2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Is there any reason to feel truly worried/nervous the Wotsit gets back in now.. momentum for Biden seems to have slowed down, but it might just be because PA and GA seem to be drifting a bit..

Am i just being a bit paranoid?
Ballaks- john king is back on CNN board


Other lad was better
Approximately 1m mail-in ballots left in PA with a 70/30 split for Biden would still see him fall short by about 100-150k votes, right? Doesn't look good if that's true.
It should be better than 70/30 I think. Only mail-ins are left?
Is there any reason to feel truly worried/nervous the Wotsit gets back in now.. momentum for Biden seems to have slowed down, but it might just be because PA and GA seem to be drifting a bit..

Am i just being a bit paranoid?

If he's confirmed in AZ, NV, WI and MI which looks likely he won't need GA and PA.
Not so sure. The margin is less than 1 percent. They will stick to trumps playbook. It works

Trump would have lost, after one term, against a nearly 80 year old half senile man that no one really liked. That despite competing in an electoral system that basically give Republicans the red carpet to the white House. In the previous elections trump lost the popular vote against one of the most hated politician in the US. So how on earth had this formula worked?

The republicans were known for Reagan, his financial revolution and the proud capitalistic and patriotic face he gave the US. Now they are known for allowing the orange clown to destroy the US reputation among the very allies the republicans had dragged into so many wars. The US of today is weaker, its laughed at and its believed to be in Putin's pockets. The Republican establishment who hated Trump will now come out and claim their party back

What even is this?

What is if a horse apple was a human, Alex?
PA votes can still legitimately arrive until Friday, even longer for armed forces apparently.

We’re not getting a result there any time soon.
Would it be bad to keep CNN on and have the match on mute on another screen? I mean realistically it's just going to mean Mc Manamanaamaan being muted so..
United should sign this King guy. Imagine him giving a tactical analysis of the opponent before every game, we’d be unstoppable.
PA votes can still legitimately arrive until Friday, even longer for armed forces apparently.

We’re not getting a result there any time soon.

Meh. There are only about 165k active duty members of the US armed forces curretnly serving overseas.
Trump would have lost, after one term, against a nearly 80 year old half senile man that no one really liked. That despite competing in an electoral system that basically give Republicans the red carpet to the white House. In the previous elections trump lost the popular vote against one of the most hated politician in the US. So how on earth had this formula worked?

The republicans were known for Reagan, his financial revolution and the proud capitalistic and patriotic face he gave the US. Now they are known for allowing the orange clown to destroy the US reputation among the very allies the republicans had dragged into so many wars. The US of today is weaker, its laughed at and its believed to be in Putin's pockets. The Republican establishment who hated Trump will now come out and claim their party back

Maybe. But now they have to contend with all the crazies - from QAnon, far-right nutters, and a motley assortment of wild conspiracy theorists - that Trump has drawn into the party
Is there any reason to feel truly worried/nervous the Wotsit gets back in now.. momentum for Biden seems to have slowed down, but it might just be because PA and GA seem to be drifting a bit..

Am i just being a bit paranoid?
MI is in the bag. It's drifting away from Trump with every vote.

Still the biggest question remains WI and Nevada. Unfortunately we will not know the result until tomorrow due to Nevada..

PA and GA will be meaningless.
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