(not the radical, Stalin or bust)
My eyes just rolled out of my skull.
(not the radical, Stalin or bust)
So Medicare for All is radical? Only in the US (and wherever they forced their duopoly politics).
Majority of dems are in favor of it, never mind Bernie supporters.
Sounds like a good proposition to win an election by landslide.
Nah, feck that... let's run an old senile fecker without any single message or idea but "I'm Joe Biden and I just forgot what I was gonna say, but it sure can't be any worse than Trump".
The public rejected the guy who ran on it in favor of the guy not running on it. So irrespective of whether a majority of Dems support the policy, it's just one of many things to consider when voting for someone.
Nope, M4A is definitely non-radical. It is a policy I heavily support.So Medicare for All is radical? Only in the US (and wherever they forced their duopoly politics).
Majority of dems are in favor of it, never mind Bernie supporters.
Sounds like a good proposition to win an election by landslide.
Nah, feck that... let's run an old senile fecker without any single message or idea but "I'm Joe Biden and I just forgot what I was gonna say, but it sure can't be any worse than Trump".
Read the thread. Everyone who is not ultra-left and a preacher of communist is called a centrist nowadays.My eyes just rolled out of my skull.
The public didn't rejected him because of his policies though. They rejected him because the media told them he is unelectable and they bought.
So, whats stopping Biden and the DNC, to adopt some of Bernie's proposals, that had big acceptance among all the democrats? And that would also bring a whole bunch of Bernie voters...
The answer is, his corporate masters. (feck democracy.)
Read the thread. Everyone who is not ultra-left and a preacher of communist is called a centrist nowadays.
Every voter gets to decide who they want to vote for based on their own priorities - which this cycle are beating Trump. Most of Sanders policies were not implementable anyway because not enough Dems in congress support them.
@Florida Man @nimic
you too are maga you just have to embrace it
remember these past few days when people say incivility or """class-reductionism""" is why the left loses and the centre wins.
I am definitely MAGA. Make Andropov General-secretary Again.
When the Red Alert remaster comes out I'll be constantly muttering "this one is for you, Comrade Stalin", and silently curse Revan.
in a list of most-hated general secretaries, andropov came last![]()
Unless you try first, every single policy will be not implementable. Elections coming up for the house and senate, so It was perfectly possible to work a strategy towards gaining the necessary support.
Anyway, whats stopping him from just saying he will support it (even if he cant get it done, like many before him with different policies), though? His corporate masters won't even allow him to do that and bring ideas to people's minds. .
He's the William Henry Harrison of General Secretaries, though to be fair to him he at least lasted a full year.
Another trainwreckTrump is a sociopath . Racism to him is just a tool he can use to get what he wants
Why would Biden support it ? He literally just defeated a guy who supported it by running on a different policy.
(not the radical, Stalin or bust)
@Eboue was right about youRead the thread. Everyone who is not ultra-left and a preacher of communist is called a centrist nowadays.
The only true world is the one that exists in Revan's imagination.Communism? Who the hell has mentioned communism in this thread? Why do you feel the need to keep exaggerating so much? It's honestly quite bizarre.
watWhy would Biden support it ? He literally just defeated a guy who supported it by running on a different policy.
The one good thing of Klobuchar is that she is competent (similar to Warren, but a centrist). However, she won’t help much on the election.
I think it has to be between Harris and Warren. Harris for identity politics and Warren to excite some of the left wingers (not the radical, Stalin or bust). I think Biden shot himself on the foot by committing to have a woman as VP, it should have been Bernie and then would have walked the election.
Abrams should not be considered. From state representative to VP is a big jump. Many more qualified people than her should be considered first.
You're right here. Biden adopts more of Sanders' policies and he gets enough to stave off his gaffes that will come. The earlier the better.The public didn't rejected him because of his policies though. They rejected him because the media told them he is unelectable and they bought.
So, whats stopping Biden and the DNC, to adopt some of Bernie's proposals, that had big acceptance among all the democrats? And that would also bring a whole bunch of Bernie voters...
The answer is, his corporate masters. (feck democracy.)
Because Biden didn't won on policy. He won only because of "electability".
He could support Medicare for all, without losing much of his base + gaining a big bunch of new votes. Would be smart business if all they care about is defeating Trump.
If this was true he would've supported it from the beginning, which he didn't - and yet he still won. So he's obviously not going to do it now.
Precisely. I don't think it's true that Biden (and the DNC) wants to defeat Trump whatever the cost.
They could have done so much better if that was the case. It's evident, the corporations who finance the DNC (same that finance the republicans) don't mind losing the election to Trump. For them its a win/win whoever wins.
Biden will be relying on never Trumpers both independents and conservatives. If Biden wins i can only see more centre right policies to appease them.
I find it scary how hate-fueled these elections are. No one really cares about competency anymore, they just wanna see their guy win it at all costs.
They do want to beat Trump, which is why they voted for Biden - who is now consistently polling ahead of Trump. Things seem to have worked out very well for them so far.
This is largely the influence of the weaponization of social media; micro-targeting at home and bot invasions from abroad. It is the new norm we are going to have to deal with going forward.
Of course they can still win without adopting any Bernie policy, but it would be a 100% secure victory if they did.
The fact they are not doing it, makes you think why...
Don't forget the mass media. They exist only to divide.
Ideally, they’d want to keep him in quarantine for as long as possible.Is Biden going to be better managed going forward,? As in “don’t ad lib, the DNC will give you the words, you just say them.”
If left to his own devices he’ll find a way to fcuk it up.
I really do worry about the guy. He’s so unlikeable, to me anyway.
Ideally, they’d want to keep him in quarantine for as long as possible.
Andropov is the one who really could have turned the key.I am definitely MAGA. Make Andropov General-secretary Again.
When the Red Alert remaster comes out I'll be constantly muttering "this one is for you, Comrade Stalin", and silently curse Revan.
Trump isn't racist and either is Biden . Trump goes with what gets him the most whether its power or money .
Biden was clearly making a quip and knows there are black people who will vote Trump and Republican . What he was saying was he doesn't understand why they would same as he doesn't understand why anyone would
Just pure trash and dumb feckery at its finest. We all should have access to whatever it is that you’re smoking.Trump is well known to be transactional. Everyone he encounters is either an obstacle or a stepping stone, and since he's also a highly accomplished liar, it would be hard to take anything he says seriously.
The Dems will continue finding adversaries like Putin since it makes it more convenient to not look into the mirror.
Was there a credible third party candidate last time around?Not having a credible third party candidate will be helpful this time.