It's funny you mention poetry because Pac actually wrote the stuff, he even wrote a movie script, he's as talented as they get

On Song writing,His classics are still touching people to this day, does that not mean he's a great song writer? I can listen to rappers spitting the most lyrical verses but if it doesn't have a clear message is it truly a great song? Not in my opinion.
I don't know, seems to be a bit of a contradiction for somebody to be able to get messages across touch people, have his songs being played over a decade after his death by the masses and not be seen as a great song writer. He wrote many beautiful songs.
I have. As I said there are some touching exceptions. His songs about women or his mum were actually very refreshing.He wasn't entirely a gangster no, but the vast wealth of "look how much of a thug I am" stuff is irksome to me
That's the thing, the whole gangster stuff was the exception in my opinion and not the other way round, most of his songs were songs were about real subjects. Being brought up in poverty, racism,love songs, tracks like this, you can tell he's the son a Panther.
Pac felt the racism around him, he used it to preach to the masses and not to sell records. It's not an image, it's how he truly felt. It's what was affecting him (he even won a case against being beaten up by cops for no good reason) and his people all the time and through his music was a way of getting it across to people. Listening to 2pac you could get a real insight of how bad it was in the black projects of America, which has not changed much till this day. He gave people who were suffering a voice.
How many rappers could come out with single's like Brenda has a Baby depicting the life of a young mother like Pac?
On song writing and lyrical ability it's subjective, so many rappers, especially underground ones have amazing ability with words but for me it's about being able to use your ability to get a true message across an touch people. To make songs with meaning, can you turn those metaphors, syllables to make a political message, to touch on poverty, racism, or to even make songs about love, family. For me,that's where alot of these amazing lyricist suffer the most and where Pac excelled.
I like to write songs for fun, but the hardest thing for me is actually getting them to have any meaning, so in that way Pac was a better song writer than Biggy whose lyrics couldn't touch people in the same way.
Pac made great songs! This made him a great song writer!