2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Fours years ago when Trump was elected, I was expecting a reality show. Seems like the movie was delayed until now.
Shouldn’t the National Guard/army be called in?! This is domestic terrorism
I wouldn’t say enjoying, but definitely find it exciting and fascinating.

It's what I mean. Fascinating. Honestly now I hope they understand what happens when they interfere in other countries and incite violence.
Any chance that Trump uses the Insurrection Act - an insurrection from his own supporters - to declare martial law ... and through it try to annul the election result?
They’re singing the national anthem whilst stopping the democratic process of their country. MAGA logic!
Yes, army. Just batter them.
Just no. All the Army has are rifles, armored vehicles and helicopters (besides other weapons and equipment that pertain even less). In a situation like this all they could do is a massacre.
And here we thought it would be a boring day with endless debates and objections.
feckin cnuts! I don't like wishing ill-will upon other people but I'm wishing all of them on these stupid cnuts and those who are inciting it.
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