2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I''ve had this chilled since Tuesday. Must say I'm tempted to just stick it up my arse and tweet it to @calodo2003.
CNN projects Biden as President-Elect and the winner in Pennsylvania!
Didn't realize Wolf Blitzer had the power to anoint the president of the united states.. :lol:
F cuk off Trump you horrible fat racist cnut of the highest order.
Underrated story how Jo Jorgensen has cost Trump.
Im not sure how much weight that really carries. All the libertarians Ive talked to or heard from in the past few years had in common for instance that they hate the police or at least have a strong dislike for them - bc in their mind they are one of the governments most active tools to limit their freedom. With Trump being so singular about his (opportunistic) unequivocal support for police - I dont imagine that to be a positive to them.
Congrats number 46. The first step hopefully on the road to fighting the far right extremism that's taken root in the world over the past few years.
Im not sure how much weight that really carries. All the libertarians Ive talked to or heard from in the past few years had in common for instance that they hate the police or at least have a strong dislike for them - bc in their mind they are one of the governments most active tools to limit their freedom. With Trump being so singular about his (opportunistic) unequivocal support for police - I dont imagine that to be a positive to them.
Fair point. Of course you can't assume the Libertarian voters would have voted for Trump if Joirgensen hadn't ran.
Yep, which goes back to my point, anytime the word is used seriously, I automatically know to filter out whatever the person is about to say next. It's like an acid test.

Yeah its a massive red flag. Along with words like- amazing person I admire, beta, snowflake etc etc.
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