I don't know, it scratches easily.
Though your shiny looking, in prisitine condition one has made me rather jealous.
Perhaps I'll sell mine for a nice profit and get an 80GB one
I'm not a fanboy!
I just happen to prefer the PS3 and what it offers. If there weren't so many stories like this one, I would happily pick up another, but until the issues are sorted, I won't.
I'll let you touch my PS3 if you want![]()
Elvis, you are a fanboy. Infact your sickening ps3 love in has actually turned me against my own ps3. Stop it
I don't know, it scratches easily.
The 360 is a great console.
Has the best selection of games for any console bar the PS2 and possibly N64 I reckon
It looks as if you've been trying to make cheese on toast in it.
The 360 is a great console.
I have an image in my head of you & your PS3 Weaste, you employ a 24 hour body guard, with cctv and a ex porn film fluffer who 4 times a day cleans the lens and blows through the back to get rid of any internal dust, you care a lot about your console & I respect that.
sooo why havnet microsoft fixed the RoD issue yet, I mean it has been a while and they know the problem exist. What is stopping them or do they just dont bother.
What do you mean "they don't know?"
What was that bullshit figure percentage they gave on hardware failure again?
Well, got it back yesterday, 9 days after I sent it off. (which is actually a lot quicker than I imagined). On top of that it seemed they couldnt be arsed to fix it so they sent me a new shiny elite (which is just as well, I grinded my faceplate to death) I also got given a free 1 month suscription to Xbox live. Im in a better mood now, going to play some Gears 2
Could anyone enlighten me on the towel trick?
How exactly do I proceed if I want to send in my 360 to Microsoft for a repair? My brother said it went through the shop where I bought it, but they seemed unaware of that when I was down there trying to fix my broken FIFA09.
I heard that there are multiple problems mainly due to them designing the thing quickly, then shoehorning a harddrive and wireless controller wiggets in at the last minute, both of which fecked up the air flow/cooling all compounded by rushing it into production and pretty much ignoring the fact that 30-40% of units that reached the end of the production line didn't work compounded further by faulty parts, parts that could be fitted the wrong way around and other comedy. Basically they rushed it out and thought that they could sort everything out with the sort of bug fixes and updates that they do for their software. This is what happens when a software company tries to make hardware without modifying the way they work.
I might have one for free but I wouldn't pay $50 for something that breaks so often and then requires a week or two to be replaced and/or fixed. In fact I'm amazed that people have taken it all so well. They grumble and moan but stay loyal. Bizarre.
In summary gamers are mugs.
go onto the MS live website, support section and log your ticket. They give you a UPS form to print and stick on the box, you call UPS and they send a man to pick it up. A week or so later you get it back. Pretty simple
You are right, but have not fleshed it out to the full. Some of their engineers told them that it wasn't ready and that it wasn't right, but were ignored. I also cannot believe that people have taken it as is. It's sort of like it's expected and then accepted as part and parcel of the experience. Totally unprecedented in consumer electronics or anything else. Imagine a large car company doing the same!
mines was fine for almost 3 years. thats a fair return in my book
They did. They were called British Leyland.
Not in mine!
How much did it cost? GTFO!
about 300 euro at the time with a few games chuck in. Repaired once.
Dell XPS laptop, over 2k at the time. In around 2.5 years its had:
new mb x2
new mem
new video card
new battery x2
new psu x2
new keyboard
and now the screen will need to be replaced because its warping and coming apart
whats better value for money?
whats better value for money?
I've had -I'm actually interested in this. We've been banging on about this crap XB360 breaking for over a year now. At one point the likes of Ret, GB, etc. said "oh, mine's fine". I wonder how many said that to me, yet in the end had to send it in. I think maybe 100%.
No but I did have a Maestro for a while in the early 90s and a MG Metro for a while in the 80s.
My PS3 had a fault when I purchased it but the shop replaced it and I have had no issues at all since then. Of course I'm not a gamer so my priorities may be different.