2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Im trying to go to sleep. MI looking a bit sketchy but I still have faith the urban areas will come through. Bit disappointed with how well Trump is still doing in Kent though. Will come down to mostly Wayne, Washtenaw and Oakland County hopefully pushing the needle back the other way. (Ann Arbor, wealthy burbs in the west +Detroit)
does make you wonder what would have happened had COVID not happened?
Trump landslide. He did have the economy looking good and was putting 'America First'. His tough stance with NATO would've played well.

Trump's lead in GA is shortening.
Forget about us and let us die.
John King finally lost his cool
This is what Michigan is still waiting on

In other words, lots of Democrat votes.
I doubt many people will take the pollsters seriously next time. I think its over, think Trump will close it out.

Why did anyone take them seriously this time after the utter shambles last time around? This had deja vu written all over it.
Who was here claiming the other day that Biden's campaign had run a blinder? Apparently sitting in a basement while the other guy kept going to rallies was a masterful move.

I hope he wins, but feck me - how the Democrats can feck up not one, but two fecking crisis (SARS, racism) and not be able to capitalize is mind boggling.
I don't even think covid had much to do with this.

Dems just need to fight dirty just like GOP.
Looks like it's come down to Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania - whoever wins 2 out of the 3 becomes President. I dislike where Biden is right now.

Pollsters have been fraudsters once again - Nate Silver and co need to find new jobs.


Nate Silver's predictions were that a landslide was possible, but not at all likely (less than 1 in 4 chance), that Biden's popular vote % would be no lower than 51% and no higher than 56%. How far off you do you think he'll be on the core prediction that Biden will win, but not in a landslide? Or would you prefer to focus on that one big number that is not stated with even a medium level of confidence?

I think what he's reaffirmed is that he's a bit of a douchebag, but the models are quite accurate in most scenarios if they're interpreted correctly.
If Biden takes Georgia, but Trump sweeps Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, Trump still wins right?
Maybe next time don't run a senile old fecker as your Candidate when you have a population of 350million and that's the best you can come up with.
Why did anyone take them seriously this time after the utter shambles last time around? This had deja vu written all over it.
I got sucked in by them, a mixture of confirmation bias and the hope they had learned their lesson from last time.
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