2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I've had 4 hours sleep in 40 hours I should really go to bed. Part of me doesn't want to in case i wake up to horrible footage of Trump crowds celebrating :lol:
I dont know if he'll do it, but I hope that Biden honours McCain in the way that Trump hasn't. By showing true bi-partisanship to that family, he may potentially attract more moderate republicans.

I love that even in death, McCain finds a way to feck Donald Trump and Mcscrooge
After going to bed last night feeling like shit thinking Trump was going to win the fact it now looks like Biden is on the verge of victory is just brilliant.

What a relief.
Totally agree. I just witnessed one of the nutjobs interrupt a press conference shouting about Biden stealing the election. Trump is a dangerous man and he should be silenced
Yeah, he likes winding people up and then acting like it wasn't his fault when the inevitable shit hits the fan.
This is like when you know your team is going to lose but you want to keep the audience.
Yeah. Been watching for 90 mins.

they keep putting up speakers who say ‘all we want is that every person who voted, as their vote counted, and only counted once, and we have evidence in state after state that this hasn’t happened and Republican voters have been frauded’. Must be 3 or 4 people making same statement!

probably just to keep audience watching to squeeze last dollars of ad revenue from the soon to be terminated Trump Presidency. Fox audience will decrease very soon.
Do you have a good reason why? It's perfectly possible for such a high amount of the population to be ignorant, in fact really that's low.

it probably is low. But the context was suggesting that only republicans are the ignorant ones
i concede that my understanding of American politics is slight. For me personally, I’ll certainly not be running up and down the streets with a pitchfork when it’s announced. My feelings and opinions can however also be formed outside of policies with my morales, personality and characteristics also coming in to play. Trump isn’t a saint, far from it. Trump isn’t a politician, that much is clear. Trump likely lies, as much as the next one. But for 45% of like minded people he represents a change and often fulfilled his promises (based on federal register and executive orders he’s signed/implemented). Put simply, I just couldn’t trust Biden based on ‘all’ my 6 months of learning.

off to bed. Exhausted. Good luck

No, sorry. Fact checking has repeatedly, and I mean repeatedly, shown that he lies magnitudes more than anybody else ever has. There's nothing 'likely' about it and there's no 'as much as' anyone. This is just desperately trying to paint him as better than he is.
Very few actually felt a tax relief, many of the middle class had an increase. No appreciable jobs back either. These two myths just aren’t that true for the majority of people in this country regardless the political flavor.
I’m not disputing that. I’m just stating the reasons some people might vote republican
I've had 4 hours sleep in 40 hours I should really go to bed. Part of me doesn't want to in case i wake up to horrible footage of Trump crowds celebrating :lol:
You may as well wait for Nevada to get called?
Hmm. This is perhaps the 2nd or 3rd tome I’ve watched for an extended viewing. It really is like watching an alternate reality.

And as you say the people who work on this channel and watch this channel truly believe in there alternative reality.

In the end who knows which version is true, but from my perspective the fox side is bat shit crazy.

Check out OANN and Newsmax.
Republicans have gone so far off the deep-end now with conspiracies and claims of fraud... I think the US will probably cease to be an effective democracy at some point in the next 10 years. Could be in the next couple of months.

I actually think this election will see a division amongst the Republican party and we may see half either move to the libertarian party, or the reintroduction of the tea party for the far right loons.

I dont believe that every republican is a right wing loon, but atleast 30% of their demographic falls into that demographic.
imo, the only way trump is reelected off current data is if the trump campaign commits fraud. Legitimate counting is on track for a biden victory.
For many to think that Trump has their best interests at heart is baffling to me. To take in his total sum of work & determine that he is the best choice for them smacks of ignorance. Simple as.

The reason that many support him is to do with their wanting - whether projected through Trump or otherwise - power and control over other people and how they are allowed to live their lives. It's about control versus live-and-let-live. It's always been about that, even tho' the exercise of the freedoms they oppose don't affect their own freedom in any way.

Hence they want state control of women's bodies when it comes to choice re. abortion. Hence they want non-whites to be 'kept in their place'. Hence the chants of "lock them up" when it comes to public figures seen to be different (e.g. ' liberals'). Hence the opposition to allowing gays/lesbians to marry. Hence the deification of the police as instruments of control. And so on.

The alleged "Christianity" of evangelicals, for example, is just a thin camouflage for this desire for power and control over other people - with Jesus (and Trump as his surrogate) projected to be a sovereign king who will return to rule with a rod of iron and punish the "wicked".
Twitter really need to shut Trump up .
His masses of idiots will be out to cause as much mayhem as possible I wouldn't be surprised to see Biden get taking out .
I actually think this election will see a division amongst the Republican party and we may see half either move to the libertarian party, or the reintroduction of the tea party for the far right loons.

I dont believe that every republican is a right wing loon, but atleast 30% of their demographic falls into that demographic.
Somehow we need to harvest the very kind side of the two men that housed Borat and remove the gullible crazy part and we can have a nice country again.
100k new Covid cases recorded today!!!

I guess there would be many more than that on Election Day itself
As a non-American, these last 24-36 hours have been spectacular entertainment given there's no stress involved. The one hour of sleep in the last 36 hours has been completely worth it :lol:
Do you have a good reason why? It's perfectly possible for such a high amount of the population to be ignorant, in fact really that's low.
People are tired of politicians, you know? They never get things done. Obama never did anything and his health care plan literally cost people millions in private health care bills. He also divided the nation with his fake news. People were tired of it and Trump was the solution. He's got things done, like ended poverty and made cyber. He built a new wing of the military and fixed terrorism. He's been unfairly treated by news outlets making up lies about him doing things like divide people when the reality is he's brought the nation together in love and happiness and anyone who disagrees can line up and be shot. Now they're trying to steal the election from him by counting "votes". But where did these votes come from? You can't prove that real people voted for Biden. You can't prove anything. But I can because I watched a podcast by two dipshits who work part time at Baskin Robbins.
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