2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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If that happens the red legislature will find a way to have that overturned for sure.

Not likely. After 2000 I don't think Dems would allow Republicans to do that again. They already have their lawyers waiting. As long as they count the mail-ins ONLY, Republicans really don't have a case.
Semi-serious question. What are the odds the ballots get lost/damaged/building set on fire today?
What would happen if the building did set on fire? Seems like something a Trump supporter would do.
Maybe US could do with little less freedom sometimes. Ridiculous that they cant have a common directive on how counts should proceed. There is no need to make this a multi day circus.
Yeah, most of the controversy and uncertainty could be eliminated if there were federal laws and guidelines on how to conduct the election.
Ballots can't be scanned, missing dates, people who got the wrong first ballots. So apparently they're taking today to fix it.
Well that makes more sense. Just immediate reaction is that its Trump related so I guess him questioning the very core of our democracy is having its effect on me too. Fk I hate what this guy and his enablers have done to this country.
Yeah, most of the controversy and uncertainty could be eliminated if there were federal laws and guidelines on how to conduct the election.
It would never happen. State's rights etc. To determine when and how to run their own elections. It's annoying especially when GOP legislatures purposely denied allowing the counts to be started earlier even though they were asked in several of these states.
It would never happen. State's rights etc. To determine when and how to run their own elections. It's annoying especially when GOP legislatures purposely denied allowing the counts to be started earlier even though they were asked in several of these states.
And lets not forget those jokers were successful in a few states to stop counting sooner than the states themselves intended to. That alone makes their crying so disgusting.
Maybe US could do with little less freedom sometimes. Ridiculous that they cant have a common directive on how counts should proceed. There is no need to make this a multi day circus.

But then how would you turn it into a multi day fest of analysis, commentary and advertising? Have you never watched an NFL game... America lives for this.
So legitimate question - does anyone now think that Trump being so defeatist before the election and even attacking Fox even more than before was all a ruse to play on voters minds with the thought "we can't let this guy lose, let's give him something to be happy about - look how nice he is"?
This is mainly due to fast growing Metro areas in the south.

I live in the Raleigh area and sometimes it feels there are more people from New Hampshire than Raleigh here now. It is booming like crazy and the city/area will soon be another Atlanta.

Did you read through his Twitter thread? I think it's pretty compelling!

Just to test your theory, I had a look at the population size vs. 2016 democrat vote, and as a loose indicator of his point, included the % of african americans in each county. Population looks like it plays some role but not quite as much.


To make it just a bit more science-y, here's the relationship between the two on a scatterplot. The African American % of the population in each county is super predictive of voting patterns while the population size has some relationship but there's loads of examples bucking the trend on both sides of that trend-line. R-squared of 0.73 for african american % vs. R-squared of 0.07 for population size.



And without having the data to compare, it looks like that map from 1900 looks about as predictive as any other.

Well that makes more sense. Just immediate reaction is that its Trump related so I guess him questioning the very core of our democracy is having its effect on me too. Fk I hate what this guy and his enablers have done to this country.
That was my initial worry as well for what it's worth. You're right, the feeling is bloody awful.
But then how would you turn it into a multi day fest of analysis, commentary and advertising? Have you never watched an NFL game... America lives for this.
First time I heard people getting super excited about ad breaks in Super Bowl, I gave a "WTF" expression.
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