2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Again, nobody is saying they should start shouting. The national guard is trained beyond pointing and shooting guns. They’re trained in CC.
Yes, I don't think we're even disagreeing now. I just said that the Army isn't really... maybe they have a few MP units here and there that are. I know the NG commonly acts in a riot/crowd control capacity.
Good people on both sides?
No man... I wish every single one of them there today is charged, tried, convicted and jailed. Because I'm not a lawyer I don't know exactly on what crimes (there's probably even some specific ones about how you can't break into the Capitol, right). But we also know that's not going to be the case... I'm just not wishing for a bloodbath. Not because I give 2 shits about the maga cnuts, but because its no way to try and keep a country in any kind of shape.
Still a value when compared to other regions like Piedmont.
You can find excellent value there as well, even for the top end wines like Barolo and Barbaresco. In general I find both Piedmont and Tuscany good value, compared to something like say Burgundy.
I hope every one of these "protestors" are identified through facial recognition and more - and later prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law.
An unidentified woman has been shot and is in critical condition
Would it be an exaggeration to state the Trump is in fact the greatest enemy of the American people and democracy right now? That's his legacy, in my opinion.
How the feck do I keep getting surprised by these things? I feel like I should be emotionally protected after four years, but I'm still ever so slightly shocked.
I think its because every time Trump talks or tweets, its usually treading the fine line between just joking and complete lunacy.
Chickens coming home to roost. The roots of this go all the way back to Newt Gingrich and the fall of a party into anarchy.
Would it be an exaggeration to state the Trump is in fact the greatest enemy of the American people and democracy right now? That's his legacy, in my opinion.

No - in fact it would be an understatement.
All this is on Trump’s head. Yet, he won’t feel one ounce of guilt due to him being a narcissistic c***.

Cant believe it got to this.
And by the way, had the politicians been armed, this wouldn't have happened. The turtle would have emptied an AR-15 on those guys and they'd have celebrated him a hero.
You can find excellent value there as well, even for the top end wines like Barolo and Barbaresco. In general I find both Piedmont and Tuscany good value, compared to something like say Burgundy.
Not in Barolo, maybe Barbaresco. IGT values in Piedmont can vary. Barbers offerings are the true values in Piedmont.

Some Tuscan IGTs like Masseto can rival Bordeaux & Burgundy in stratospheric pricing, but there’s plenty of baby Super Tuscans that are everyday wines.
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