2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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dafuq is he going on about? 'What will you do for me as a Muslim?' 'You should report terrorism'
Trump was rambling and offered no solutions but I don't think Hilary's answer was all that strong.
Notice how Trump doesn't get within a certain distance, often looks away from the audience member? Speaks volumes of him as a person, granted Hillary has been in this game for years but does show personality somewhat.
He has no idea about anything - just a bluffer bully boy

He's just rambling about nonsense
A minute later when Cooper pressed him on how he would fix health care he rambled about the competition of health insurance companies.

I can just assume his voters have a similarly troubled brain. Unbelievable.
Notice how Trump doesn't get within a certain distance, often looks away from the audience member? Speaks volumes of him as a person, granted Hillary has been in this game for years but does show personality somewhat.

Probably shows preparation more so. Trump looks like someone who decided to run for president this morning.
"Muslims need to report"
"We need Muslims to be our eyes and ears"

As I said, she's just more subtle.
The ban should never have been one of his policies at all. It's not something he can just reverse out of, it's too extreme.
Khan would be alive if Trump was President at the time. fecking hell.
"I believe in building safe zones"

Well, that's something I never thought I'd hear from Trump.
Martha is interrupting YOU and not Hillary because YOU'RE RAMBLING TOTAL SHIT AND NOT ANSWER THE DARN QUESTION, you brainless moron!
Wasn't Trump in favour of going into Iraq in a Howard Stern interview done after 9/11?
:lol: He won't gain anymore votes now, he's done. All he is doing now is scrambling to save voters and not lose anymore.
I feel the opposite. He could turn it around, sadly.
Probably shows preparation more so. Trump looks like someone who decided to run for president this morning.

Interpersonal skills. You look the person in the eye, maintain a certain distance (or closer when necessary). He needs to maintain more focus on the person versus just immediately turn away, as if dismissing the person.
Drumpf's desperation is palpable tonight. He knows he's toast unless he hits a grand slam tonight.

I think he's come off better than expected so far. Managed to pin Clinton down on emails a bit, and even on the Bill issue she didn't completely deny it as such. He rambles and he's petulant but this isn't as one-sided as the first debate.
God he is a buffoon, always trying to squeeze the last word in. Shouting over everyone, while still not answering the question that was asked.
Hard to call the debate so far. I think it will break for Clinton though eventually just because, ironically, he has no stamina...

Clinton is winning by default. It's by no means a strong performance, but Donald hasn't actually said anything remotely political.
As horrendous a human being as he is, and as awful as some of the things he's done and said are, his worst crime might be making Hillary Clinton look good.

These two fighting for the highest profile job in the world, like a pair of hillbilly cousins on Jerry Springer, is absolutely shameful when we can manage to stop laughing at it for long enough to notice.

Instead of listening to two impressive, experienced and accomplished individuals debate on important issues, we're listening to two family brand names throw shit at each other about misogyny, sexual abuse, fraud and the abuse of power and classified information.

I have to remind myself every so often that this is real life and not just the latest E Entertainment gossip column.
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