And how convenient the plane they used had cars in it and would be necessary for later. I told my date last night to expect the cars to be used soon enough.

Then the movie was made based on the Mayan prediction.

Which apparently never happened. The calendar was just the end of, well, the calendar, and not a prediction.
Just got back from seeing it (forced to see it at the cinema) and omg quite possibly the worst movie I have everr seen, cheesiness was unbearablee at times, poor story, acting, casting, etc
Saw it, enjoyed it despite the huge plot holes, forgot it almost immediately.
Saw it last night. It was an enjoyable film if you took it lightheartedly (i remember saying the same film about the latest Indiana Jones film when it came out.) Lots of cheesey momenys, the CGI especially, while showing of, was cheesey. I'd also like to point out that the American president and the fat Russion was some of the worst acting in a 'blockbuster' movie i have ever seen.
The bonus being that it was stand alone cheesyness. The Indiana Jones movie had a great deal to live up to and despite being ok failed horribly to get even close to the standard of the first two, which were brilliant, or the third which wasn't quite as good.
Saw it last night. It was an enjoyable film if you took it lightheartedly (i remember saying the same film about the latest Indiana Jones film when it came out.) Lots of cheesey momenys, the CGI especially, while showing of, was cheesey. I'd also like to point out that the American president and the fat Russion was some of the worst acting in a 'blockbuster' movie i have ever seen.

agreed, I just burst out laughing at times :lol:
What a horrible movie, me and my date practically laughed our way through it. It was so ridiculous it got funny.

Veiled attempt at saying I've got a date
After I have watched the movie, now I wanna learn how to pilot a Boeing 747, could be useful in the future :)
I watched this on Sky Movies last night. Jesus Christ it was terrible. I wasn't even impressed with the special effects. Some of them looked awful.