2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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They = DNC

Well they won't have the same type of power to stack the odds against him this time by coronating one candidate with super delegates so Sanders should be neck and neck alongside Biden for the nomination.
Avenatti trying to sell himself to the DNC.

You Bernie bros have become a cult of fanbois. He's not the greatest politician ever (exactly how would one calculate such a title?) and some of y'all see this man in the same view as older Repubs see Reagan.
Well they won't have the same type of power to stack the odds against him this time by coronating one candidate with super delegates so Sanders should be neck and neck alongside Biden for the nomination.
He doesn’t even qualify right now.
No, what they don't want is a corrupt, untrustworthy, hugely flawed, complety inept and massively disliked, corporate bought hawk like Hillary.

If the Dems have learned their lessons it will mean they fully back Bernie if he wins the nomination.
If he even qualifies for the nomination process this time.

They’d have backed him had he won, but he didn’t, let’s not pretend he should have. She got million more votes in the primary for all her flaws.
We go down this road every few pages - Bernie was not a Democrat and the DNC was not required to back him in any way. And before some go off again, posters have stated that Hillary, despite having one of the better CVs for a candidate, was an overall crap selection due to many stated reasons.
If he even qualifies for the nomination process this time.

They’d have backed him had he won, but he didn’t, let’s not pretend he should have. She got million more votes in the primary for all her flaws.

yeah its because of the purity dems that refused to vote for bernie because he didnt meet every one of their requirements and instead voted for a candidate who couldnt win the general election. the hillary supporters cut off their nose to spite the face and refused to compromise. when youve got a republican party this extreme, refusing to vote bernie in 2016 was effectively a vote for trump.
yeah its because of the purity dems that refused to vote for bernie because he didnt meet every one of their requirements and instead voted for a candidate who couldnt win the general election. the hillary supporters cut off their nose to spite the face and refused to compromise. when youve got a republican party this extreme, refusing to vote bernie in 2016 was effectively a vote for trump.
Hindsight is so wonderful, 2 years ago most people on the planet thought Hillary was going to win it at a canter.

Sanders for fewer votes in the primary and the only thing his ‘bros’ go on and on about is some polls that show he’d have done better against Trump.

The same polls that showed we should have Madam President right now.
Hindsight is so wonderful, 2 years ago most people on the planet thought Bernie would beat Trump at a canter.

Sanders had better favorables and was projected to beat the GOP nominee and the only thing her ‘bros’ go on and on about is more votes in the primary.

The same votes that gave us President Trump right now.
Hindsight is so wonderful, 2 years ago most people on the planet thought Bernie would beat Trump at a canter.

Sanders had better favorables and was projected to beat the GOP nominee and the only thing her ‘bros’ go on and on about is more votes in the primary.

The same votes that gave us President Trump right now.
Let’s do away with primaries and rely on favorables on polls? :lol:
if the rule you followed brought you to this point, of what use was the rule?
I see, the Dem primaries didn’t give you the candidate you want, let’s get rid of primaries.

The capitalist market doesn’t give you the income you want, let’s murder billionaires.

Ever think the world doesn’t revolve around what YOU want?
I see, the Dem primaries didn’t give you the candidate you want, let’s get rid of primaries.

The capitalist market doesn’t give you the income you want, let’s murder billionaires.

Ever think the world doesn’t revolve around what YOU want?

The world is fecked if it carries on the way it is going. If you can't see that it is unsustainable in every way then it is YOU and people like you that are the problem.

Income inequality along with the destruction of the planet and its resources are leading us to only one conclusion and it's not a good one.

Something has to be done and we as a world need to work as a society to stop it before it is too late. Someone having billions while others cannot feed their kids despite working 60 hour weeks is not fair nor is it right. The world isn't fair, but we have the intelligence and compassion to make it much fairer.

It's really quite simple, the rich need to pay more, far more and we need to do this as a world not just individual countries. That way rich cnuts couldn't avoid tax by moving to other countries or using different tax codes around the world.
The world is fecked if it carries on the way it is going. If you can't see that it is unsustainable in every way then it is YOU and people like you that are the problem.

Income inequality along with the destruction of the planet and its resources are leading us to only one conclusion and it's not a good one.

Something has to be done and we as a world need to work as a society to stop it before it is too late. Someone having billions while others cannot feed their kids despite working 60 hour weeks is not fair nor is it right. The world isn't fair, but we have the intelligence and compassion to make it much fairer.

It's really quite simple, the rich need to pay more, far more and we need to do this as a world not just individual countries. That way rich cnuts couldn't avoid tax by moving to other countries or using different tax codes around the world.
Intelligence I give you. Compassion, not at all. The world is unfair, because we as a species lack the compassion to share. Instead we blow each other up over territory, resources, religion, anything.

In a perfect world everyone would have enough to get by and people who had a lot more would share it with less fortunate ones, but that will never ever EVER happen, because humanity as a whole is shite. Technological advancement might delay the inevitable for quite some more time, but in the end our cnutishness will be our destruction.
That's a very cynical view to take, although I fear you may be right. However, I still stand by my claim that many of us do have the compassion, it just needs to be listened to and used. Education is the key! Get the younger generations to care more about protecting and conservation and equality rather than vapid, shallow and selfishness, greed and materialistic outlooks where Love Island or Kanye are more important than David Attenborough and going out to vote etc....
I think in the end we might pull through for reasons of self preservation. At some point we will have come to a point when it's now or never. And I believe that humanity can come together in an hour of desperation. Though that might be because I've watched too many movies.

I agree that we are certainly capable of compassion. I see myself as a compassionate person and think this is due to the fact that my parents raised me to be like that. In the end all we can do is instill this compassion in to our kids and hope they do the same with their kids. Just that, if anything we're going the opposite directen with Kanye, and Kim Kardashian and electing fecking Trump.
At some point we will have come to a point when it's now or never. And I believe that humanity can come together in an hour of desperation. Though that might be because I've watched too many movies.

I was just about to say this ain't Hollywood, mate. Thankfully, you came to realize that for yourself:lol:. The opposite is true, the more desperate a human(generally, remarkable individuals aside) becomes, the less capable he'll be to show compassionate behavior.
It's exactly that what we are observing right now with Trump and the surge of right wing movements across the world.
Avenatti trying to sell himself to the DNC.

You Bernie bros have become a cult of fanbois. He's not the greatest politician ever (exactly how would one calculate such a title?) and some of y'all see this man in the same view as older Repubs see Reagan.

Most acknowledge his flaws - I've seen @Eboue criticising him on odd occasions where he's disagreed with something he's said. It's just that for the more progressive wing of the party he's comfortably their most viable candidate right now, unless someone else suddenly emerges out of nowhere.
Isn't a big problem with Bernie the fact that he's extremely old? He'l be nearly 80 in 2020. Make way for the next generation.
Why the hell would people vote for Avenatti?
Isn't a big problem with Bernie the fact that he's extremely old? He'l be nearly 80 in 2020. Make way for the next generation.

The problem is that no strong next generation candidates have really made themselves known yet. If Bernie's still fit and able come 2020 and is strategically the best option for the Dems, they'd be silly to hold him back.
The world is fecked if it carries on the way it is going. If you can't see that it is unsustainable in every way then it is YOU and people like you that are the problem.

Income inequality along with the destruction of the planet and its resources are leading us to only one conclusion and it's not a good one.

Something has to be done and we as a world need to work as a society to stop it before it is too late. Someone having billions while others cannot feed their kids despite working 60 hour weeks is not fair nor is it right. The world isn't fair, but we have the intelligence and compassion to make it much fairer.

It's really quite simple, the rich need to pay more, far more and we need to do this as a world not just individual countries. That way rich cnuts couldn't avoid tax by moving to other countries or using different tax codes around the world.
Do point out where I disagreed with making things fairer? However, making things fairer is a long long way from murdering people for being rich that eboue advocates. :rolleyes:

Anyway, not the thread for that, so I'll leave it there.
Do point out where I disagreed with making things fairer? However, making things fairer is a long long way from murdering people for being rich that eboue advocates. :rolleyes:

Anyway, not the thread for that, so I'll leave it there.

you do know that people having billions Are causing milions and millions poor right?

If they do not surrender power, then they need to be made an offer they cannot refuse.
when i listen to these corporatists, they offer no specifics about how they are going to improve the lives of struggling people.

Because they know that once they are forced to give specifics, they will be found wanting.

To see obstacles before you have started is to surrender.

Forget polls, forget what others do.
YOU do what is right. Run on what people Need.

And never give up.
you do know that people having billions Are causing milions and millions poor right?

If they do not surrender power, then they need to be made an offer they cannot refuse.

Billionaires aren't the problem as there they exist in every developed country including ones with strong democratic-socialist systems. The problem is the regulatory framework that allows money to be used by corporations/pacs/wealthy individuals which is what ultimately undercuts democracy by usurping the will of the people in favor of the wealthy. Once that is changed, the democratic process becomes far more effective.
Billionaires aren't the problem as there they exist in every developed country including ones with strong democratic-socialist systems. The problem is the regulatory framework that allows money to be used by corporations/pacs/wealthy individuals which is what ultimately undercuts democracy by usurping the will of the people in favor of the wealthy. Once that is changed, the democratic process becomes far more effective.

Billionaires buy politicians and judges. Directly or indirectly.

All these laws favour them. Not the people.

Yes. They are they problem. They have money they have Not earned.
Billionaires buy politicians and judges. Directly or indirectly.

All these laws favour them. Not the people.

Yes. They are they problem. They have money they have Not earned.

Well you're not going to magically rid the world of billionaires because you hate the fact that they have a lot of money. What you can however change are the laws that allow special interests and wealthy individuals to influence the democratic processes in countries. Its an easy solution and far more realistic than the usual utopian, pie in the sky squealing about the wealthy.
Well you're not going to magically rid the world of billionaires because you hate the fact that they have a lot of money. What you can however change are the laws that allow special interests and wealthy individuals to influence the democratic processes in countries. Its an easy solution and far more realistic than the usual utopian, pie in the sky squealing about the wealthy.

you have missed the point. I dont hate rich people. But I hate the methods they use to enrich themselves.

The neccesity is that the vast majority need to be on a level playing field. The start is providing the basics. Health Care, Guranteed housing, education. These are fundamentel.

The so called American Dream will become a reality.
you have missed the point. I dont hate rich people. But I hate the methods they use to enrich themselves.

The neccesity is that the vast majority need to be on a level playing field. The start is providing the basics. Health Care, Guranteed housing, education. These are fundamentel.

The so called American Dream will become a reality.

Much of that I can agree with, but at the end of the day there will always be imbalances in society where some have far more than others because it takes a degree of agency to do things that eventually build wealth. Some people are simply content with living ordinary middle class lives, some aren't.
Much of that I can agree with, but at the end of the day there will always be imbalances in society where some have far more than others because it takes a degree of agency to do things that eventually build wealth. Some people are simply content with living ordinary middle class lives, some aren't.

I am not a communist. That is not what I am advocating nor are any Socialists I know.

I heard this from a German businessman when he was asked about paying more taxes. He said I do not want to be a rich person in a poor country.

Of course you will have business people who have more. They will hire people paying them a decent wage. And they will pay taxes and have more money to spend. All will benefit.

The current situation is corporations on both sides ensure they get their huge cuts first and leave the majority to fight for what little is left.

Of course they will lie about the problems through the media they own on both sides.
Hindsight is so wonderful, 2 years ago most people on the planet thought Bernie would beat Trump at a canter.

Sanders had better favorables and was projected to beat the GOP nominee and the only thing her ‘bros’ go on and on about is more votes in the primary.

The same votes that gave us President Trump right now.
Childish response. I highly doubt any Hillary supporter would have given a vote to trump, Stein or Johnson if Sanders won the primary. Especially if Bernie put one of the establishment Democrats on the ticket with him. You really fail to realise that its not all about you. Compromise and critical thinking are required to stop a candidate like trump, something sorely lacking in the American electorate at the moment.
Childish response. I highly doubt any Hillary supporter would have given a vote to trump, Stein or Johnson if Sanders won the primary. Especially if Bernie put one of the establishment Democrats on the ticket with him. You really fail to realise that its not all about you. Compromise and critical thinking are required to stop a candidate like trump, something sorely lacking in the American electorate at the moment.

I agree and that's why the Hillary sycophants should have compromised and voted for Bernie, a candidate who would have beaten trump.
People voted for Hillary because of the Clinton name. She had nothing to offer. So she attacked Trump.
Bernie or Bust came about primarily because of the corrupt nomination process that alienated so many Bernie voters.
If Bernie had been nominated those who voted for Hillary would of course have voted for Bernie.
Critically he would have won, WI, MI and PA easy.

Of course he would have been the President.
People voted for Hillary because of the Clinton name. She had nothing to offer. So she attacked Trump.
Bernie or Bust came about primarily because of the corrupt nomination process that alienated so many Bernie voters.
If Bernie had been nominated those who voted for Hillary would of course have voted for Bernie.
Critically he would have won, WI, MI and PA easy.

Of course he would have been the President.

Its hard to say that would've happened since Sanders never had to bear the brunt of Trump's attack machine as she did.
He did not have the Clinton baggage. Importantly his policies resonated across board.

He would have won easy.

You never know what's going to happen until two candidates actually face one another. Much of her baggage was dredged up by Trump's propaganda machine. Take for instance Bannon showing up with a small platoon of Bill Clinton's previously mothballed accusers just prior to the debate - or - the "she's ill and may not be able to serve as President" campaign by Giuliani and others. The Trump/Bannon/Mercer axis wouldn't care how good or bad a person was before the debate; their only objective would be to politically assassinate your credibility by using any combination of truth and lies to get there. Therefore its a bit speculative to coronate Sanders with the simple knowledge of how he was polling against Trump in the primaries.
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