traced back to competitive environments.

This isn't pointed at you, what I really take issue with is the labelling of Jassim's bidding as Qatari while not labelling Jim's as Luxembourg or wherever.