2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I’m getting a little sick and tired of this constant need to pick at people. Yeah, Biden has stutter, and yeah he’s old and our bodies break down as her get older. I’m pretty sure none of that is a crime. The man carries a lot of wisdom and experience and at the end of the day he’s the one that has carried us over the line to get rid of the worst president in US history and a true danger to the world. Not many could’ve done that and he did.
I’m getting a little sick and tired of this constant need to pick at people. Yeah, Biden has stutter, and yeah he’s old and our bodies break down as her get older. I’m pretty sure none of that is a crime. The man carries a lot of wisdom and experience and at the end of the day he’s the one that has carried us over the line to get rid of the worst president in US history and a true danger to the world. Not many could’ve done that and he did.
To be fair, even a dead man would make a better president than Donald trump. Trump is an absolute disaster.
I’m getting a little sick and tired of this constant need to pick at people. Yeah, Biden has stutter, and yeah he’s old and our bodies break down as her get older. I’m pretty sure none of that is a crime. The man carries a lot of wisdom and experience and at the end of the day he’s the one that has carried us over the line to get rid of the worst president in US history and a true danger to the world. Not many could’ve done that and he did.

He's mentally not all there and he will soon have nuclear launch codes. If he wanted to not be criticized, he should have sat on his porch and spent time with his grandkids. Speaking of crimes though, the Iraq was is a crime and Joe Biden was one of the most influential people in making it happen. In a just world, he would be spending the rest of his life in the hague. instead he gets to limp across the line through a combination of backroom string pulling and an extremely unpopular opponent. joe biden has destroyed millions of lives through his role in the iraq war, the student debt crisis and the crime bill. he will never face any consequences for any of the evil stuff he has done. he deserves so much worse than people posting mean things on a soccer website.
He's mentally not all there and he will soon have nuclear launch codes. If he wanted to not be criticized, he should have sat on his porch and spent time with his grandkids. Speaking of crimes though, the Iraq was is a crime and Joe Biden was one of the most influential people in making it happen. In a just world, he would be spending the rest of his life in the hague. instead he gets to limp across the line through a combination of backroom string pulling and an extremely unpopular opponent. joe biden has destroyed millions of lives through his role in the iraq war, the student debt crisis and the crime bill. he will never face any consequences for any of the evil stuff he has done. he deserves so much worse than people posting mean things on a soccer website.

Big upgrade on trump then!

So you've now discovered he has a stutter, has clearly succeeded in his attempts to mostly mitigate it and no longer define himself as a stutterer, but in moments of weakness it creeps back in and he has to defend himself. Against a disability that's baked into his biology. And yet still you're not going to say...mea culpa?
To sound like a broken record, i genuinely cannot believe the networks have not called NV. There is no projection that allows Trump to win. CNN could call NV and still not call the election. It's borderline malpractice at this point.
So you've now discovered he has a stutter, has clearly succeeded in his attempts to mostly mitigate it and no longer define himself as a stutterer, but in moments of weakness it creeps back in and he has to defend himself. Against a disability that's baked into his biology. And yet still you're not going to say...mea culpa?

He HAD a speech disorder as a child. For whatever reasons as an adult it didn’t affect him.
Now as an old man it’s quite clear to see he’s losing his marbles.
He also seems likely to have dementia.

Having had both patents die of Alzheimers I hope I can recognise dementia and I very much doubt he has anything more than the normal age related slight decline in memory. I also think there is zero chance he would have been allowed to run by the Dems if he had dementia.
Having had both patents die of Alzheimers I hope I can recognise dementia and I very much doubt he has anything more than the normal age related slight decline in memory. I also think there is zero chance he would have been allowed to run by the Dems if he had dementia.

i think you severely underestimate the lengths democrats are willing to go to in order to further their agenda
To sound like a broken record, i genuinely cannot believe the networks have not called NV. There is no projection that allows Trump to win. CNN could call NV and still not call the election. It's borderline malpractice at this point.
What's with the obsession with calling in Us elections ? These channels aren't referees. Why can't someone win it when they win it?
Don Jr suggesting total war. Seems like the right thing to say.

I'd buy that game though Trump: Total war
CNN actually talking to Scaramucci about Trump attending Biden's inauguration to help Trump deal with coming criminal investigations in NY....what the feck.
To sound like a broken record, i genuinely cannot believe the networks have not called NV. There is no projection that allows Trump to win. CNN could call NV and still not call the election. It's borderline malpractice at this point.

How is it malpractice? It means literally nothing. Whether they call it or not nothing happens.

Doxxing yourself when sending threats to journalist.

It’s just really hard to take the intellectual capacity of this lot seriously.
Under normal circumstances this would have been over. A normal President would have conceded yesterday at the latest with the numbers being as they were. We all know this is over. Let them prove that it's mathematically impossible for Trump to win and then start the process of dragging him out of the White House. This doesn't have to be called before then.
I'd love.love love it to happened

I'd pay good money to watch it.

Make it happen trump!
Watched a video by Van Jones last night.
It is not beyond the realms of possibility America is in a civil war by the time that happens.
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