2024 Summer Olympics (Paris)

While us, french, are shocked by this amount of immigrants.
You haven’t put the far right in power yet, unlike us Americans who keep talking about caravans coming from Mexico…

It’s getting darker, and the lights are adding a lot to the festivity.
It’s a bit all over the shop but I like it. Very French in the respect of “we’re going be provocatively different, but also kinda half ass a lot of it”… it’s like the diametric opposite of the regimented Beijing opening, but I admire the attempt to incorporate the City like this (it helps that so much of Paris is along the river too) and some of the bits are genuinely good ideas.

The directing is pretty awful though. Just randomly cutting to bad angles or jarring cutaways to bits of videos. This fashion show for example… presumably no one there can see it very well, and theyre cutting to it seemingly at complete random for tiny amounts of time, so there’s all these people doing this thing on a bridge for almost no one’s benefit but their own. In the rain.
Brisbane will host the olympics in 2032
I think the athletes look more animated than usual because we’re only seeing each team for a few seconds while they’re passing the camera, so they’re making the most of their time in the spotlight, whereas normally they spend a while walking slowly around the stadium
And surf in Tahiti. Feck. I made bad life choices
I think the athletes look more animated than usual because we’re only seeing each team for a few seconds while they’re passing the camera, so they’re making the most of their time in the spotlight, whereas normally they spend a while walking slowly around the stadium
Usually, most athletes receive zero attention. They disappear among the big delegations. Today we noticed them.
I have to say that I like this format more than the usual ones.
Not sure how they're going to drag this out for another 90 minutes.
I can’t wait until Dublin hosts the olympics and the athletes all dive into the Liffey using our white water rafting facility.
How will USA respond to their opening ceremony after this?
LA can’t do this, unfortunately. The city doesn’t have that many landmarks like Paris. We will probably try a mix of outdoor and indoor, but mostly indoor.

That’s my guess.
Well I reckon I had the same thought as you.... Nice catwalk style.
It’s a bit all over the shop but I like it. Very French in the respect of “we’re going be provocatively different, but also kinda half ass a lot of it”… it’s like the diametric opposite of the regimented Beijing opening, but I admire the attempt to incorporate the City like this (it helps that so much of Paris is along the river too) and some of the bits are genuinely good ideas.

The directing is pretty awful though. Just randomly cutting to bad angles or jarring cutaways to bits of videos. This fashion show for example… presumably no one there can see it very well, and theyre cutting to it seemingly at complete random for tiny amounts of time, so there’s all these people doing this thing on a bridge for almost no one’s benefit but their own. In the rain.

Yeah very French. Don't get the bearded woman doing bizarre moves down the catwalk. But it must be good because it's Paris and they're avant-garde. Or something. Like the whole breaking stuff with blokes wearing tradional French clothing.