2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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All three front runners have some flaws so it will be a bit of a tricky choice for Biden.

Harris is deeply distrusted by some in Biden's inner circle and raises concern from many Dems that she just has her eye on 2024.

Rice has never been elected to public office. Her son is an outspoken Trump supporter.

Bass has history with Cuba and been complimentary towards Castro which wont go down well in Florida.

Bass is not happening.
I wonder if Bernie would be the democratic nominee if corona happened a few months before. Biden will have to do now.
Actually I think it would probably have benefitted younger candidates who would have been perceived as less susceptible.... mayor pete for example

I just think Buttigieg turned out to simply not be a very good candidate, so not sure that would help. Also, Bernie did have a bit of a comeback after suffering from a heart attack, which was very surprising at the time.
I just think Buttigieg turned out to simply not be a very good candidate, so not sure that would help. Also, Bernie did have a bit of a comeback after suffering from a heart attack, which was very surprising at the time.

Pete's entire contribution to the primary was saying absolutely nothing of substance and getting slapped around by Klobuchar at every turn. I genuinely hope he never goes near presidential politics again. He embodies everything wrong with modern politics. Probably the most disheartening part of the primary was the sycophantic fawning over Pete's word-salad campaign whilst a candidate like Warren just fell into irrelevancy yet had substantial ideas.
Pete's entire contribution to the primary was saying absolutely nothing of substance and getting slapped around by Klobuchar at every turn.

Let’s not forget his shameless attempts to imitate Obama at every step, including even copying his speech patterns.
I wonder if Bernie would be the democratic nominee if corona happened a few months before. Biden will have to do now.

Nah he was finished on Super Tuesday, a week before Covid became the main story. Maybe he could have fought better in the later races, but the main dynamic of this race was the primary electorate waiting for a clear signal of who the best anti-Trump weapon is. Once Kamala, Pete, and Amy endorsed Biden together 2 days before Super Tuesday, Bernie's fate was sealed. A week of negative coverage for him and positive for Biden, Warren staying in, and his total unwillingnes to attack were all contributing factors.
I just think Buttigieg turned out to simply not be a very good candidate, so not sure that would help. Also, Bernie did have a bit of a comeback after suffering from a heart attack, which was very surprising at the time.

He was just too young to be running for President. There's a decent chance he will try again and be a lot more polished next time.
If Pete were to turn progressive, his popularity would double imo.

If Pete were to turn progressive it would be the ultimate proof that the guy has absolutely zero principles and just does whatever he thinks will get him votes at any given time.

Which we already know to be fair..
If Pete were to turn progressive it would be the ultimate proof that the guy has absolutely zero principles and just does whatever he thinks will get him votes at any given time.

Which we already know to be fair..

That's nearly every politician though. I'd be more impressed if someone has the political courage to evolve from wrong positions instead of doubling down on them for fear of appearing weak or hypocritical.
If Pete were to turn progressive it would be the ultimate proof that the guy has absolutely zero principles and just does whatever he thinks will get him votes at any given time.

Which we already know to be fair..
He’s painfully transparent even as far as politicians go. I hope he is not the future of the party.
I work with a guy who is convinced Trump is definitely going to win in November.

Is this likely or is Biden going to do as well as the polls suggest?
I work with a guy who is convinced Trump is definitely going to win in November.

Is this likely or is Biden going to do as well as the polls suggest?

It’s very, very unlikely at the moment, but anything could change between now and November.

Bass is not happening.

Suspect Biden's vetting team were aware of this and it will have been bought up during the interviews. The fact that she is still on the final 3 shortlist means Bass must have done well during the vetting.

Its pretty impressive how Bass has support from across the political spectrum. Pelosi has been touting her. Conservative George Will backs her as well. Her supports also ranges from Blue Dog Josh Gottheimer to progressive Ro Khanna.

She's pretty much the unity candidate.
Suspect Biden's vetting team were aware of this and it will have been bought up during the interviews. The fact that she is still on the final 3 shortlist means Bass must have done well during the vetting.

Its pretty impressive how Bass has support from across the political spectrum. Pelosi has been touting her. Conservative George Will supports her as well. Her supports also ranges from Blue Dog Josh Gottheimer to progressive Ro Khanna.

She's pretty much the unity candidate.

Has there been any public explanation for that Scientology shit, because for me it’d be automatically disqualifying unless there was an amazing excuse.
I work with a guy who is convinced Trump is definitely going to win in November.

Is this likely or is Biden going to do as well as the polls suggest?

Tell him to go bet his life savings on Trump winning. Those who are the loudest and convinced something is going to happen are those who never back their words with action.
I work with a guy who is convinced Trump is definitely going to win in November.

Is this likely or is Biden going to do as well as the polls suggest?

Literally anything can happen between now and November, but with each day that passes, it becomes incrementally harder for Trump come back since early voting by mail starts in about 5-6 weeks in certain states and with the COVID situation, there's a good chance that a large chunk of the voting population would've already voted by mid October - which is not coincidentally why Trump is attempting to discredit voting by mail.
Has there been any public explanation for that Scientology shit, because for me it’d be automatically disqualifying unless there was an amazing excuse.
Initial story apparently came from Daily Caller (it’s a remarkably fair piece by them that criticizes many of the people speaking alongside Bass that day, still not going to link to that shithole). Some of the remarks by Bass are boilerplate platitudes, but there is next level compliments that are very worrisome.
Has there been any public explanation for that Scientology shit, because for me it’d be automatically disqualifying unless there was an amazing excuse.

Other locally elected officials spoke at that event as well. Barely anyone knew 10 years ago what was going on with the Scientology cult. The bast majority of people have only become aware whats been going on with Scientology with the stories & documentaries that have been released in the past couple of years.
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Other locally elected officials spoke at that event as well. Barely anyone knew 10 years ago what was going on with the Scientology cult. The bast majority of people have only become aware whats been going on with Scientology with the stories & documentaries that have been released in the past couple of years.

I don't know about that. Maybe around Europe that's true, but around California everyone knew about the cult 20+ years ago.
If Pete were to turn progressive it would be the ultimate proof that the guy has absolutely zero principles and just does whatever he thinks will get him votes at any given time.

Which we already know to be fair..

Doesn't this describe every politician? Even Warren flip-flops a fair amount. Bernie is probably the only politician you couldn't say that about, unless you view his support of Biden as changing views also.
What’s the word for rejecting all candidates who are black or poc and wishing your candidate was black? @calodo2003 this is what I was talking about.

There just aren't any quality choices among the options being discussed. Warren is light years ahead of the likes of Harris and Rice on policy.
What’s the word for rejecting all candidates who are black or poc and wishing your candidate was black? @calodo2003 this is what I was talking about.
Not rejecting them, I would love a female VP that is a POC & I am glad there will be one. I just agreed with the statement that Warren would have been the nominee if the timeline were different. Just called it as I saw it, it just happens that Warren is white. She would not have been my choice, however.

It’s pretty much established that there will be a black female VP nominee. If someone criticizes them, that doesn’t mean they are racist, it just happens to be that any criticism will be against a POC nominee. It’s lazy to try to infer racism out of that.

I’m probably leaning for Rice now as I have concerns about Harris (not racist concerns!). Don’t know that much about Bass, but the religious statements are a definite turnoff for me.

Your rose-colored glasses will only let you see things in shades of red. You’re also trying to mash square pegs into round holes. Criticism can be sans racism, it happens all the time.
There just aren't any quality choices among the options being discussed. Warren is light years ahead of the likes of Harris and Rice on policy.
I actually don’t agree on the policy bit. If she gave a damn about policy she would be outraged at what the dnc and Biden are getting upto. My issue here is that you are fine with making fun of Stacey Abrams for trying too hard while also claiming someone who finished 4th in her own state is best out of a group of multiple black candidates. I can understand supporters being biased but wishing she was black is just internalized anti-blackness. You’re idea of “quality candidate” is somewhat rooted in it whether you like to admit it or not.
I actually don’t agree on the policy bit. If she gave a damn about policy she would be outraged at what the dnc and Biden are getting upto. My issue here is that you are fine with making fun of Stacey Abrams for trying too hard while also claiming someone who finished 4th in her own state is best out of a group of multiple black candidates. I can understand supporters being biased but wishing she was black is just internalized anti-blackness. You’re idea of “quality candidate” is somewhat rooted in it whether you likes to admit it or not.

Abrams has never been more than a Lt Governor of a state. That's not good enough to be President (which is the number one qualification of being a VP). If she wants to be considered for higher level positions then she should become a Governor or Senator before spending a lot of time lobbying for VP.
I've never done a mail-in vote, but if you do then do you get some kind of confirmation that your vote has been received? There should be a automated SMS sytem so you get a quick "your vote has been accepted" like they do with your tax returns.
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